What a surprise! DER SPIEGEL has it all figured out again. The shootings in the United States have a name and a face: Donald Trump. That’s right – according to Der SPIEGEL’s latest authoritative feature article on the shootings in America – Trump has created a “climate of hate” that has led to a new “White Terror” and “racial extremism”.
(Above image from Der Spiegel's feature article promo): "White Terror: USA The El Paso massacre is the consequence of a new racist extremism in the United States. Donald Trump must unite the country as President, but he created a climate of hate that he now can barely bring under control.”
Well - aside from the fact that SPIEGEL is swallowing the American Left’s portrayal of Trump as racist and the NRA as a mysterious all-powerful cabal of proto-white-supremacists – what is most notable is that they almost totally ignore the Dayton shooter. Why? Because apparently, he was a fan of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – and that does not compute with the pre-set SPIEGEL narrative of the United States in which the Social Justice Warriors of the Left are the noble underdog saviors being held down by the reactionary, gun-toting forces of darkness.
As a result - SPIEGEL has no appetite for any examination of the Dayton shooters’ admiration of prominent Democrats. In fact, in a prolific feature article consisting of over 40 paragraphs and 3,000 words - in which the El Paso shooter is mentioned by name 24 times in 16 paragraphs - the Dayton shooter is mentioned by name only twice in a single paragraph. And here it is strictly to downplay the influence that Democrats had on him (our translation of original German text):
“Additionally the perpetrator of Dayton, according to Trump on Wednesday, was unlike the El Paso shooter, a “fan of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. In other words, a Leftist. While it is true that he composed corresponding tweets, he seems to have, according to the FBI, sympathized with numerous violent ideologies, and furthermore investigators are still checking whether he had connections to the so-called Incels – radical woman-haters. And unlike the El Paso shooter – he did not base his actions on politics and his motive is still unclear – his sister is among the nine victims.”
So big shocker: While SPIEGEL spends thousands of words and dozens of paragraphs attempting to insinuate that Trump is directly or indirectly responsible for El Paso – NOBODY at SPIEGEL (corporate-media-to-the core dedicated to profiting from anti-Americanism since time immemorial) dares to obsess about (or even examine in the most cursory manner) the Dayton shooters’ potential political motivations and how they may have been shaped by the general climate of hostility and hatred whipped up by far-left politicians, members of academia, media networks like MSNBC or violent extremist movements like Antifa. (Do we need to mention a previous nutjob who shot up Republican Members of Congress?)
The Heart of Bias
Let’s be honest – most adults recognize that the Dayton and El Paso shooters were and are deranged maniacs who went around shooting innocent victims who bore zero responsibility for what they believed (in their warped under-developed minds) was plaguing society or worth killing for – and no politician (whatever you may think of Trump, Sanders or Warren) can be held remotely responsible for their insane criminal actions. One shooter was a right-wing nutcase and one was a left-wing nutcase – and because SPIEGEL’s readers are far-Left and hate Trump – they choose to focus on one nutcase’s deranged motivations and tie them in any way possible to Trump - while completely downplaying and dismissing the other side.
By contrast: Whenever members of ISIS massacre innocent people at a hotel, concert or shopping center as an act of intentional, organized and pre-meditated murder – they are somehow characterized as misunderstood revolutionaries spurred on by the injustice and sins of the West. This is the insane biased thinking of the SPIEGEL Eurosnob elite where the default is to blame the forces defending (what is left of) Western civilization.
Simply put: This article is yet another example of The Heart of Bias at Der Spiegel.
Der SPIEGEL Editor to Loyal Unthinking Troops: “I love the smell of Bias in the Morning. It smells like P-R-O-F-I-T-S…”
(Endnote: The translations in quotes are ours, and we intentionally choose to omit the names of the shooters.)
UPDATE: Is Der Spiegel going to report that the rhetoric of the Angry Left has now led to the targeting of members of U.S. Law enforcement? Shots were fired at an ICE office in San Antonio - and these shots could have killed anyone inside. Looking forward to extensive coverage Der Spiegel - including a long research article on the causes and background of these increasing attacks - since we all know you are a reputable unbiased news organization.
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