(By Ray D.)
We knew this would happen. We knew some sick member of Germany's extreme left-wing media would express their deep joy at the tragedy in New Orleans. Of course, we hoped that such twisted outbursts of Schadenfreude would simply never happen. But this is Germany. This is the same country where 31% of Germans under 30 believed the US government could have been behind September 11. So, in a way, we weren't shocked to see the following piece by Philipp Mausshardt in the Tageszeitung (taz). But the article, entitled "The True Catastrophe" is shocking nonetheless. The concluding paragraphs read:
"Yet joy and sympathy beat simultaneously in my chest. I am, for example, joyful at the moment that the latest hurricane catastrophe hasn't again hit some poor land, but instead the richest country in the world.
Yes, I even see in that a form of balancing justice for that which the inhabitants of that country have done to others through their war in Iraq.
I would, however, be even more happy, if I knew that only the houses of Bush voters and members of the Army had been destroyed.
I feel genuinely sorry for all the rest."
What an enlightened thing to think: It's just fine if people suffer, suffocate and starve, as long as they are political opponents or have a different worldview. It's just fine if people lose their homes and drown in their own feces, as long as they are members of the US military and red-state Bush voters. It isn't so bad that an entire city has been flooded and thousands killed and displaced because it is somehow "balancing justice" for this to be happening to the United States and not some poor nation.
Dead Hurricane Victim: "Balancing Justice" (photo
Mausshardt: Hope that corpse was a Bush voter or military! Now that's fairness! (photo
Mausshardt: Katrina America's Packback for Iraq (photo
TAZ: "Yet joy and sympathy beat simultaneously in my chest." (photo source)
And make no mistake, far more people in Germany share Mr. Mausshardt's views than anyone is willing to admit. The only difference is that Mr. Mausshardt is extreme enough to express his opinions openly. We have already heard
more than one story of other Germans expressing similar views in private. Disgusting but true.
And think about this: Is it any wonder that sick people like Mausshardt continue to turn a blind eye to the world's most brutal dictators while they blast the United States? These are the very same people who celebrated Stalin's holocaust sixty years ago as the brave new world. These are the very same people who locked people with different political views away to rot in Stasi prison cells. These are the very same people who still can't admit that Germany is free and democratic today (and not one big Soviet colony) largely because of the men and women of the United States Military...ironically the very same people they wan't to see suffer and perish today.
And make no mistake: People like Philipp Mausshardt must be aggressively confronted when they write this sort of disgusting garbage. We at Medienkritik would like to hope that Mausshardt does not represent the majority in Germany. We honestly believe that he does not...but sometimes we are not always so sure about that...and that is what worries us.
You can contact Mr. Mausshardt via taz at: [email protected]
Update: In the latest TAZ editorial by Michael Streck entitled "America Ashamed of Itself", the author writes what it is really about for the angry left...and it's not helping those in need:
"One week of the flood catastrophe make it even clearer: The United States is standing at a breaking point. "Katrina" will burn itself into the public conscience like "9/11" or Saigon. The storm not only destroyed America's picture of itself. It has, moreover, the power to end the Republican era sooner than expected. America is ashamed of itself." (emphasis ours)
Make no mistake folks. For the bitter left this is an enormous moment of opportunity. Or so they think. From the beginning this has been about the blame game. They hope that this horrible disaster will sweep them into power more quickly than they had hoped. Sad but true: At a moment when America needs to unify and overcome political divisions, many hope to exacerbate those divisions and the tragedy that is Katrina to their own political ends. The media feeding frenzy has only just begun, so buckle your seatbelts. And these are the same people who always criticize Bush for being a divider instead of a uniter...you may throw up now...
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