(By Ray D.)
When you think of power hitters in the blogosphere, two names immediately come to mind: Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) and Michelle Malkin. These outstanding bloggers both recently released books that we would like to recommend to our readers. Glenn Reynold's book, entitled "An Army of Davids," (don't you just love that name?) is about everyday people using technology to take on big media and government. Michelle Malkin's book, entitled "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild" is an exposé of the angry left in America. Both are must reads.
And oh yeah, David already has personal signed copies of both books:
"To David --- An army of you! Keep that slingshot ready!" Glenn Reynolds (signed)
"To David, keep blogging!" Michelle Malkin (signed)
We will keep blogging, and we will keep taking on the mainstream media Goliaths each time they rear their ugly heads.
Endnote: Michelle Malkin also has excellent ongoing coverage of the Denmark-cartoon situation.
I must admit I am envious, but I am by no means jealous,
You have definitely EARNED this and I am very happy for you. ;-)
Posted by: Dan Kauffman | February 11, 2006 at 03:53 AM
Which does provoke a thought - when are David and Ray coming out with their own book(s)?
Posted by: Pamela | February 11, 2006 at 03:45 PM