Great article by Victor Davis Hanson - who notes:
In recent polling, Germans were more anti-American than any other nation in Europe. And while about 75 percent of Americans believe the U.S. still has a good relationship with Germany, only about a third of Germans feel that way about the U.S. Nearly half the German population in some polls want U.S. troops out.
Note that Germany piles up the largest annual trade surplus with the U.S. of any nation in Europe — roughly $55 billion to $70 billion in most years. The Trump administration says the surpluses have grown in large part due to asymmetry in tariffs and duties, with Germany the far more protectionist of the two partners.
With Germany now united, rich and often angry, and with the Soviet threat largely over, it’s Germany, not the U.S., that seems to have altered its view of this once-solid relationship.
Does Merkel really believe that if her nation cuts huge deals with NATO’s historically greatest threat, polls as the most anti-American country in Europe and still refuses to honor its promises to increase defense spending, Germany still deserves a large American commitment of 36,000 troops to anchor its defense?
Germans were and are anti-American largely because of what this blog has been pointing out for nearly two decades. Few people in positions of power, save former Ambassador Grenell, have sought to address it directly - because most of them are part-and-parcel of the leftist elites that rub elbows with the Hate America media (in both Germany and the USA).
Enough is Enough: It's Time For A Major Shift in US-German Relations
Germany's is the the true story of the ultimate spoiled brat-child. America has spent decades and untold billions (perhaps trillions?) of dollars to rebuild and defend Germany while the German press and elites have bathed themselves in an unending stream of Hate America bile and bias. They profited from beneficial trade deals and being able to divert money they would have otherwise spent on defense to domestic spending on lavish social programs, all at the indirect expense of the U.S. taxpayer.
Honestly - it's time for the United States to give the spoiled brat-child a real reason to hate it. It's time for some true tough love. Germany should either meet its defense spending obligation as a leading country in NATO - or the United States should consider options such as:
- Instituting stringent enforcement of NATO spending requirements and ejecting scofflaw nations such as Germany who fail to meet set deadlines.
- Redeploying most or all troops to other countries further east and demanding repayment in some form of the years of German freeloading on U.S. defense spending.
- Revising trade arrangements to significantly reduce German exports to the U.S.
- Appointing Ambassadors and other representatives who aggressively call-out the systemic anti-American bias that is pervasive in German media - and not allow German officials to simply dismiss it as "free speech" - but force them to recognize it for the long-standing, systemic cultural illness that it is - and address it head on.
This would be wildly unpopular with Germans - and would probably lead to the breakup of NATO anyway - or at least Germany's departure - but honestly - WHO CARES - they already bitterly resent America - and the United States has nothing to lose and everything to gain from a major and sorely overdue rebalancing of the relationship.
We need to get honest about the relationship and stop pretending it's 1986. If Germans want to sit back and continue to lecture the United States about how morally superior they are - they can do so without reaping the benefits of American defense spending and without the ability to export nearly as much product to the United States.
Simply put: It's time for a spanking!
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