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What an arrogant a**. You want praise? Here, have a Bronx cheer!

And, what the heck is "pre-democratic"?

The guy is a psycho, in the true meaning of the term. I quote from wikipedia: "psychopathy is defined in psychiatry as a condition characterised by lack of empathy or conscience, poor impulse control and manipulative behaviors."

I'm still trying to figure out which universe Shroeder lives in.

This... ""If a person adopts a political policy based on what he gleans from his prayers, in other words a personal talk with God, it can lead to difficulties in a democracy," Schröder told the newspaper (Bild am Sonntag)." ... is complete hogwash.

There was a time when even athiests agreed that prayer was a method of meditation similar to Zen methods. There was a time when it was considered the RIGHT thing to do to listen to the "voice within".

Further, we have zero evidence that Bush is even going THAT far. We have no evidence that he is doing anything but forming policy based upon what his advisors tell him, which is what virtually ALL heads of state... or at least, those with any sense... do.

An offhand comment to the media once that he talked his decision over with God (a specific decision, one time as far as we know) has been taken WAY out of context. It is the Southern Christian tradition to pray for guidance, but not necessarily to receive information during the prayers. Experiencing something like that would probably scare the hell out of us.

And it is ALSO the Southern vernacular to refer to prayer... ordinary prayer... as "talking it over with God". We do NOT expect direct answers, and don't get them.

Entirely too much has been made of Bush's religious beliefs, which, as far as I can see, are mainstream in the US, punched up with a bit of (also mainstream in the South) Southern vernacular.

Many Europeans, especially leftist, study American entertainment products for insight of America. Like movies. Americans watch movies because they are exotic and far different from the lives we live and know. So, movies like Taxi Driver or Apocalypse Now, fine and exotic stories actually take those that see them as physical truth, further away. Schroder leftist move through these images as if they were real.

When did Schroder start taking payments from the Soviets and East Germans? Any takers? I'd say no later than 1972. As a pop shrink, I'd say he is a malignant narcissist. Much like Bill Clinton. Since Schroder doesn’t have any children, what the heck does he care how he has left Germany?

Lastly, does anyone think that Chancellor Schroder knows that he has the same last name of an American cartoon character? Odd how these cultural connections swirl about.

"If a person adopts a political policy based on what he gleans from his prayers, in other words a personal talk with God, it can lead to difficulties in a democracy," Schröder told the newspaper (Bild am Sonntag)."

This comment from Mr. Gazprom.. aehm...Schröder is based on the claim of a palestinian poiltician who had claimed that he had been told by Bush personally that God had told him to invade Irak.
This bogus claim was shown big time in german media, off course never doubting the creditability of the source.

Schröder: On the contrary. I'm anything but an opponent of America. Otherwise, half of US society would be as well.

Could someone explain the logic of this to me? An awkward translation perhaps?

"If a person adopts a political policy based on what he gleans from his prayers, in other words a personal talk with God, it can lead to difficulties in a democracy,"

Tell it to the Founding Fathers of the United States, most of whom understood very well what their knees were for.

The more the guy opens his mouth, or writes his "thoughts" down, the more he ties himself up in knot. But it doesn't matter here. He can do and say whatever he wants and nobody really cares. He's the teflon Chancellor. Nobody has ever held this guy responsible for his actions, or his lack of action, I should say.

"But we fail to recognize that in the USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies."

I've been racking my brain and I cannot think of one Christian 'fundamentalist' I know or know of that wants the U.S. to become a theocracy. Not. One.

Has anyone recognized that President Jimmy Carter was a Baptist who wore his religion on his sleeves and was never criticized for having done so? Why Bush is criticized for being religious per se is ridiculous considering Carter won the Nobel Peace prize in 2002.

Schröder is a man without substance, a true politician: he creates flagrant arguments which fit well with the mainstream media and serve as a distraction.

"is that significant segments in the press defame any levelheaded criticism of the United States as anti-American. That, of course, is wrong."

oh puhlease...some idiots significant segments construe any criticism of what *they* say as driven by some brainwashed religious beliefs...

"But we fail to recognize that in the USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies"

booga booga...there's the boogyman you've imagined...

Some people are just...so...stupid malinformed.

Zur Gerdshow, als das Land sich über die Bilder und Kurnaz empörte:

"Ansonsten hält sich der ehemalige Kanzler mit Äußerungen zum aktuellen politischen Tagesgeschehen zurück. Einen Journalisten eines öffentlich-rechtlichen Senders, der ihn nach seinem Wissen über die nebulösen Gefangenenflüge der CIA über Deutschland fragt, lässt er ebenso charmant wie unnachgiebig auflaufen. „Wie war doch noch die erste Frage?“, merkt er in einem Moment gespielter Unkonzentriertheit an, nachdem ihm während seiner Antwort auf die zweite Frage eines Reporters angeblich die erste Frage entfallen war – es war die nach Oskar Lafontaine. Lediglich das Bekenntnis, dass er gern Kanzler der Großen Koalition geworden wäre, lässt sich Schröder als einzig nennenswerte aktuelle politische Äußerung abringen."


Das sagt viel über Schröder UND ÜBER UNSERE JOUNALISTEN. Ich hoffe, das war die letzte Show mit Medienkanzler und Journalisten.

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