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U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates needs to lay off pressuring a free and sovereign nation like Germany.

The Germans are at peace, life is good, prosperous and tranquil and its social system is keeping the people fed, content and worry free.

The thousand year old demons of social unrest, internal ethnic conflict (they did a pretty good job killiing them off 60 years ago) and a Nietzsche Übermensch complex are today genetically dormant.

But now Mr. Gates is upsetting this pristine balance of love, happiness and harmony.

btw... I've always wondered why we keep two combat divisions -- one infantry and one armoured -- at a cost of $3.5 Billion every year to the US taxpayer, in such a peaceful country.

Congress needs to bring them home, bring home the 6th Fleet too and allow Germany and EUtopia enter the golden age of Peace and Happiness without the USA.

A great German political Philosopher named Karl Heinrich Marx once said:

[.. The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism ..]

Mr. Gates is disturbing the peace.

best regards

Dog and Pony Show:
It is coming to that, and not just for Germany. I doubt that many Germans realize that some ignorant stupid Amis have taken the time to observe and listen to Germans and Europeans in the last 6 years. Opinion polls of US citizens with regard to Germany are generally positive.I wager that if this US opinion of Germany were correlated with KNOWLEDGE of Germany,a different picture would ensue. BTW, my brother-in-law, born in Germany,no longer wants to visit where he was born, because of how Germany has changed in the last 15 years.Acts have consequences, even German acts towards the US.

Recall that one reason that Tony Blair had for supporting US action in Iraq was to forestall US isolationism. If we don't support the US here, he reasoned, the US will not support us here in Europe.The storm of EUROSNEERS that the US has endured in the last 5 years has only strengthened support for isolationism in the US. I don't think most Europeans realize how strong sentiment in the US is to say," the hell with Europe (wherever)."
One irony is that the EUROSNEERS think that the Democrats are their friends. Perhaps with regard to Iraq they are, but as the Democrats are isolationists, they are very unlikely to support any US action abroad that Europe would perceive to be of benefit to Europe.

Do the EUROSNEERS really want the US to pull up the moat, and deal with the jihadis, Russians, and Chinese on their own?

Last Tuesday, October 7th, the second presidential debate that took place in Belmont University in Nashville attracted over 60 million viewers. Instead of coming to a more firm deliberation on how to improve the well-being of the United States and all of the American citizens who inhabit it, more questions have raised about how exactly these presidential candidates intend to better our obliterated economy. Frequent questions asked about the $700 billion Wall Street bailout were left unanswered. People are upset and even fear that it would not work and are in search of reassurance and a solution. It seems like their main focus is basically to criticize each other in hopes of rounding up a larger number of followers than the other. Their proposed intentions are based on completely irrelevant issues. Let’s take Barak Obama’s stance on payday advance lenders for an instance. He categorized them as “predatory lending”- effectively sanctioning the industry. This is not an issue that is downheartedly affecting our economy. As the real economic problems are ignored, they spend more time finding and using the pettiest affairs to add spice to the banking production.

Post Courtesy of Personal Money Store
Professional Blogging Team
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Last Tuesday, October 7th, the second presidential debate that took place in Belmont University in Nashville attracted over 60 million viewers. Instead of coming to a more firm deliberation on how to improve the well-being of the United States and all of the American citizens who inhabit it, more questions have raised about how exactly these presidential candidates intend to better our obliterated economy. Frequent questions asked about the $700 billion Wall Street bailout were left unanswered. People are upset and even fear that it would not work and are in search of reassurance and a solution. It seems like their main focus is basically to criticize each other in hopes of rounding up a larger number of followers than the other. Their proposed intentions are based on completely irrelevant issues. Let’s take Barak Obama’s stance on payday advance lenders for an instance. He categorized them as “predatory lending”- effectively sanctioning the industry. This is not an issue that is downheartedly affecting our economy. As the real economic problems are ignored, they spend more time finding and using the pettiest affairs to add spice to the banking production.

Post Courtesy of Personal Money Store
Professional Blogging Team
Feed Back: 1-866-641-3406
Home: http://personalmoneystore.com/NoFaxPaydayLoans.html
Blog: http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/

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