Today Germans flounder with higher energy prices resulting directly from the fundamental miscalculation of the SPD's (Social Democrat Party's) decades-long "Ostpolitik" - the assumption that first the Soviet Union - and then Russia - could be appeased and brought into the fold of peaceful nations - and conveniently serve as a source of cheap energy for German industry and export. And all this while the United States continued to bankroll Germany's defense to the tune of untold billions of dollars. It was literally having your cake and eating it too.
They flounder as a result of the failed policies of one Gerhard Schroeder - Germany's last SPD Chancellor - a man who teamed up with "flawless democrat" Vladimir Putin to build Nordstream and then promptly went to work on the board of Gazprom just weeks after leaving office. This naïve, decades-long embrace of Russia by the SPD and other German elites dating back to at least the 1970s - and failure to diversify Germany's energy suppliers - has provided Germans "die Quittung" (the receipt) that they pay today in higher energy and other prices - as well as a less secure Europe.
And Germans have frantically rushed - in record time - to erect LNG facilities as their economy - built on this house of cards of long-term appeasement - continues to crumble. For the first time in history - Germans pushed aside their armies of "Beamten" (bureaucrats) - and got an infrastructure project done in reasonable time. And then the SPD - looking at the one source of energy that could potentially bail them out of this crisis - the one thing that could help them get out of this mess faster - has chosen to double-down on the idiotic policies first brought to us by the German Greens: Atomausstieg - or the elimination of nuclear power plants in Germany. Instead - Germany is burning dirty coal to close the energy gap. Now how about that for an environmentally responsible energy source!?
And if you were thinking of perhaps shedding a tear for our poor German friends - here is a Twitter post just put up today by Germany's SPD Bundestag (parliamentary) representation:
"Atomic energy? And goodbye!"
If you are a clear-minded individual who has not been sucked into the anti-nuclear hysteria sold to Germans by the Greens and SPD for decades now - you are completely justified in shaking your head and wondering: "What the heck are they thinking???"
Dear friends: They are doubling-down on stupid. They are unable to defend the fundamental and profound failures of their party in decades gone by - and so they cling to dogma. Hopefully - one day - wiser, less naïve ideas will prevail.
In the meantime - we would recommend to Germans a Rot-Grün-Ausstieg.