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Bezeichnend für die Qualität dieses Blogs ist die Auswahl der Quellen dieses Beitrags. Die Masse an realitätsfernen Behauptungen wird durchzogen von Zitaten aus mehr als zweifelhaften Quellen. Es ist eigentlich keine Überraschung für jemanden, der die deutsche Berichterstattung kennt und objektiv analysiert, dass der Blogautor auf solche Quellen wie den medientenor angewiesen ist. Nur so ist es ihm möglich, seine augenscheinlichen Nachweise zu liefern, die für den deutschUNkundigen Leser einen solchen darstellen mögen, für alle denkenden Leser aber ein weiteres Indiz für die Unsachlichkeit auf "Davids Medienkritik" ist.

Notiz von David: Bezeichnend für die Qualität dieses Kommentars ist die Auswahl der Zitate, mit der gegen die Analyse von Ray argumentiert wird. Die zitierten Mediatenor-Inhalte sind für die Schlußfolgerungen nur als bestätigtende Zusatz-Informationen gedacht. Zentral für die Analyse von Ray sind die Interviews mit deutschen Auslandskorrespondenten, die er selbst in Washington durchführte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Interviews sind für die deutsche Medienlandschaft eine moralische Bankrott-Erklärung. Ich verweise auf die Aussagen von Eberhard Pilz/ZDF, Martin Wagner/Bayerischer Rundfunk, Michael Streck/Stern, und andere.
Die Studie von Ray wird ein Aufheulen aus der linken deutschen Medienecke zur Folge haben - wofür der Kommentar von netkaf ein erstes, ungelenk formuliertes Beispiel ist.

Unter den Besuchern und Fans dieses Blogs sind auch viele deutschkundige Leser und die stimmen, wie ich, der Meinung dieses Blogs vollauf zu. Ihr Versuch den Blog als solchen zu diskretitieren mit den Verweis auf, in Ihrer Meinung "zweifelhaften" Quellen ist bezeichned für Ihre realitätsferne. Richtig zweifelhafte Quellen sind anscheinend mehr als genung Beweis für viele Medien in Deutschland um eine voreingestellte Meinung zu Präsentieren. Vielleicht sollten Sie auch bei denen mal diese Kritik vorbringen.
Wenn Sie mit der Meinung die dieser Blog vertritt nicht einverstanden sind, sind Sie gerne dazu aufgefordert dies hier sachlich zu diskutieren.

"Einen kritischen Blick auf den Mediatenor wirft der NDR in dem Artikel "Datenmanipulation - Die Kampagnen des Medien Tenor""

- Überraschung!

@ netkaf,

A sad, (if not predictable) defensive knee-jerk reaction. It seems that some will blindly defend the media establishment no matter what its flaws and no matter what people inside the establishment say. Instead of addressing the actual implications of the sources in this paper, (the majority of which are first hand interviews), all you can do is refer to a smear job carried out on Medien Tenor (one of my few second-hand sources) by a media source (NDR) and author with a clear political agenda.

I think it is time to address what German journalists are actually saying about their own field. This is no longer just about what Davids Medienkritik says, it has become much larger than that. The truth is that most reputable German journalists know that there is a major problem with the way they cover the United States. The truth is that the problems discussed in this paper only represent the tip of a very large iceberg.

I would like to read the interviews in full length at some point of time (after the thesis is published?), either here or as an e-mail. Would that be possible? TIA

It's a well-written paper.

One quote in the first paragraph (about German TV broadcasters coming across as part of 'their' government) bothered me, though. I can easily understand how some reporting could "come across" that way. However, such statements (which are also annoying when they're made about American media) draw attention away from more likely causes of unbalanced reporting.

Real causes, such as personal bias, pandering to public sentiment, and overreliance on sources which share one's own biases, are addressed throughout the rest of the article. I just think that the paper would be more persuasive without the remark that I mentioned.

"Bezeichnend für die Qualität dieses Blogs ist die Auswahl der Quellen dieses Beitrags. Die Masse an realitätsfernen Behauptungen wird durchzogen von Zitaten aus mehr als zweifelhaften Quellen."

Knee jerk reaction is right! Can you please explain to us how direct quotes from major German jounalists who play a major role in determining the content of German media coverage of America are "assertions divorced from reality?" What reality are you living in? Are we to believe that German journalists who discuss their own work first hand are "doubtful sources." Get real! The truth hurts, doesn't it, netcaf?

Extremely telling first reaction. Gradually the lid can not cover anymore the broth of bias and ideology and it starts spilling over. Even some cooks start complaining about the ingredients. How do the owners and enablers react? Get a stronger lid and lock it in place - cover everything up. Of course, meanwhile the pressure keeps mounting and the situation is bound to get even uglier, but who cares... True vision was not the apologists' strength anyway, otherwise they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

I have very much respect for the few, but good journalists who have the courage to speak up. This is not about Bush and America anymore, it is about redeeming their profession.

It's always been that way here, hasn't it? I mean with the censorship. If it isn't imposed upon them "from the outside" ("I am a victim" syndrome), the Germans have to censor themselves. It's all quite logical really.

Gibt's den Aufsatz auch auf Deutsch? Solltet ihr einstellen!

I am sorry, but if someone invades an other country for oil, journalist are going to criticize the US aswell as the German people.
This has nothing to with brainwash, or some kind of that stuff. I lived in the US for quite a long time. And to be honest, you should have a look on US media first. Journalist sitting on tanks, screaming "hell, yeah. all the way to baghdad."...
Iraq was the stupidest thing the US has done. There have been many wise presidents in the white house, but G.W. Bush is certainly not one of them.

If you would really analyze German media, you would have noticed that they are making critical remarks on nearly everything. People here, are supposed to think, and form there own opinion.
Sorry, yeah, kinda strange for someone who comes from a country where all media stations are owned by 6 persons, and all only represent there political views.
There is no freedom of speech. Well there is. But if you do, you are risking to be fired.
This is my opinion of your stuff here. Sorry, if I would do a blog on US media, dealing with the same, i couldn't decide what sources to put in, there are simply so many.
Tired, go to bed now. cu

@ Nighty

Well, there are actually already thousands of blogs in the United States dedicated to monitoring and criticizing the US media. As far as US mainstream media go, I would hardly label Ted Turner a raving pro-war neo-con, nor would I characterize most journalists in the US as skewed towards the conservative view. I would say the very opposite is the case and that the existence of so many diverse media outlets in the USA including the internet is concrete proof that your opinion on US media is totally off the mark and rather typical of Europeans who receive a relatively filtered, biased view of the USA through their own media.

Wow, that was... refreshing. I kept reading and I really found it funny :-)

Nighty, my guess is that you were in the US as an Austauschschüler. Is that right?


I'm an American but I can't say I recognize my own country in your comments. They are more of the same biased and narrow views I hear from many of my German colleagues and neighbors every time the subject comes up. Do you not know about the diverse and vibrant media on offer in the USA? Do you mean to imply that Americans do not think for themselves (as opposed to the citizens of the land of Thinkers and Poets?) Americans risk being fired for voicing opposing opinions?!? Brainwashed? Silly.

You may have lived in America but you can’t convince me the German media (or general education level: see PISA results) is any better that of the USA. The fact is, I have lived here for years and still live here NOW. I know many Germans and can tell you they are no more or less enlightened than the average resident of suburban Colorado where my home is.

My father is German and my mother American. In the US I usually described myself as a German-American. Now, after having lived here I can safely say I’m happily just an American. Don’t get my wrong, I can leave any time I want to and will some day. There are many things I love about this country but the longer I live here the more I know I’m an American.

Lets go through this step by step.
"I am sorry, but if someone invades an other country for oil, journalist are going to criticize the US aswell as the German people."
Dear NightyAlmighty, this blog is not about german medias criticising the Iraq war it is about german media having a biased view about everything that has to do with the US and also presenting a distorted and often even plain false picture of the US.

"This has nothing to with brainwash, or some kind of that stuff. I lived in the US for quite a long time. And to be honest, you should have a look on US media first. Journalist sitting on tanks, screaming "hell, yeah. all the way to baghdad."..."
Hm, could you please tell us in which program you have seen this? And if you really have seen this does this represent the general way that the Iraq war had been presented in the american medias? I don't think so.

"Iraq was the stupidest thing the US has done. There have been many wise presidents in the white house, but G.W. Bush is certainly not one of them. "
Well, if this is your opinion, ok, but what does this have to do with the subject of this blog?

"If you would really analyze German media, you would have noticed that they are making critical remarks on nearly everything."
Right, but not usually when it comes to german foreign politics.

"People here, are supposed to think, and form there own opinion."
No, dear nightymighty, having gone through the whole german school system and witnesing german media every day, I cannot agree to that. Teachers in germany are expecting you to have their own opinion. The same applies to most of the german news commenters. I have witnessed a very sad thing in germany over the years, which is the turning from every news program in germany from a former neutral stance (as it should be) to giving every news they present a kind of spin often with subjectif remarks.

"Sorry, yeah, kinda strange for someone who comes from a country where all media stations are owned by 6 persons, and all only represent there political views."
Yeah right, diversity is for sure a problem in american medias. This coming from someone living in a country where half of all TV channels are belonging to the state and are heavily influenced by the government.

"There is no freedom of speech. Well there is. But if you do, you are risking to be fired."
Sure nightyalmighty, now tug the bed in tight and keep on dreaming about the imperialistic US where every company owner is a leashed dog of the government and will fire any employee who would dare to speak out against the ruling regime.

"This is my opinion of your stuff here. Sorry, if I would do a blog on US media, dealing with the same, i couldn't decide what sources to put in, there are simply so many."

Feel free to do that, a german blog which deals about the unfair and biased treatment of germany in the US media would be interesting thoug quite void of subjects.

"I am sorry, but if someone invades an other country for oil, journalist are going to criticize the US aswell as the German people."

Here we begin to see to what extent you're one of those ideal Germans you mention who "are supposed to think and form their own opinion." To begin, you completely ignore taking issue with the content of the post. That shouldn't surprise anyone. You can't. The German journalists RayD quotes have damned themselves, and their could be no better source when it comes to exposing the extent to which they've been bamboozling the German people when it comes to America. Instead, you regurgitate the first of several German media talking points by rote, in this case, the bogus "blood for oil" canard, demonstrating the extent to which you are really capable of independent critical thought. "Think and form your own opinion," Nighty? Odd, isn't it, that your "independent opinion" is as similar to the simple-minded, thoughtless, homogeneous propaganda slogans of the German media when it comes to the US as so many peas in a pod.

Let's go down the list, shall we? "Blood for oil." Check! "Warmongering American journalists." Check! "No diversity in the American media." Check! "People getting fired for expressing political opinions." Check! If you really lived in the US for a long time, you must have had your eyes firmly closed, your hands over your ears, and been loudly making "Mmmmmm, Mmmmmm" sounds the whole time to drown out the cognitive dissonance. There is simply no comparison between the diversity of the US and German media. The real presence of powerful, alternative voices in the US is obvious to anyone who isn't bitterly determined to conform to a preconceived ideology. The utter lack of such diversity in Germany when it comes to anything relating to the US is equally obvious.

Your opinions do not even remotely resemble "critical thought" Nighty. You are simply a carrier of propaganda slogans formulated by others. You couldn't seriously defend a single one of your rote propaganda phrases. "Blood for oil?" Forget about it. Journalists shouting "On to Baghdad" from the top of tanks. Give us one, single example of anything close to it. No diversity in the media compared to Germany? Don't even think about it.

At least you were right in your last sentence, Nighty. You should go back to bed. You probably make more sense when you're talking in your sleep anyway.


Of course, one can criticize American journalists for personal bias, pandering to public sentiment, overreliance on "official" statements and press releases, etc. Lots of people do this! Some of the criticism is richly deserved.

The covers of American magazines are also chosen to appeal to their intended audiences. For example, look at the international covers of the current issue of Newsweek (down the left margin of the linked page).

It's actually pretty easy to make fun of American news media! So what? We're talking about an article which criticizes German news media. The criticism is deserved, and your comments don't really do much to refute the arguments made in the article.

I've been thinking about this issue for a while. I'm going to toss out an idea here. Let me know what you think.

It's becoming apparent to me is that one of the big problems in German-American relations is that the German public, by and large, gets a very distorted view of American from the German media. And even the skeptical German has difficulty finding any other sources of information, from what I've read here over the years, so the tendency is to belive what one is told in the absence of any other evidence.

What if Medienkritik were to become (in addition to what it is now) a source for Germans to get a different perspective on America? Americans like me have been relying for some time on Medienkritik not only for views on German media, but also for info on what goes on in Germany generally. Allow us to return the favor. We know from past comment threads that there are a lot of American topics that Germans are interested in, but can seldom find any good information on. I'm thinking of something like maybe a weekly "What's Going On in America" thread where those of us here who are in the States could write up a few paragraphs each on American happenings of potential international impact, or any other American topic that the readers here are interested in. We could link to news reports from American media that moat Germans aren't aware of, and add some of our own opinions.

What do you think?

Na so pralle ist die Arbeit aber nicht. Wo ist das komplette ding? oder ist dies etwa die viel gepriesen seminararbeit im hauptstudium? eín bißchen düne würde ich sagen, und zudem auch etwas unwissenschaftlich, naja ich kanns verstehen... aber damit so rumzuprahlen ist ne andere sache

They can't react any other way. It's neurotic, this anti-American "Automatismus". They drank it up with their mother's milk, these tired Wahrheiten (truisms)- which were never true in the first place. The bizarre part is the obsessive compulsive aspect of it. The German intellectuals who mindlessly propogate this stuff are often aware of this neurosis themselves but just can’t stop. You know, like a hypochondriac or a robot or an endless loop or something. It's usually truly pitiful and always truly amusing. From a distance, at least.

Is the rest of your "commentary" similarly devoid of substance, joesixpack? This article has the goods on the German journalists who cover America, straight from their own mouths. It is a damning indictment of the way they "inform" the German people. It will remain a damning indictment, regardless of whether in your obviously studied and erudite opinion it is too long or too short, too complete or incomplete, conforms to your ignorant assumptions about what such an American academic paper should look like or not, is too thick or too thin, is worthy of being "rumgeprahlt" or not, or otherwise doesn't meet the stylistic standards you apparently feel all written communications must conform to before you deign to actually demean yourself so much as to actually consider the content. If you have anything germane to say about the substance of the article, joesixpack, by all means, please do so. Otherwise I suggest you boogie on back to your own blog, where you can continue to regale the other geniuses who can appreciate the sublime productions of your obviously superior intellect.

@ joesixpack,

You can criticize us here, but then don't expect us to allow you to advertise your blog in our comments section pal.

hey i was just saying that this paper is a little to short and doesnt really make a point other then the usual "bla bla" we can read on this site here at every time of day. that musn`t be negative, but i find it funny, that it`s kept on top of the page the whole time. it`s not that "herausragend" so that everybody has to read it. i myself study political science in bremen and i can assure you guys that, if this is the final paper, the author would not pass the class... cmon we all have all know ray d has written better stuff before...

and besides that, i am helping you guys here. guess who provided the latest youtube vids of luetgert, weltspiegel and panorama.

doesnt really make a point other then the usual "bla bla" we can read on this site here at every time of day

Top German journalists, not Ray D., are talking about what is quite frankly an unimaginable bias in their profession, and German joe basically says "so what". And joe is a student of political sciences ??? What is joe learning about the vaunted "freedom of press"? I am using scare quotes, because what happens at some levels in German journalism is scary and shameful, by the journalists' own admission.

To those revelations, joe, representative of Germany's future reacts with a yawn. This is just as sad as the admissions of the journalists. A large part of Germany's youth, especially college students, has been radicalized by their professors. Top journalists talk for the first time about what is basically bias, censorship, selective reporting in their profession. For all intents and purposes, this is quite explosive material. However, how many German joes out there have been so heavily sedated that their only reaction is rolling to the other side?

The people who read the journalists' words and are not shaken up by them are lost. Forever. Nothing good can ever be expected from them in important issues.

"To those revelations, joe, representative of Germany's future reacts with a yawn. This is just as sad as the admissions of the journalists."

It is sad. This guy has no clue what he's even looking at. The revelations in the article are dynamite, and he's bogged down trying to prove that its format doesn't conform to that of final exams at the University of Bremen! Of course, I can only base my conclusion on his first comment. I did not deem his second sufficiently "scientific" to justify my looking at it. I also thought it was too thin, and the design around the edges didn't conform to what I consider an acceptable norm.

@ joesixpack

Oh, so you study political science in Bremen. Wow...OK. Well get this: I am a graduate student at Georgetown University in Washington, DC and my professor, who is not exactly a great fan of blogs and works as a chief editor at a major newspaper chain, gave this same paper an A- and I received the same grade for the class.

German media are not alone in misrepresenting facts/truth in order to pander to their audiences. Eason Jordan, formerly of CNN, admitted that CNN
deliberately distorted the truth in Saddam's Iraq, even, occasionally, reading directly from 'reports' provided to them by Saddam's mecia sentinels.

AP, Reuters, and others admit that they are intimidated in Gaza and Lebanon and, therefore, 'report' nothing that is not permitted by THEIR media sentinel's in those places.

It is now demonstrated fact that major news organizations have been gulled with fake photographs, fake mourners, and fake massacres. Do you see any great rush by those media to correct their past errors? Aye, neither do I, so, don't expect German media to do so when they've less exposure, so far, of their own biases.

Medienkritik, for me, is an eye into Germany, just as EU Observer and Brussels Journal provide me a view into other places. David's intent to inform the German public is admirable and I hope he/they continue.

Oh my god, you are studying at the famous and worldwide known University of Bremen? Ray, throw away that paper if he says it is shitty it mus bes shitty.
That this paper wouldn't get good grades in your university wouldn't suprise me a bit as teachers and profs in germany have a strong tendeny to give grades according to their political agenda. With other words, if something doesn't fit in to their worldview forget about the A or B.

"Oh my god, you are studying at the famous and worldwide known University of Bremen?"

I studied political science for a semester myself in Germany back in the 70's, at the University of Regensburg, to satisfy a non-technical minor requirement for my graduate degree at the University Wisconsin. It was a joke. No numerus clausus, no exams at all the first year, and the first thing the professors told us was that the specialty had no future. It was actually a very pleasant time, and, at least, the experience gave me some insight into the nature of the people who determine the content of the media in Germany today. The walls of the classroom buildings were all covered with big signs and posters, about evenly divided between the Maoist flavor of Communists and the pro-Soviet variety. There was one professor who was ever so slightly to the right of the rest, and he was constantly mercilessly harassed and "schikaniert" by this tolerant and enlightened crew. They were constantly at each others throats, each accusing the other of a lack of ideological purity. One time the Stalinists were outraged to discover that the Maoists had taken all the choice seats on a bus to some demonstration before they could get there, and had buggered off leaving the Stalinists in the dust with their clever signs and posters. It was a political cause celebre for weeks.

ich bin ja schon ein bisschen enttäuscht von euch hier. ich wollte doch lediglich darstellen, dass die arbeit für eine hausarbeit im haupstudium etwas dünne ist. im amerikanischen kontext, als paper an der georgetown university mag sie stimmig sein. aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass sie den deutschen ansprüchen an eine seminararbeit im hauptstudium genügt. es fehlt eine theoretische einleitung, 5 fußnoten sind ein witz, und die andere seite wurde in keinster weise gewürdigt.
also kein grund chauvinistisch zu werden und über mich herzuziehen weil ich an der uni bremen studiere. was ich nie gemacht habe ist mich für diese uni zu rechtfertigen. aber ihr solltet nicht diegleichen reflexe zeigen wie meine lieblingsklientel an der uni. das abdriften in belustigungen wenn mal jemand anderer meinung ist.
für jeden der jeden tag dmk ansurft ist doch der inhalt der arbeit ein alter hut. kein grund sie jedem unter die nase zu halten. wir waren alle mal stolz auf eine hausarbeit die wir geschrieben haben....
übrigens joesixpack ab dem heutigen tag dipl. politologe
gratulationen nehmen ich auf meinem weblog zu den abstrusen verschwörungstheorien im deutschen fernsehen entgegen

@ joesixpack

This is new and significant in the sense that German journalists are openly discussing and acknowledging these issues. As far as the paper goes, it was limited to about ten pages and the professor required us to rely primarily on first-person interviews as the basis of our work. The five footnotes were actually not even required.

Years ago in when living Zürich I began to doubt the quality of some big-name European universities when we got a couple of recent graduates from the ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) computer science program that couldn't program their way out of a paper bag. Suddenly my sheepskin from the University of Texas grew in stature with my Swiss bosses. Personally, I thought former student Einstein must have been rolling over in his grave.

Re: Addendum
The following is not meant to judge better or worse or whether the situation is reported fairly, but to point out that some differences do exist and are not only perceived as such.

Perceived American religiosity.
e.g. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-06-06-religion-poll_x.htm?csp=34

Perceived social inequality in the United States ([...] and no health insurance while the rich live it up. Perception that America has no social safety net or a woefully inadequate social safety net.)
Americans w/o health insurance in 2002: 15.2%
Germans w/o health insurance in 2003: ~0.3% (and rising)

Why do you ignore in your exam paper what is so obvious: The increase of anti-americanism in Germany in recent years is first and foremost a Bush problem, and only to a much lesser extent a media problem?

@ blue:

How about an unemployment comparison or a look at exploding poverty rates among German children?

Correct me if I misremember, but the evolution of media in post-war Germany is distinctly different from media in the U.S. Specifically, in Germany did not most media begin w/political parties, unions, etc.? In other words, 'independent' was never part of the purpose. And I would think, under the circumstances, objectivity would be subsumed under the 'correct' point of view.

But the complicity of editors and reporters in feeding anti-American swill to eager German readers speaks not to a media problem but to a societal problem.

Why do Germans need this? Denigration of the U.S. and Americans has reached the point of pathology. Do you remember this thread?
The German Diplomat From Hell

During a luncheon at which he and his wife were guests of a diplomat at the German Consulate in NY, Brett Stephens (an editor at WSJ) and his wife were subjected to the tender mercies of their host, to wit;
"The only people who appreciate American foreign policy are poodles." After further bizarre pronouncements, including a lecture on the illegality of the Holocaust under Nazi law, my wife said that she felt unwell. We gathered our things and left."

Personally, I can attest to an encounter with two German women visiting a mall I worked in and being so insulting to the staff of a store, security escorted them off the premises.

Anti-Americanism serves a function for the German psyche. Here, from a long-ago thread, is the always wonderful hans ze beeman on the German cultural psyche.
Nihilism has destroyed firm convictions in many here; Europe's religion is leisure. Many Germans consider President Bush a theocrat when he says "God bless America"; they think: religion in, reason out. Germans have a broken history and cannot rely on their historical identity as Americans can; at the same time, the US sets the trends to which German youth adheres, music, fashion, food, games. I'd say what we experience is not necessary a widening rift - it could also be a kind of collision of the continents, with Germans trying to keep some own identity by denigrating the US. If you do not have a positive historical identity, your only choice is to separate yourself from one - or to create one
(EU anyone?)

If hans is even partly correct, that an absence of positive German identity is a problem, how the hell do you fix that?

@ RayD

Sorry, it was not my intention to paint a picture of Germany viewed through rose tinted glasses. Where have I put Germany above the US? We do have serious problems over here, I considered these to be known. It is still not right to paint all issues as just being "perceived", some have a factual background.

"Why do you ignore in your exam paper what is so obvious: The increase of anti-americanism in Germany in recent years is first and foremost a Bush problem, and only to a much lesser extent a media problem?"

Another genius chimes in. Try reading the archives before you go around spreading propaganda talking points. Anti-Americanism in Germany hasn't increased under Bush. It was a lot more blatant, vicious and in-your-face under Clinton. It's more subdued now, because the hatemongers who peddle it know they're being watched. Try educating yourself before you make a fool of yourself.

Another genius chimes in. I dunno Helian, s/he may have a point. I think Bush Derangement Syndrome is a euphimism for penis envy. When the US goes to war, Germany is left looking for its balls and doesn't know whether to feel embarrassed for looking for them or for not finding them.

btw, I've almost finished "One Part Safe". gah.

“It is still not right to paint all issues as just being "perceived", some have a factual background.”
Well, the way I perceive it, an issue can have a factual background, and still be perceived incorrectly. See what I mean? ;-)

Hi Blue, semantics aside, the problem is, living in Germany for seventeen years, I find that too many of my acquaintances here have ridiculous anti-American perceptions. Regarding perceived American religiosity, for example, too many perceive Americans as fanatical fundamentalists, and looking at the German media I think I know one of the reasons for this misconception: The German media portrays Americans too much as fanatical fundamentalists. Of course Americans are more religious than Germans, but so are Italians according to your link. But they aren’t perceived as fanatical fundamentalists in the German media. I wish the German media always reported so matter-of-factly and presenting different viewpoints as in your usatoday link, and that they perceived it simply as a difference in the number of religious people and their religious openness, instead of conveying the more negative perception that Americans are religious fanatics.

Pretty much the same goes for the other pet issues of the German media. Popular anti-American myths are being created and perpetuated. The scarcity of objective reporting in this regard eventually leads to these myths becoming “common knowledge” which no one questions anymore, not even the so called investigative journalists.
Anyway, that’s my perception as a resident of Germany, and I think that’s similar to what Deutsche Welle Bureau Chief for North and South America Ruediger Lentz was referring to, when he “also expressed deep concern that “populist” ideology and views often “resonate the public mood” when it came to coverage of the United States.”

@ blue and Germerican

That is the way I use the word "perceived." Something perceived may or may not have a basis in fact, or it may have a significant, partial or incomplete basis in fact. It is simply the way that people see and feel things, whether true or not.

@ Cue Bickle
“Why do you ignore in your exam paper what is so obvious: The increase of anti-Americanism in Germany in recent years is first and foremost a Bush problem, and only to a much lesser extent a media problem?”

Cue Bickle, why do you ignore in your comment what is so obvious: Ray did not ignore this issue; he addressed it twice in his paper:
“Piltz was of the opinion that Spiegel and Stern magazines were in the forefront of "Bush bashing" and cautioned that it was often difficult to separate "Bush-bashing from anti-Americanism." He described anti-Americanism as a "larger phenomenon" that reaches back to at least 1917.”
“Others, including some of the journalists interviewed, felt that most of the recent ugliness in German media was attributable to dislike of the Bush administration. Ruediger Lentz put it best when he said that, “it’s not as simple as anti-Bush.””

P.S. Normally I disapprove of making fun of names, but you make it hard to resist:
Get out of your cubicle, and Get a clue, Bickle. Because the CueBickle is NotForSale. (click his name)

"btw, I've almost finished "One Part Safe". gah."

Don't worry, be happy! Just think of nuclear winter as a high tech fix for global warming.

Just think of nuclear winter as a high tech fix for global warming

Ah. Nordstroms has a yearly sale on mink. I think I shall go for the bracelett cuff but I haven't decided on the neckline.

@blue: There is a backstory that was not in the report you read. The implication obviously is that 15% of the American population has no health insurance because they can't afford it and the country is too uncaring to provide a "safety net" (which we also tend to refer to as a "hammock", since it is frequently abused in that matter). Let's consider a few things: In the U.S., all those age 65 and over are covered by the government Medicare program. That's automatic. So the percentage of people of that age group not having health insurance is precisely 0%. Because this tends to skew the figures of interest, the usual health-insurance polls exclude this age group.

So what you're looking at is the incidence of not having health coverage among people under 65. I'll have to go find the figures again, but as I recall that 15% breaks down approximately into:

10% is young, childless people who voluntarily choose not to buy health insurance. They figure they are young and healthy, so why spend the money on it? Of course, this doesn't take into account the nature of risk, but the fact is a lot of people wait until they turn 30 or have children to pick up health insurance, and they get away with it. This is especially true amount the self-employed young.

5% is people who game and abuse the health-care system. See, it's a law in the U.S. that a hospital emergency room cannot refuse treatment to anyone, regardless of ability to pay. Some people take advantage of this. Instead of going to the doctor, they go to the emergency room with the most trivial of complaints -- "my stomach is upset", "my finger hurts", etc. They know they can't be turned down. When they are asked for payment, they just blow it off. The hospital is stuck with the costs, and they have to take it out of the people who do have insurance and do pay. While the slackers get a free ride, costs go up for everyone else. Plus, it impedes the emergency room's ability to treat actual emergencies. A fair number of these slackers are criminals and illegal immigrants who go to the emergency room so they can avoid revealing their identity.

There is simply no excuse for anyone in the U.S. to not have health coverage. In the state where I live, a poor single parent can acquire insurance for themselves and a child from a state-sponsored program for the equivalent of 20 euros per month. Wal-Mart and Target have both announced new programs whereby anyone will be able to get perscriptions filled from a huge list of generic drugs for the equivalent of about E4.50 a month. The criminals and illegals I mentioned above won't apply for coverage because they would have to reveal their identities, which would get them caught. Their failure to have insurance, their abusing the system and endangering their children, is due entirely to their own malfeasance.

@Germerican "...it was often difficult to separate "Bush-bashing from anti-Americanism..."

Exactly. Ray is trying to prove that there is little difference between Bush-bashing and anti-Americanism. The opposite is true and everyone knows that. If you ask Spanish people what's the problem with the U.S., 15% say it's America in general, but 76% say it's mostly Bush. The Germans: 29% America in general, 65% mostly Bush. The British: 35% America in general, 56% mostly Bush. Canada: 37% America in general, 54% mostly Bush. And so on. (Source). Trying to locate the problem in the media (and the German media at that) doesn't even remotely address this question properly.

Who cares what Germany thinks, since it's becoming increasingly irrelevant on the world stage? There are about one-quarter as many Germans as Americans, and the percentage will drop into the forseeable future. Thoughtful Germans know their country peaked in the 19th and 20th centuries and are packing their bags now.

@Cue Bickle
This lame excuse "its all Bushs fault" has been discussed here over and over again. Let me tell you as a person that has lived for 35 years in germany, the stereotypes, clichees and the general anti-americanism has been here long before Bush was even known here in germany. The anti-americanism has increased since 1989 when the walls came down and it got an official stamp by the media starting with the SPD coming to power. It is so bad right now that I cannot stand watching any News or documentaries about the US here anymore as they are so full of bias, misinformation and in many extends even lies. If your theory is right we should see very soon a dramatic change in perception of the US in the world as Mr. bush will leave office soon. Unless off course the next president is as "bad" as Bush. In my opinion it doesn't matter who will be president (unless off course he would be an european) for the media as everything the US does will be wrong as usual. If they do something or if they don't.

"This lame excuse "its all Bushs fault" has been discussed here over and over again. Let me tell you as a person that has lived for 35 years in germany, the stereotypes, clichees and the general anti-americanism has been here long before Bush was even known here in germany."

Anyone who's been following the German media long enough knows that overt America bashing was a great deal more vicious and unrestrained in the last years of the Clinton Administration than it is now under Bush. As you say, this lame canard has been demolished over and over again at DMK, but that doesn't keep them from trotting it out periodically, does it? As Cue Bickle informs us, "everyone knows it" in the alternate reality he lives in. I always smile when I see that one. "It's a well known fact" was one of Stalin's favorite lines, too.

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