Let the Countdown Begin! Tomorrow, February 1 at 6 PM Berlin time, 12 Noon EST: Davids Medienkritik will introduce a powerful new German-language blog:
Getting Back to the Roots
Our most loyal readers know: Davids Medienkritik began as a German-language blog. In order to grow, the site transformed into an English-language site. Why? Davids Medienkritik gained readers by getting noticed in the English-language blogosphere by large, established sites like Instapundit and Andrewsullivan.com.
As many of you know, no large German blog sites exist that could have helped us reach the point that we are at today. We want to change that. How? By founding a major new media-critical German-language blog site and using our influence to promote it. That is our goal for 2005: We want a blog as successful as Davids Medienkritik in German!
We Need Your Help
Logistically, David and I have what it takes to get a blog site up and running. So what do we really need? First, we need to promote this new site in the mainstream German-language press to gain a significant German-speaking audience. Davids Medienkritik will throw its full weight behind the project in terms of promotion, but it is imperative that everyone interested in seeing this new blog succeed donate what you can now to help us advertise our new blog.
Join Us
If you feel that you have what it takes to be a good German-language blogger on our site, don’t hesitate to email us. If you can help us translating English to German, we may also be able to put you to good use on our new site. Let us know!
Spread the Word
If you have the ability to spread the word about our new site online or offline, we urge you to do so. We are also looking for German newspapers and publications to advertise our site. Please feel free to make suggestions in the comments section or via email.
Enormous Potential
David and I both feel that such a site has enormous potential. Millions of Germans are fed up with the one-sidedness and bias of the mainstream media. Yet they don’t know of any viable alternatives. We want to provide that alternative. We want to build the success story that is the American blogosphere for the German-speaking audience. It will be an absolutely critical alternative source of analysis and information. But again, we can’t do it without you.
Grand Debut: February 1, 2005
Our new blog will debut this coming Tuesday, February 1, 2005. The name and web address will be announced here on Davids Medienkritik. Stay tuned!
(Written by Ray D.)
Unser Ziel für 2005: Ein neues,
deutschsprachiges Blog
Zurück zu den Ursrpüngen
Unsere treuesten Leser wissen: Davids Medienkritik fing als deutschsprachiges Blog an. Um eine größere Leserschaft zu erreichen, wurde die Seite auf die englische Sprache umgestellt. Warum? Indem große, renommierte Seiten wie Instapundit und Andrewsullivan.com der englischsprachigen Bologosphere auf Davids Medienkritik aufmerksam wurden, gewannen wir Leser.
Viele von Ihnen wissen, daß es keine große, deutsche Blog-Seite gibt, die uns an den Punkt hätte bringen können, an dem wir heute sind. Das möchten wir ändern. Wie? Indem wir eine große, neue, medienkritische Blog-Seite in deutscher Sprache gründen und unseren Einfluß nutzen, um sie bekannt zu machen. Das ist unser Ziel für 2005: Wir wollen ein deutsches Blog, das genauso erfolgreich ist wie Davids Medienkritik!
Wir brauchen Ihre Hilfe
David und ich haben die Logistik, die man benötigt um eine Blog-Seite aufzuziehen und zu betreiben. Was also brauchen wir tatsächlich? Zunächst brauchen wir die Aufmerksamkeit der etablierten, deutschsprachigen Presse, um eine nennenswerte Leserschaft zu erreichen. Davids Medienkritik wird mit voller Kraft für das Projekt werben - aber jeder, der ein Interesse daran hat, daß das neue Blog ein Erfolg wird, sollte spenden
was er kann, damit wir Werbung dafür buchen können.
Machen Sie mit!
Wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, daß Sie ein guter, deutschsprachiger Blogger für unsere Seite wären, zögern Sie nicht, uns eine Mail zu schicken! Auch, wenn Sie uns mit Übersetzungen vom Englischen ins Deutsche helfen können, haben wir Verwendung für Sie bei der neuen Seite. Melden Sie sich bei uns!
Falls Sie die Möglichkeit haben, online oder offline über unsere neue Seite zu berichten, tun Sie das bitte! Wir suchen im Übrigen nach deutschen Zeitungen und Publikationen, um für unsere Seite zu werben. Wir freuen uns über Vorschläge in den Kommentaren oder per Email.
Riesiges Potential
David und ich sind beide der Meinung, daß eine solche Seite enormes Potential hätte. Millionen Deutschen hängt die Einseitigkeit und Voreingenommenheit der etablierten Deutschen Medien zum Hals heraus - aber sie kennen keine brauchbaren Alternativen. Wir möchten die Erfolgsgeschichte der amerikanischen Blogosphäre für eine deutsche Leserschaft nachmachen. Unser Projekt wird eine absolut kritische, alternative Quelle für Informationen und Analysen werden. Nochmals: Ohne
SIE können wir das nicht verwirklichen.
Großer Start am 1. Februar 2005
Unser neues Blog wird am kommenden Dienstag, dem 1. Februar 2005 online gehen. Der Name und die Internetadresse werden zuvor hier bei Davids Medienkritik veröffentlicht. Bleiben Sie dran!
(Special thanks to David H. for translation!)
es wäre einfacher für uns, bei der Namenssuche behilflich zu sein, wenn wir wüssten, welche Zielrichtung der Blog in etwa verfolgt. Geht es um die Bundestagswahl 2006, oder bleibt das Thema Deutschland - Amerika: biased media, oder Deutschland - Amerika: transatlantische Freundschaft?
Im übrigen freue ich mich über Eure Entscheidung; denn uns Deutschen geht es doch eigentlich darum, Deutschland zu verändern, und nicht etwa in erster Linie darum, Amerika unsere Mißstände, an denen die Amerikaner ohnehin nichts ändern können, zu klagen.
Wünsche Euch sehr viel Erfolg und alles Gute.
Posted by: ralph | January 25, 2005 at 05:18 PM
1. how about a name based on cowboy capitalismus?
2. Leidkultur?
3. Deutschland/Meckern über alles?
Posted by: | January 25, 2005 at 05:36 PM
David and Ray, I am full of praise for you. Keep up the good work!
Kind regards
Scuderia Austria
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 05:44 PM
@ ralph,
We want a site similar to Davids Medienkritik in German. It will not be focused on any single event like the 2006 election.
---Ray D.
Posted by: Ray D. | January 25, 2005 at 05:50 PM
Name suggestion: Schwarze Schafe unter den deutschen Journalisten
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 05:52 PM
Name suggestion: Davids Medienkritik auf Deutsch
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 05:59 PM
@ David,
"Davids Medienkritik" ist ein vortrefflicher Markenname.
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 06:11 PM
Gute Idee. Habe schon mal hier gemailt, dass alles auch in Deutsch kommen sollte, sonst lesen es die betroffenen Journalisten gar nicht.
Ich würde Davids Medienkritik lassen, weil der Name schon bekannt ist!
Posted by: kewil | January 25, 2005 at 06:11 PM
I think "Davids Medienkritik" is still the best name for both sites, but if it really has to be different, then I would suggest "Rays Medienkritik".
Posted by: Germerican | January 25, 2005 at 06:12 PM
Keep the suggestions for names going! This is helping.
---Ray D.
Posted by: Ray D. | January 25, 2005 at 06:13 PM
How about Media-Cop, but in german of course.
Posted by: Jim Doherty | January 25, 2005 at 06:16 PM
How about "media critique"? Something French-sounding, German journalists will like it. (Or "The Post-Modernist's Corporate Media Critiquè", if you want to appeal to academics, too.)
Posted by: Transgenderer | January 25, 2005 at 06:20 PM
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 06:23 PM
@ Scuderia Austria:
That is actually what I had settled upon: "Medienkritik Online". It is not fixed in stone and I would like to hear some more ideas...
---Ray D.
Posted by: Ray D. | January 25, 2005 at 06:28 PM
1. Anti-SPON
2. Goetzendaemmerung
3. Kritik der reinen Unsinn
4. Gerhard Schroeder is a stinker!
5. Deutschland erwache!
6. Blogologie
7. Davids Netzwerke
8. Deutsches Karneval
Posted by: Erik Eisel | January 25, 2005 at 06:37 PM
How about "Kritik am Schwachsinn deutschsprachiger Journalisten"?
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 06:55 PM
"How about "media critique"? Something French-sounding, German journalists will like it. (Or "The Post-Modernist's Corporate Media Critiquè", if you want to appeal to academics, too.")
Although I absolutely love this suggestion, I think Medienkritik Online is the best name.
Posted by: Karin Quade | January 25, 2005 at 07:02 PM
@Jim Doherty
sounds like: Medien-Streife
Posted by: Jens-Olaf | January 25, 2005 at 07:16 PM
Davids Medienkritik vs. Goliath Deutsche Presse
Posted by: Germerican | January 25, 2005 at 07:32 PM
Vier Vorschläge:
1. German Observer
2. Medienkritik AG
3. Medienkritik Alliance
4. German Viewpoint
Posted by: Downer | January 25, 2005 at 07:48 PM
english site:medienkritik.com
german site: medienkritik.de
Posted by: hobo | January 25, 2005 at 07:54 PM
Wie wäre es mit "Medienkritik weiß-blau, hurra und helau"?
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 08:06 PM
Medienkritik East, Medienkritik West?
Posted by: Mike H. | January 25, 2005 at 08:17 PM
@Mike H.
In Germany East and West is a strong synonym for East Germany (former GDR) and West Germany, BRD.
Posted by: Jens-Olaf | January 25, 2005 at 08:59 PM
hey, zensor!
vorschlag 3, "mediendämmerung" ist ernst gemeint!
Posted by: | January 25, 2005 at 09:11 PM
Ich glaube Medienkritik Online klingt gut. Meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass der Name nicht unbedingt provokativ oder pompös sein muss. Er soll sachlich und kurz den Inhalt des Blogs wiedergeben.
Posted by: WhatDoIKnow | January 25, 2005 at 09:34 PM
Europe and America have a different history. Hence the different political opinions. Especially when it comes to war. The memories of the last war are still fresh on the old continent. But this blog is directed at young ppl. Maybe it has a chance that way.
Posted by: Bad old Europe | January 25, 2005 at 09:50 PM
Perhaps a German variant of "Straighten Up and Fly Right" would be helpful.
Posted by: JKZeller | January 25, 2005 at 10:54 PM
Beacon of truth
fair and blanced
Reality Dose
For the rest of the story
Imprimis which BTW means in the first place.
Posted by: Joe | January 25, 2005 at 11:09 PM
To express (one's thoughts or feelings, for example), especially forcefully
Am not sure how that would translate but it might not need a translation.
Posted by: Joe | January 25, 2005 at 11:14 PM
Hi David, Hi Ray
I really like your blog but I think there´s a reason why it transformed into english ( though I didn´t read it then): There are just not enough of us who really think that there is something wrong with the german media. Most people accept all the biased reporting as the truth and consider any opposing views as anti-intellectual stupidities. And if there are people who critizise the media it is much more popular to go radical (e.g. Attac) or spread conspiracy theories than to call the german media bunch what it really is: A pack of aged self declared revolutionaries lost in memories and stigmatas of 68 calling themselves "intellectual elite".
Anyway, I wish you luck with your new blog. Names that came to my mind were things like "Mediawatch", "Schlagseite", "Spiegelei"(red-framed), "Neues Europa" or "Paralleluniversum"(that´s what I feel like sometimes) but finally I think you should keep the current name or do the ...-online thing.
Think about a banner on my website. You´ll get a free link, anyway. Also I´d like to contribute some things sometimes. Could give me a hint what to do?
Saludos de Alex
Posted by: Alex | January 25, 2005 at 11:23 PM
"Medienkritik Online" - ein Stück deutsche Wertarbeit. ;-)
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 25, 2005 at 11:35 PM
"Medienkritik Online" is certainly lame, if not entirely vapid. Be distinctive, as well as unique, without being pretentious or smug. I think "Paralleluniversum" (as proposed by Alex is something that both German speakers and English speakers can recognize as being meaningful. The two languages are from the same branch of the larger tree.
Posted by: JKZeller | January 25, 2005 at 11:54 PM
February 1, 2005 will be a good day for Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the United States. :-)
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 26, 2005 at 12:01 AM
Ich muss sagen, dass es gerade der bisherige Mischmasch aus Deutsch und Englisch in den Kommentaren war, der mein Interesse für diesen Blog geweckt hat. Irgendwie fände ich es schade, das wieder auseinander zu reißen... Wie habt ihr das eigentlich geplant- soll der deutsche Blog eigenständig sein, oder bloß eine Übersetzung? Im letzteren Fall könnte man ja alle Kommentare trotzem in einen einzigen, zweisprachigen Kommentarteil zusammenführen.
Posted by: fuchur | January 26, 2005 at 12:40 AM
How about/wie wär's mit "Medienspiegel"?
Posted by: chinaski | January 26, 2005 at 12:43 AM
1. Spiegel Beagle
2. Deutsche Idiotarian Watch
More coming up later. I am at work right now.
Posted by: Carl Densing | January 26, 2005 at 12:59 AM
Der schwarze Kanal :->
Posted by: Eric B | January 26, 2005 at 02:43 AM
Der Schwarze Blog
Posted by: | January 26, 2005 at 02:44 AM
My friends. If I could my $ would be flowing, however my kids need books and food. Poor me, teaching in parochial schools for less than 30 per year. 3 kids in university and I working on my master's.
I will however do my part in spreading the word!
Posted by: Kathianne | January 26, 2005 at 03:23 AM
I'm sorry I missed the beginnings of this blog as well. The idea of a German Medienkritik is great, because it won't sound as much like "another Americans bitching at Germans site". Which means I can recommend it to my friends here in the BRD.
I like "Medienkritik Online" - it is simple and sounds serious (lame, if you will). It may be that the zielpublikum are younger people, but my fellow pseudo-intellectual Germans will dismiss anything too funny as "unseriös".
My 2 cents...
Posted by: Der Schakal | January 26, 2005 at 04:06 AM
@ Ray,
"We are also looking for German newspapers and publications to advertise our site", you wrote. How about the "Bayernkurier"? URL of this newspaper: http://www.bayernkurier.de/
Posted by: Scuderia Austria | January 26, 2005 at 04:49 AM
Isn't it a bit redundant to call an online blog "online." Plus, how does this name (Medienkritik Online) distinguish itself from its English version, Davids Medienkritik.
You've got a bit of a branding problem.
Posted by: Erik Eisel | January 26, 2005 at 07:36 AM
I love it:
English "Davids Medienkritik" == German "Medienkritik Online"
Ihr koenntet fuer den Filmverleih amerikanische Filmtitel uebersetzen, haha.
Oder Telekomrechnungen aus dem Denglischen uebersetzen...
Posted by: Dr. Denglish | January 26, 2005 at 07:52 AM
Sehr positiv, Medienkritik auf Deutsch! Müsste gleich erfolgreich werden. Das ist es, was wir brauchen, einen kritischen Blick für die Lügen und Manipulationen der deutschsprachigen Pesse, wobei ich sehr hoffe, dass David auch beim Lesen von Schweizerzeitungen hie und da das Stirnrunzeln überfällt.
Posted by: RonaldCH | January 26, 2005 at 09:48 AM
Ja, so sollt ihr den deutschsprachigen Blog nennen: "David's Stirnrunzeln".
Posted by: RonaldCH | January 26, 2005 at 09:52 AM
Wha'about 'deutschlandhasser.typepad.com'?
Sounds really good to me.
Note from David: I guess the term "Deutschlandhasser" (Germany hater) is deservedly reserved for the German Left who up until recently (before their antiamerican campain started in earnest in 2001) desperately tried to paint Germany as a haven for right wing neonazi antisemits.
Posted by: Joe II | January 26, 2005 at 10:42 AM
You might want to be careful both now but also in the future. EU legislation regulating criticism(under various terms) of certain groups, people(s) and policies appears to be gaining favorable political consideration with space for expansion.
Posted by: Eg | January 26, 2005 at 10:57 AM
David and Ray,
I would suggest "David and Ray's Deutschemedienkritik"
Congrats on the the great site here and the new one in the near future. May God bless you both for exposing the hate and propaganda in the German media.
Blog on, blog on, blog on my brothers!
Posted by: N. Hale | January 26, 2005 at 12:37 PM
Mein Vorschlag:
David vs. Goliath
Posted by: S1IG | January 26, 2005 at 01:56 PM