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As I wrote four days ago in the "Comments" section: just wait till Condi leaves, then the little holiday from anti-Americanism will end.

Whether the float is appropriate for Carnival is a matter of opinion. But it's certainly _not_ appropriate for small children, so I did not appreciate at all that the float was featured in this afternoon's 'Logo' (children's news on Kinderkanal, run jointly by ARD/ZDF) for my 5-year-old son to see.

On second thought: now I like the float. I just don't like the title. I would change it up a little.

There should be words coming out of the President's mouth:

"Deutschland, Ihr koennt mich kreuzweis am Arsch lecken!"

I have always loved Germany and miss the five years I spent there - until recently. It's just getting more and more difficult. My wife and I were going to go on our tenth anniversary in a few years - don't think that will happen though. What a shame, such a beatiful country filled with such hate.

I agree with you that the float is inappropriate for children. However, being a student here in Berkeley, nothing offends me anymore. The Left has gone for insane to derange in just two months after Bush won the election. In four years, the krakenhauses will be full of them.

First of all, I love Germany. I spent two months in Berlin when I was nine years-old, and I loved everything the city had to offer. My favorite place was in K-damm (I do not know how to spell it) and that big, green clock at the mall. My aunt, who lives in Berlin, told me that the clock still there, and that former East Berlin is a lot cleaner, too.

But this crap??? Oy! Four years ago, I used to care what the Germans thought of America. Now I do not even care. It's nice to see the effects of drinking Kool-aid in Mainz.

Oh, just to rub it in Schroeder's face, Bush's current approval rating is at 57% according to Gallup, which is up from 51%. In addition, Bush's party has expanded its hold on both houses of the legisture, with 55 out of 100 in the Senate and 232 out of 435 in the House of Representatives.

Meanwhile, things are not looking good for Herr Schroeder, with 5 million unemployed Germans (and counting), recent loses in state elections, especially in the East, and somewhat strong opposition from the CDU, even though CDU has had to deal with intra-party rivalry and scandals.


LOL, good thinking.

But compared to the first wardrobe malfunction, we get to see two round things the second time.

Actually, I am offended by that float, since it does not depict Bush appropriately.

Bush should have been donned with a dunce cap. In addition, where is Karl Rove and Dick Cheney on this float? I am extremely disappointed.

You might think that the lady looks like Angela Merkel.

However, I beg to differ.

That is John Edwards kissing Bush's ass. At least, some liberals are falling in line!

You mean it is not Gerhard in drag.......damn could have fooled me.


That was really inappropriate. I am eating right now.


You are so lovely.

@ Carl

I wish I had an outlet like the 'Net when I was a wee lad at Berkeley. I'm sure you're seeing much stranger things at the Carnival in front of Sproul.

Cal alum '90

Hang in there! There is life after Cal.

@Erik Eisel

GO BEARS! I have just started my fourth semester here at Cal. I table everyday for the Berkeley College Republicans. We used to get verbally assaulted leading up to the election. But the campus had this collective "OH CRAP!" the day after Nov. 2nd. It's great to see people implode in front of you.

Sproul was renovated last summer. The walkway is so "perty" now. The Cal Democrats had a "Fight the Right" rally on Jan. 20th. And just like John Kerry's campaign, it was pathetic.

To all american readers: Check out some other floats to get an unbiased view of the whole parade. It's simply about making fun of all kinds of authorities:

The catholic church. The text on the woman means: "I did an abortion".

Bush, Rice and Old Europe. Note the pictures of Schroeder and Chirac on the right side of the truck.

The current struggle in the opposition (Stoiber vs. Merkel)

Schröder caught in the spider web of unsuccessful reforms, umemployment etc.

Finance minister Eichel trying to get the leaking boat afloat.

Turkey heading for EU membership and EU subsidies.

And IIRC, they had a Bin Laden float some years ago.
So, I hope you you trust me now that this march is not purely anti-american propaganda :-)

Note from David: None of the examples you mention remotedly mirrors the awful design of the anti-Bush float.
And stop co-blogging! This is not an activity appreciated at this blog.

Well if that had been Chirac and not GWB, then there would be no question it was gerhard in drag.....

Thanks Chomskybot for giving some of the readers a better perspective. This blog is trying to convince people that carnival is a purely anti-American affair and that is just not true.

To be honest, I think this float is not making fun of the US. It's making fun of Angela Merkel who is represented as an 'Arschkriecher'.

@ Phil:

Riiiight...the float isn't anti-American at all...it is just insulting Merkel...you may go back to drinking the Kool-Aid now my friend.

This blog is trying to convince people that carnival is a purely anti-American affair and that is just not true.

Where do we say that? I'd love to know Phil. If there is one thing I don't appreciate it is people putting words in our mouth.

---Ray D.

@ Ray D.,

I'm not putting words in your mouth, I was voicing my opinion. It's the way you present carnival on your blog. Two pictures of floats that are (in your opinion) anti-American. Nothing else... no background information on Carnival, no history of it, no mentioning that it has always criticised and satirised the powerful (starting in the age of Napoleon). No information on other floats that criticise everything from the catholic church to the CDU/CSU feud.

And still you are pretending that you are not trying to portray this festival as being anti-American. But you can improve on it: just include Chomskybot's links into your postings and you have given your audience more general information.

And by the way... I stand by my last posting. This float is mainly aimed at Angela Merkel and people have not convinced me otherwise so far.

@ Phil,

So I guess ZDF, which is also running this story in much the same way, is equally guilty of not mentioning all of the other floats and all of the other irrelevant background BS that you mentioned...huh Phil?

Look, it's obvious to all of us that we can't convince you of anything because you refuse to believe the bluntly obvious. It's clear that you are blinded by your worldview. So what's the point of discussing it. If you want to believe the world is flat then go on believing the world is flat. Just don't expect us to drink the Kool-Aid along with you...

---Ray D.

Wow. Sophisticated European wit. I don't get it.

Wonder how many euros that parade cost their mindless overtaxed suckers??
And what was the purpose again???

@ Chomskybot

Thanks for alerting us to the anti-Catholic float, as well. It just warms my heart to know how much Americans and Catholics are welcome in Mainz.

Oh, yeah, and Schroeder in the Spiderman uniform. What biting criticism! How will he ever live that down?

P.S. Why is Condi Rice on her knees before Bush? Kind of racist, don't you think? Is this supposed to be a variation on the "black woman/man kneeling before Massa" riff?

Pathetic! Well, I guess it's good to know that Condi is respected in Germany!

Like I said, I feel a lot better now knowing there were other equally hateful floats in the parade.

Link on Powerline, with reference to this story on DM: http://www.powerlineblog.com/

@Erik Eisel

I love the German Left. At least they have the time and energy to make visual aids for the masses. Ted Kennedy better take some notes!

Phil, you wrote: "To be honest, I think this float is not making fun of the US. It's making fun of Angela Merkel who is represented as an 'Arschkriecher'."

The theme is: Merkel is the "Kriecher" and Bush is the "Arsch". A very big one, when you consider the proportions. It is not about the "Kriecher" Merkel, it is about the ass "Bush".

And it is just what most of the Germans feel about Bush. We heard and saw it in 1000000 different ways. Here it is hidden by "humor".

Imagine what the brainstorming sessions were like for the floats. How about this, we'll make Bushitler bent over draped in the stars in the stripes holding an American flag (not anti-American you see, only disagree with Bush's policies) with Merkel ready to walk into his anus. Brilliant!

I don't want to nitpick, but I am disappointed with the floats. First, no Dick Cheney or Rove. And now,they misspelled "America." The correct spelling is "Amerikkka"! The German left need to get their shit straight!

I'd like to thank Herr Chomskybot for doing us all a service. When I saw just the "Bush(h)ass" float I was convinced that surely this tactless display was an aberration.

But now that I've seen the whole parade (as it were) it's quite apparant that there's a vicious anti-American subtext throughout.

Just look at Bush and Rice in the "Hallo STAR with Stripes" float and tell me that "Old Europe" is the butt of that joke! If you're really feeling adventurous you can catalog the joke's premises.

Meanwhile, Schroeder is lamely and tamely analogized to Spiderman (American, btw) caught in his own web of deceitful reform. Oooo, take that, Gerhard! One wonders why the German leader was spared the scatological mocking heaped on the others.

Finally, the most offensive float of the bunch has to be the Turkish-EU entry. It's not only anti-Turkish but smacks of Streicher-style racism.

My unsolicited advice to Ray is to post all the parade photos in context; the truth will set the readers free!

If a float with Schroeder in that position had been included in the parade, it would have caused quite a firestorm here in Germany. The creators would have been attacked verbally by the press and the Schroeder government. They might even have faced criminal penalties. That these clowns felt secure enough to so blatently "float" thier loathing of President Bush - and as such their loathing of democracy - in a televised parade in a major German city, with many prominent viewers on hand, indicates to me that they believe their "artistic expression" to have at least the tacit approval of the current German government.

Maybe reunification wasn't such a good idea after all, as the Germans seem to be returning to their old ways.

"Maybe reunification wasn't such a good idea after all, as the Germans seem to be returning to their old ways."

This comment as many others by (supposedly) american authors, shows the utter lack of understanding for the underlying problem.

This is not a german phenomenon. Bush-Bashing, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Israeli sentiment are all phenomena that are not rooted in some special german traditions, which would somehow begin to resurface again now.

Actually, it´s a global trend. A trend that doesn´t even exclude america itself (just go read some leftist american blogs).

@Niko: Absolutely. One could also expected people in east-germany to be more skeptical of Socialism after beeing suppressed by a communist regime for 45 Years, or to embrace capitalism more willingly, after seeing that the socialist economic system didn´t work at all.

But obviously it doesn´t work that way. People seem to be somehow resistant to reality. The reason is, that they only see reality filtered through our media, which, as this blog has shown on many occasions, often distorts reality in favor of leftist ideology.

"This is not a german phenomenon. Bush-Bashing, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Israeli sentiment are all phenomena that are not rooted in some special german traditions...Actually, it´s a global trend."

You're only following orders, right?

@ Ray D.,
'So I guess ZDF, which is also running this story in much the same way, is equally guilty of not mentioning all of the other floats and all of the other irrelevant background BS that you mentioned...huh Phil?'

What are you talking about? Do a search on the ZDF homepage and you get 27 (!!!) articles on Carnival and 5 picture galleries. So there we have all the relevant background bullshit you want.
So don't tell people that the ZDF has only got one story.


There are a couple of huge points you are missing.

First is your concept of humor.

You at times go to lengths to explain how much germans and Americans share in common. I think you will find most Americans here and those in the US who visit PowerLine will not share your definition of humor.

Second you can chose to view these floats anyway you want too. Just do not waste your time either explaining your rational or in trying to convince me to embrace your position. When you do all you are doing is building an even more convincing case of just how different we really are and how little we really do have in common.

@ Joe,

I have not made any comment about my humor so I am not sure where you get it from. All I said is that the float is aimed at Merkel.
Second, I am not trying to convince you of my postion. You are a hopeless case:-). But as a German I just don't like it when the picture of a German tradition is distorted. This is not an anti-American festival.


So you want all of us to view this as a great german tradition.

It is not linked to any other event that has taken place in germany in the last 5 years.

There is no symbolism other than internal german humor.

You find this to be brilliant.

You are also correct in Americans just don't get it.


Your criticism is justified. The global trend you are talking about has a name of course: Leftism. And Leftism, not ragtag militants from the Middle East, is the real danger to the democratic institutions of the West. Nevertheless, even an extreme global ideology such as Leftism will manifest itself differently according to national character. My comment was meant in that context.

On a lighter note, I suspect there may be a little psychological projection in Bush's position in the float, because that is the position that the global Leftist movement found itself in on November 2, 2004, when the free People of the world's greatest democracy reelected George W. Bush to the office of President of the United States for four more years. And I hope all of those little wannabee global Napoleons have stocked up on lubricant, because the USA is going to give it to them again, and again, and again. And the American People are going to remain free and democratic. And the American People are going to determine the domestic and foreign policy of the USA. The American People will decide whether or not they want the death penalty for murderers. The American People will try Americans accused of crimes in an American court of law, and not in some kangaroo court like the ICC. The American People will decide if tighter environmental restrictions are necessary. The American People will decide how much water their toilet bowls may use. And no looney Euro-Leftists are going to impose taxes on the free American People as some would like to do (just Google "Tobin Tax").

You know, 9/11 was a much bigger catastrophe for the global Left that it was for the USA, because hardly anyone in the US was paying attention prior to 9/11, but we are watching and listening now. So let's let the goofy Leftists take out their frustrations while they pull their disgusting little float through Mainz, and drink themselves into a stupor and throw their empty wine, sekt and beer bottles all over the streets so that it looks like a damn war zone. They are going to lose, and America will remain the land of the free and the brave.

@ Phil,

I was talking about the article that ZDF wrote on the Mainz float Phil. Let's not start comparing apples and oranges. Davids Medienkritik is not a large German news network whose job it is to cover carnivals around Germany. Don't try to twist this to suit your argument. The fact is that they have chosen to cover the story on this float in much the same way that we have. They don't mention the other floats in their story. They focus on the utterly tasteless float in Mainz. Readers of that article will come away with exactly the same background information. So don't sit there and tell me it is our job to cover carnival in Germany as if we were a major news network with billions of taxpayers dollars to throw around covering all of Germany. The fact remains that other floats and other carnivals are IRRELEVANT to this story. This float is not only tasteless, it is also incredibly bad timing to have it in the city the President will visit two weeks before he visits. To top it all off, the MAYOR OF MAINZ approved the float and said that the President would take it with good humor. This isn't something that just "accidentally" got into this parade.

As far as your interpretation goes, I think that most people visiting this site see right through you. To say that the float is only about Merkel is utter popeycock Phil. Merkel isn't the one standing front and center in the middle of the float hunched over with her pants down and her naked A** showing. You know it, I know it, and everyone in this comments section knows it. So don't expect us to buy your argument my friend.

---Ray D.

@Joe, Phil, Chomskybot:

Well guys, I think your disagreement is with Amihasser. He's German and he apparently doesn't get it either.

Amihasser writes:

Was sehen wir hier? Ein überdimensionales AMI-ARSCHLOCH. So was sollten wir in Zukunft jeden Tag durch die Stadt rollen. Und nicht nur in Mainz.

Amihass is everythere!

@ Phil,

Where do we say it is an anti-American parade Phil? I'm still waiting on that one...

The story (again) is about this tasteless float and how the Mayor of Mainz approved it.

Time to get your argument sorted out.

---Ray D.


Would you show me, where in the ZDF article stands, that the Mayer of Mainz approved of this float?

@ Ray D.

'Where do we say it is an anti-American parade Phil?'

I answered to that question yesterday. You don't say it but with your presentation of two floats and nothing else you create a picture of Karneval being an anti-American celebration.
Usually you criticise such implicit suggestions: A couple of weeks ago you covered a 'Stern' article that implied (although not explicitly stated) the relationship between Rice and GWB to be a relationship of a black servant and her master. Time to get your own argument sorted out. And don't claim that a ZDF article that ends with the words 'Was daft Satire? Alles' backs up your argument. Your conclusions are profoundly different

'So don't sit there and tell me it is our job to cover carnival in Germany as if we were a major news network with billions of taxpayers dollars to throw around covering all of Germany'

You don't have to spend billions of taxpayers dollars to do a 'Karneval' search on ZDF. But you are of course right: It's your blog, it has a mission and it is not intended to cover everything. As for other readers 'seeing through me': well some, including you, seem to care and be up for discussion.

@ Christian:

ZDF: Gastgeber Oberbürgermeister Jens Beutel dagegen nimmt das närrische Treiben gelassen: Der amerikanische Präsident werde es sicher mit Humor nehmen, meinte er bei der Vorstellung der Wagenmotive für den Rosenmontagszug 2005.

Translation: "Host and Mayor Jens Beutel on the other hand is taking the foolish happenings in a relaxed way: The American President will certainly take it with humor, he said at the presentation of the float designs for the carnival 2005."

That sounds like approval to me, he certainly didn't have a problem with the float despite widespread complaint. It is clear from the article that he was presented with the floats before the parade and didn't have a problem with this float being allowed. So he, the SPD mayor of Mainz, bears the responsibility for allowing this float in the parade.

---Ray D.

You Americans sure are a sensitive bunch, getting all torqued out over a children’s parade float. The Germans have came a long ways from the old days when children were herded into gas chambers before having their little bodies sent to the lampshade factories. Later of course somebody got the brilliant idea of running a hose from the exhaust to the back of the lorry thereby eliminating one step of the manufacturing process so the raw material could be shipped directly from the cattle cars to the factory.

So you see these butt-hole parade floats are really quite indicative of how far Germans have progressed toward civility.

I suppose some people might use the float as an example of how Germans (right up the socio/political scale as far as mayor) still have an appreciation for crude propaganda. But I don't allow my mind to work that way.

@ Phil,

I'm not going to get into an argument about Stern's Rice piece, although they explicitly used the term "master" and presented a photo of Bush and Rice that was clearly demeaning to Rice.

In our case, nowhere do we say or imply that all German carnivals or even one German carnival is "anti-American." In our story, we are reporting on a particularly tasteless float in Mainz two weeks before GWB visits. Again, if with our story we are guilty of making this or any German carnival appear to be entirely about "anti-Americanism," then ZDF, in this article, in which it covers the story in much the same way we do, is guilty of the exact same thing. Bottom line: Your argument is a bogus red-herring Phil.

You are also taking the readers here, most of whom already know something about Germany and the nature of German carnival, for complete idiots. On top of that, we provided a link in our first article to a Stern photo gallery which displays over a dozen other floats in the parade. So I really don't know what you and Chomskybot are trying to say...you also don't have to spend billions of dollars to try out all of the links on this site.

Are you honestly trying to say that our readers are too stupid to inform themselves on German carnival and that they all automatically assume that because of one disgusting, tasteless float it is all about anti-Americanism...

That's sad Phil.

---Ray D.



Was their a float that said NAZI "Wieder Eröffnung" with Swaztika arm bands? The NPD has made a decent showing in recent elections. That would have been funny: an accurate description of current German politics as well!

@ Ray D,

'In our case, nowhere do we say or imply that all German carnivals or even one German carnival is "anti-American." In our story, we are reporting on a particularly tasteless float in Mainz two weeks before GWB visits. Again, if with our story we are guilty of making this or any German carnival appear to be entirely about "anti-Americanism," then ZDF, in this article, in which it covers the story in much the same way we do, is guilty of the exact same thing. Bottom line: Your argument is a bogus red-herring Phil.'

ZDF is not covering the story in the same way that you do. They arrive at a different conclusion and present both sides of the story and every reader who speaks German will discover the same thing. Therefore your argument is 'bogus red-herring'.

'Are you honestly trying to say that our readers are too stupid to inform themselves on German carnival and that they all automatically assume that because of one disgusting, tasteless float it is all about anti-Americanism...'

Now you said it: it is ONE disgusting (or satirical depending on your or ZDF's viewpoint) and Karneval is not all about 'anti-Americanism'. I'm happy and this shall be my last post on this topic:-)


That is not, what is standing there.

German politicians are criticized for their behavior in the last 12 months and people are allowed to make fun of them. Therefore, it's ok to make fun of a foreign politician, whose behavior they find worth criticizing.

Nobody said anything about Bush being responsible for the problems in Germany like unemployement. That's your interpretation.

@ Phil:

Now you said it: it is ONE disgusting (or satirical depending on your or ZDF's viewpoint) and Karneval is not all about 'anti-Americanism'. I'm happy and this shall be my last post on this topic:-)

That's great Phil. And I have no problem saying that. You are absolutely right, I admit it: It is obvious that not all German carnivals are organized and planned entirely around the principle of anti-Americanism. But you know: I think any 5 year old could have come to that conclusion without me saying it. :-)

Seriously though: The fact remains that this float is a particularly ugly example of anti-Americanism and its timing couldn't be worse. This episode is made even worse by the fact that the Mayor of Mainz thinks this is all just fine. That was, is, and will continue to be the point of this story.

---Ray D.

@ Christian:

Nobody said anything about Bush (or the USA) being responsible for unemployment in Germany?

Are you sure?

---Ray D.

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