We don't want to say "we told you so" - but just read this article we posted in 2011. We precisely described and satirized the culture and conditions in German media that created the Relotius train wreck years before it happened.
Direct quote:
It is important to remember - however - that the group of people calling the shots in the German media in 2002 and 2003 are essentially still running the show today. Given the right political conditions and the media's tendency to follow larger political patterns, they would gladly return to the high-pitched anti-American hysteria that flooded German media only a few years ago.
Further - the fictional correspondent we describe - were he in fact to surrender wholeheartedly to the insatiable demands of the editors (described by Andrei Markovits) - would be Relotius personified. Relotius simply went further than his colleagues - departing from the subtle lies of bias and omission - and fully embracing the heart of darkness...
The Horror: Relotius is the dark and inevitable consequence of a dogmatic culture gone wrong...
Not surprisingly, no one at Spiegel was listening to us back then...
Another example of lying anti-Ami journalism from Germany and also from your archives is Markus Guenther. From 2007.
Posted by: GringoTex | January 07, 2019 at 02:14 AM
Welcome back. Sooo. How much do you love our GEOTUS?
Posted by: Josua Hinterseher | February 10, 2019 at 01:30 AM