There's no limit to the critique of America and the American government in the German media and in German politics - but please note, dear American friends: this is a one-way street only.
Germany pulls out of military expo over retired Army officer's columnHEIDELBERG, Germany — The German military has pulled out of the U.S. Army’s annual Land Combat Expo, protesting an opinion piece written by a controversial retired U.S. officer slated to be a guest speaker at next week’s event.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a noted author and frequent lecturer in military circles, wrote an opinion piece blasting the Germans in the New York Post on Aug. 19. The column came in the wake of criticism from Sen. John Kerry’s presidential campaign team of President Bush’s plan to reduce U.S. forces in Europe and Asia.
“Not one presents a reasoned strategic argument for maintaining wasteful garrisons abroad. And not one admits that the Germans only care about losing the jobs we provide,” wrote Peters.
“Regarding the Democrats’ claim that we’ll lose influence in Europe, the obvious question is, ‘What influence?’” Peters continued. “We’re not stabbing our French and German ‘allies’ in the back. They stabbed us. And they’ll do it again. Our troop posture in Europe doesn’t give us influence over the Europeans — it gives the Europeans power over us.”
In response, German army leaders informed U.S. officials on Tuesday that they’ve decided to pull out of the expo, said Col. Hans Kling, the chief German liaison officer at the Army European headquarters in Heidelberg. Kling said the decision to withdraw from the expo was made by the commander of Germany’s land forces, Lt. Gen. Axel Bürgener.
The Germans were to provide three tanks, two wheeled vehicles and about 30 soldiers as part of the German army’s display at the expo. (...)
Peters said any boycott amounts to “defacto censorship.”
Called for comment at home in northern Virginia, Peters said, “It’s perfectly all right for the Germans to call President Bush a Nazi, it’s perfectly all right for the Germans to criticize everything about America, to lionize [“Fahrenheit 911” director] Michael Moore and treat our soldiers as second-class human beings … but they want to try and censor the American media.”
Peters said the German decision was disappointing but not surprising.
“I think the fact that they’re pulling out is the best imaginable indicator of how weak our alliance is, how meaningless Germany’s contribution is,” said Peters. “If they pull out because they can’t stand one 800-word opinion piece in an American newspaper, how could we possibly expect them to stand by us in a violent crisis?” (emphasis added)
Peters, who is fluent in German and served in Germany for 10 years during his active-duty career, said he stands by everything he wrote.
I guess the German military will demand Michael Moore or Susan Sontag as guest speaker at the U.S. military expo in order to attend. Anything less will be considered an insult.
Did I mention Noam Chomsky?
+++BREAKING NEWS+++ ANOTHER LOSS FOR SCHROEDER: Germany's ruling Socialists under Chancellor Schroeder just suffered another historic loss in the nation's most populous state. Read all about it HERE.
(Hat tip Tanker and Hartmut)
Will anyone at the event even notice the Germans decided to stay home? Not likely.
Sadly, this puerile gesture represents a greater commitment than the German government's contribution to the liberty of Iraq and the people of Darfur combined. It comes close to overtaking the entire German contribution to the freedom of Afghanistan.
For shame.
Posted by: Ghost of a flea | September 25, 2004 at 11:55 PM
Love it.
Posted by: Hartmut | September 26, 2004 at 12:46 AM
Wow, 3 tanks,some soup kitchen vans and the appearance of the elite strudel chefs. Kind of sums up Germany's commitment to the War on Terror doesn't it?
Posted by: gavin kirk | September 26, 2004 at 01:49 AM
Does it really come as a surprise that the German Army is reluctanct to participate when a scheduled speaker at the event is known for having described them as „just an employment agency for uniformed bureaucrats“, has called for a boycott of all German products and is in a habit of labelling Germans - amongst other things - as "sons and daughter of the SS" and "loud, fat krauts polluting [the] environment"?
Posted by: cylli0 | September 26, 2004 at 02:11 AM
Shame on Col. Peters' lack of "nuance". Geez, We're in the midst of World War Four, facing an existential threat from Islamofascism and we can't even get the German Army to show up to a carnival. The United States needs something more substantial from it's allies than the snub and scorn of garden dwarves. Maybe after the US establishes democracy in Iraq we can get back to the unfinished job in Germany. As Winston Churchill once said of Germany "The Hun is either at your feet or at your back". I guess we're in the at-your-back phase now.
Posted by: Del Hoeft | September 26, 2004 at 04:06 AM
Why do we care?
Seriously, why would we even care about this?
I think we need to one-up Germany and pull out of NATO and then remove all American troops from German soil.
That of course is just the beginning. In NO WAY should the United states ever support or defend Germany or any of her actions as a state ever again or for any reason.
They are on their own and I want not one U.S. tax dollar put into her economy.
We need 100% disengagement from Europe now and it should begin with Germany.
Posted by: Jimmy The Clam | September 26, 2004 at 06:57 AM
Schroeder won the last elections only because of the flood in east germany (where he could present himself as the big, caring statesman) and because of turkish immigrants, whom the red-green government couldn't give the right to vote fast enough. With a CDU-chancelor, germanys position would be much closer to the USA - You shouldn't blow international relationsships between democraties because of one silly government.
Just think about all the things sKerry could do wrong in the USA (and in Iraq). And think about the reaction in the conservative US media after spain pulled out - days before, they where the brave spaniards, and then, they where chickens. Thats too easy.
And there is another thing. The opinion of the german (and european) people is formed by a wicked left-wing media, just as it was a few years ago (and still is in part) in the US. I think the whole western civilisation is infested by this liberal virus, and dividing people is what they always do.
Posted by: Hartmut | September 26, 2004 at 10:54 AM
«Iraqi Freedom» entfesselt
den Zorn der jungen Männer
Ich habe einen interessanten Artikel in der Netzeitung gefunden:
"16. Sep 11:06
Der Genozidforscher Gunnar Heinsohn betrachtet den Krieg in Irak auf der Basis der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und stellt fest, dass die USA eine internationale Bedrohung in einen begrenzten Konflikt verwandelt haben.
Von Gunnar Heinsohn
Gewalt in Form des Bürgerkrieges konnte erst nach der Entmachtung Saddam Husseins beginnen, weil der die jungen Männer auf andere Weise eliminiert hatte. Sechs typische Wege gibt es für die überzähligen Söhne einer Nation: Massenhafte Gewaltkriminalität, Bürgerkrieg, Revolution, Exil, Völkermord und Eroberungskrieg beziehungsweise Kolonisation. Saddam, seit 1969 Vizepräsident und zehn Jahre später Diktator, hat vorrangig die Optionen Exlilierung, Völkermord und Eroberungskrieg zum Einsatz gebracht. Die Tendenz dazu hatte sich schon gezeigt, bevor er an die Regierungsspitze trat.
Zwischen 1961 und 1965 wurden 60.000 irakische Kurden getötet, deren Volksgruppe ebenfalls entsprechend schnell anwuchs. 1977 wurden 200.000 Schiiten nach Iran deportiert, 1978/79 7000 Kommunisten getötet, 1980 - die irakische Bevölkerung zählte 13 Millionen Menschen - begann der Eroberungskrieg gegen Iran (bis 1988), in dem 350.000 Iraker und 500.000 Iraner starben. Von 1987 bis 2003 wurden 250.000 Kurden und Schiiten durch das irakische Regime getötet. Nach dem Sturz Saddam Husseins im dritten Golfkrieg mit 20.000 bis 40.000 irakischen Toten, davon siebzig Prozent Soldaten. Im Mai/Juni 2003 begann dann der Brügerkrieg als «Befreiungskampf gegen die USA.
Ob der irakische Bürgerkrieg zu Totenzahlen wie unter Saddam Hussein führt, etwa 1,5 Millionen einschließlich der Opfer in überfallenen Ländern, wird sich zeigen. Zuvor ist die Anklage nicht belegt, dass «Iraqi Freedom» mehr Tod gebracht als verhindert habe. ..."
Zu der Tatsache, daß unter Saddam Hussein 1,5 Millionen Menschen getötet wurden, steht im Spiegel im Artikel "IRAK -Schauspiel des Schreckens" von OLAF IHLAU, ALAA KHALID NASSER, GERHARD SPÖRL folgendes:
"Warum bloß machen die Amerikaner das neben Syrien einzige laizistische Regime im Nahen Osten kaputt", zeterte der Stellvertreter des Gewaltherrschers vor europäischen Besuchern in seinem pompösen Ministerratsgebäude am Tigris, "wenn Saddam Hussein fällt, dann kommt es hier zum Chaos und am Ende zum Triumph dieser verrückten Islamisten und Terroristen."
Heute gehört der kleinwüchsige General zu den zwölf inhaftierten Granden des untergegangenen Regimes, auf die, wie auf den Despoten, wohl der Galgen wartet. Doch auf seinem Weg zum Henker dürfte Saddams engster Vertrauter die Genugtuung mitnehmen, dass sich seine düstere Prognose weitgehend erfüllte: Zwar haben die "verrückten Islamisten" noch nicht gesiegt, aber sie sind drauf und dran, das Zweistromland mit einer unerbittlichen Eskalation von Gewalt in Anarchie und Bürgerkrieg zu stürzen.
Spiegel-Journalisten zitieren also Taha Jassin Ramadan und präsentieren unwidersprochen dessen Meinung, daß unter SH "Frieden" war. Die 1,5 Millionen Toten werden gar nicht erwähnt.
Daß sie der These zur Verbreitung helfen, unter Saddam Hussein herrschte wenigstens Ordnung und kontrollierte wenigstens die Extremisten, finde ich ekelhaft und dumm. Ich kann es nicht fassen, wie tief der Spiegel gesunken ist.
Posted by: Gabi | September 26, 2004 at 11:02 AM
Diese Thesen kommen ja einem bekannt vor.
Adolf hatte ja vielleicht seine Fehler aber er ja die Autobahnen gebaut,jedem Arbeit gegeben und Ordnung und Sauberkeit geschaffen.
Kann man noch heute in manchen Diskussionen hören.
Dieses besch.... entschuldigen von Diktatoren und Massenmördern ist nicht auszuhalten.
Posted by: Kane | September 26, 2004 at 11:44 AM
ARMES Deutschland.
Poor Germany.
Do any adults live here or just cry babies?
I love the political discourse. I believe ....
and You Mr. Ami: Halt's maul (shut up).
Mommy Mommy someone stole my rattle!
Posted by: Trish | September 26, 2004 at 12:31 PM
Does anybody have a link to the original text of Ralph Peters' op-ed piece (or to the abstract)?
(I did a search on the New York Post's website, but to no avail...)
Posted by: Erik S | September 26, 2004 at 12:53 PM
Here's Peters' op-ed
Posted by: Trish | September 26, 2004 at 01:02 PM
Now, now, Trish... Be nice. You'll bruise some tender egos!
Remeber they still have us over a barrel. If they are subsumed by the moonbats, OUR risk rises. I'm sure Berlin/Bonn knows this.
Posted by: Joe N. | September 26, 2004 at 05:39 PM
Und Naomi Klein darf auch nicht fehlen:
"Das Weltbild der Naomi Klein:
Naiver Antisemitismus oder Antisemitismus für Naive?
Von Bernhard Torsch
Seit sie mit ihrem Buch "No Logo", einer überflüssigen, weil längst Bekanntes zusammenfassenden Anklageschrift gegen die weltweit agierenden Konzerne, den Sprung in die Bestsellerlisten und die Herzen der theoriefeindlichen Linken geschafft hat, bedient die kanadische Journalistin Naomi Klein die globalisierungskritische Bewegung mit Kommentaren und Reportagen, die sich fast immer durch eine fast rührende Naivität auszeichnen.
... Wenn man nur offen und möglichst unbewaffnet auf Hamas und Co zugehe, werde sich alles zum Guten wenden. Die Wirklichkeit, dass nämlich ein Krieg tobt zwischen Zivilisation und Barbarei, will Klein nicht wahrhaben, und sie ist damit nicht alleine. Jede Grausamkeit, die im Namen des religiösen Irrsinns verübt wird, findet inzwischen seine Verteidiger, vor allem unter europäischen und US-amerikanischen Linken. Das begann mit der Begeisterung für die "iranische Revolution", setzte sich über die Bewunderung für den Kampf der afghanischen Stammeskrieger gegen die UDSSR fort und manifestiert sich heute in der gar nicht so klammheimlichen Freude, wenn die Todesschwadronen Allahs wieder zuschlagen. Leute wie Naomi Klein unterstützen durch ihre naive Einschätzung der Verhältnisse den Feind, und Menschen, die andere Menschen deren Glaubens wegen umbringen wollen, die Israel auslöschen und der ganzen Welt ihre nette Mischung aus Kleriko-Faschismus und Extrem-Patriachat aufzwingen wollen, sind als Feind zu betrachten und zu behandeln, so man sich nicht mit ihnen gemein machen will.
Aber erkläre das jemand Frau Klein und den "antiimperialistischen" Kampfschreibern auf Indymedia und Co! Zwei Wochen vor dem antisemitischen Rundumschlag veröffentlichte Klein im "Standard" einen Kommentar mit dem Titel "Bringt Najaf nach New York!", in dem sie sich gar bitterlich über das ungehobelte Benehmen der US-Soldaten im Irak beschwerte. "US-Stiefel trampeln über die heiligen Gräber", zitterte sie vor Empörung, und wieder und wieder schrieb sie von "Heiligtümern", den "heiligsten Stätten des Islam" und von der Ignoranz der westlichen Zivilisation. Und die bewaffnete Bande des Kalaschnikov-Predigers al-Sadr, der diesen Kampf in Najaf genau mit dem Kalkül, dass sich westliche "Linke" vom Schlag einer Klein darüber fürchterlich beklagen würden, begonnen hatte? "Widerstandskämpfer", so Klein, die genau Bescheid zu wissen vorgibt, "dass al-Sadr die Meinung der überwältigenden Mehrheit der Menschen im Irak repräsentiert". Woher sie dieses erstaunliche Wissen hat, verschweigt uns die Streiterin wider Heiligtumsbeschmutzung und "Likudismus". Wer solcherart gegen Israel, die Globalisierung und die angebliche Arroganz des Westens anschreibt und gleichzeitig die Realität des faschistoiden politischen Islams ausblendet, ist entweder naiv, oder berechnend (und hat Marx nicht gelesen beziehungsweise nicht verstanden). Da sich Kleins Kommentare und Büchlein verkaufen, wie Schnaps in der Prohibitionszeit, muss man von Letzterem ausgehen. Da hat jemand erkannt, wie man ein bauchlinkes Publikum bedienen muss, um "zu den begehrtesten Kolumnistinnen der USA" ("Der Standard" über Klein) aufzusteigen. 21-09-2004
Posted by: Gabi | September 26, 2004 at 07:40 PM
Europe is doomed! Those of you who have any sense will pack your bags and move to the free side of the pond.
Posted by: Joe Rousé | September 26, 2004 at 08:08 PM
@Joe N.
Gee Wiz - All I wanted to do is have a little fun and blow off some steam; all at the same time.
As an American I of course have wide shoulders and am leidenfähig (capacity to suffer) Do you know the German saying "Lerne to Klagen ohne zu Leiden" Learn to complain without suffering.
The problem is that I think this is a waste of my time and think that it's time to stop being polite in response to rudeness. If they want it they can have it, but they don't seem be able to take it.
Boo Hoo
Posted by: Trish | September 26, 2004 at 08:13 PM
Liest sich ganz nett, aber letztlich handelt es sich doch wieder nur um einen linken Meinungssplitter ohne Mehrheitfähigkeit unter den "Bauchlinken". Immerhin, eine anti-islamistische Linke wäre mal was Neues.
In den USA scheint es ja so zu sein, dass viele Juden sich langsam vom Liberalism abwenden, jedenfalls scheint das bei David Horowitz und frontpagemag so durch....
...Zu "Marx nicht gelesen beziehungsweise nicht verstanden" fällt mir ein Zitat von Ronald Reagen ein:
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
Posted by: Hartmut | September 26, 2004 at 08:14 PM Eine Stätte zur Verbreitung von Hass - Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung beschäftigt einen Mann, der offen Volksverhetzung betreibt
Thomas Krüger ist ein umtriebiger Mann. Seine Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung ist ganz vorne im Kampf um Toleranz und gegen Rechtsextremismus. Im März 2001 lud er zu einer Konferenz verschiedener Initiativen gegen Rechtsradikalismus nach Leipzig, im folgenden´Sommer produzierte die Bundeszentrale ein Konzert mit Chava Alberstein und Peter, Paul and Mary mit .
Seither ist der Rechtsradikalismus in Deutschland wie wir sehen erstaunlich gesunken, die Anhänger der DVU und NPD in Sachsen, Brandenburg und anderswo tapezieren ihren häuslichen Spind gerne mit dem letzten Starschnitt von Chava Alberstein. Auch Dr. Ludwig Watzal , Mitarbeiter der Bundeszentrale, ist ganz vorne dabei im "Kampf gegen Extremismus" . Sein Rezept : Er holt den Antisemitismus der Ewiggestrigen und plaziert diesen in der Mitte der Gesellschaft, mitten im nationalen Grundkonsens Deutschlands anno 2004, wo ein Mitarbeiter des Deutschlandradio auf Anfrage des Korrespondenten von Yedioth Aharonot Eldad Beck die rüde antisemitische Attacke Watzals mitten im Selbstverständnis der Bundesrepublik verortet sehen will.
Man kann sicher sein, dass die Mitarbeiter des Landeskriminalamtes in Berlin mitfeiern wollen in dieser Party des neuen deutschen Konsens, auch Bundestagspräsident Wolfgang Thierse ist eingeladen, Kanzler Schröder sowieso. Empfohlen ist auch die Einladung von Al Kaeda nahestehenden Judenhassern wie Tariq Ramadan zu einer Rahmenveranstaltung der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Recht so, Juden in Deutschland sollten einen Tag vor Jom Kippur wissen, mit wem Deutschland die Versöhnung sucht.
Mit sich vermutlich. Das Böse ist ja zuweilen ein Teil von uns, auch ein Teil Deutschlands.
Sind Juden ein Teil dieses Deutschland?
Thomas Krüger weiss vermutlich die Antwort, oder er zieht die Konsequenzen.
Posted by: Gabi | September 26, 2004 at 08:29 PM
Does the German military upper eschelon not understand just how immature this makes them appear? It doesn't make me angry as much is it makes me sad for the German people. The stereotype *used* to be that Germans were kind of tough, and dignified. Now they seem soft and mushy. Blech. So much for stereotypes, huh?
Posted by: lost one | September 26, 2004 at 08:56 PM
Oh no, the Germans are mad. The next thing you know, they'll refuse to help us when we need them. Oh wait, that's happened already.
I did 2.5 years in the US Army in Germany in the 80's-90's. I've got this great idea for the future. Let Horst, Heinz and Fritz defend their own country -- and let their parents pick up the tab. And when they get out of thier extended Bundeswehr draft tours, they can get a job funded by someone other than Uncle Sam -- assuming the German economy actually creates any jobs.
Hell, let's let South Korea do the same. Welcome to the ROK Army, Kim, Han and Roh! I guess your conscription terms is going to be just a little longer than you might have expected -- see, the US 2D Infantry Division just picked up and left. The DMZ's that way -- dress warm for your patrol!
Yankees go home? Geez, show me the door, dude!
Posted by: kdawg | September 26, 2004 at 10:18 PM
"The Germans were to provide three tanks, two wheeled vehicles and about 30 soldiers as part of the German army’s display at the expo"
Maybe the Germans were afraid that with half their miltary at the expo, the French might just have enough power to overrun them.
Posted by: Smaack | September 26, 2004 at 10:47 PM
Stop it. Stop it, Mr. Burns. Stop it. Stop mocking us.
Posted by: The Germans | September 26, 2004 at 10:50 PM
Or the Canadians.....Whoooo I'm bad.
Posted by: RDB in TN | September 26, 2004 at 10:57 PM
Hartmut, it's frustration at the current situation
that's speaking. We actually do know what would
happen if JFK took the reins. Disaster! Also there
are a number of us who aren't there and have to get
our info from non(US)-cultural sources.
Posted by: Mike H. | September 26, 2004 at 10:58 PM
"Hell, let's let South Korea do the same. Welcome to the ROK Army, Kim, Han and Roh! I guess your conscription terms is going to be just a little longer than you might have expected -- see, the US 2D Infantry Division just picked up and left. The DMZ's that way -- dress warm for your patrol!"
Why tip our hand now?
I say we play it cool until they desperately need our help, THEN we flip them the bird with both hands.
Posted by: Snake Eyes Owen | September 26, 2004 at 11:01 PM
It seems to me there are several positive steps that the Germans could take to deal with Colonel Peters.
They could have Peters declared persona non grata in all the EU countries. That would stop him from spreading his pernicious ideas in Europe.
They could have the Belgians indict Peters for war crimes. Or perhaps the Spanish judge who went after Pinochet could do something along these lines?
They could ask the US to indict Peters for treason.
Or - just perhaps: they could debate him? Show up in some numbers and challenge Peters to a debate about his views? Just a thought.....
Posted by: Don | September 26, 2004 at 11:39 PM
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm not exactly looking forward to seeing a real German army in existence. Everyone knows that they've always had the best troops/subs/navy/spies/etc in any war they've fought in. Personally, I'd rather we kept our troops there so they don't go build up theirs. It's not like we're talking about a weak government such as France. German engineering and military culture are second to none.
Posted by: ballantrae | September 26, 2004 at 11:58 PM
The stereotype *used* to be that Germans were kind of tough, and dignified. Now they seem soft and mushy. Blech. So much for stereotypes, huh?
IMO, socialism has a lot to do with it. Look at the Brits, it's getting to them, too.
Posted by: rosignol | September 27, 2004 at 12:21 AM
You guys just don't get it, do you?
This is all Bush's fault. He has made the Germans look like girlie-men. It's all a sinister plot by the BushReich to emasculate their enemies. Didn't you read Frank Rich's column in the Arts section of the New York Times?
You people are so naive.
Posted by: Cassandra | September 27, 2004 at 12:30 AM
I'll take it that that was sarcasm, Cassandra?
Update: Peters has offered to withdraw for the good of the troops, but the German military has yet to respond.
Posted by: Edward Yee | September 27, 2004 at 12:35 AM
"I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm not exactly looking forward to seeing a real German army in existence. Everyone knows that they've always had the best troops/subs/navy/spies/etc in any war they've fought in. Personally, I'd rather we kept our troops there so they don't go build up theirs. It's not like we're talking about a weak government such as France. German engineering and military culture are second to none."
Which would explain losing the last 2 major wars how? Look at Patton's breakout versus the German performance in the Bulge. Just one example.
"German engineering and military culture" are second to a number of countries now. The world moved on, Germany didn't. Look at quality ratings for Honda versus BMW, Lexus versus Mercedes, Harley vs BMW, Boeing versus Airbus.
Posted by: Joe | September 27, 2004 at 12:58 AM
Zoooh, does der Cherman Arrrmy now haf a Panzy divishun?
Posted by: Jewel Atkins | September 27, 2004 at 01:09 AM
--"Lerne to Klagen ohne zu Leiden"--
I thought it was "Learn to clog in the color loden."
Posted by: Sandy P | September 27, 2004 at 01:22 AM
--Und Naomi Klein darf auch nicht fehlen:--
Naomi Klein?
Didn't she get paid $15 grand to tell Prince Al how to dress for the 2000 election????
Posted by: Sandy P | September 27, 2004 at 01:23 AM
Here's the response I'd have loved for Peters to give them:
(Do a search on Anthony McAuliffe if you don't get it.)
Posted by: Mike G | September 27, 2004 at 01:40 AM
I think that was Naomi Wolf
Posted by: D | September 27, 2004 at 01:44 AM
I think the real secret reason the Germans are pulling out their three tanks is that they had to recycle them because of a national cardboard shortage. And not sturdy corrugated cardboard that the French use, but rather the thin white cardboard you discard upon opening a package of undershirts.
But our former Holocaustian foes could still send over Mohammed Atta's Al Qaeda cell mates for us to use in target practice, since the German courts don't have the backbone to prosecute them for real. Then again, the word of Ramzi Binalshib carries weight in Germany. After all, anybody who wants to kill the Jews would never lie, right?
With allies like NATO, who needs treachery?
Posted by: Korla Pundit | September 27, 2004 at 02:09 AM
Uhmmm, I'd still take a BMW over any car :).
Posted by: Ariks | September 27, 2004 at 02:31 AM
Yes Edward, I was being sarcastic :) And it was Naomi Wolf. You'll be happy to know Ms. Wolf is applying her hard-won expertise to analyzing why the Kerry campaign is self-destructing.
She has developed a paranoid conspiracy theory that is quite similar to Frank Rich's theory about the GOP plotting to turn Kerry into a girlie-man.
I can't link to Rich's article because the Times archived it, and I don't want to link to my post because that would be link whoring, but if anyone's interested, you can google 'jet noise frank rich' and that will pull it up (I think). There's probably a name for what I just did (link teasing?)...oh well.
It seems the Dems are obsessed with the fact that they are not measuring up in the "manliness department", and the only way they can explain this is by turning it into a sinister GOP plot. Which only makes them look both wimpy and moronic...
And paranoid.
I think I'm going to blog on this tomorrow.
Once I've stopped laughing hysterically.
Posted by: Cassandra | September 27, 2004 at 03:39 AM
The German military stares down a single retired U.S. military officer, and fliched. The most comic thing about it is that the very act of withdrawing from the expo made Ralph Peters' point! Mr. Peters doesn't even need to show up to the expo anymore.
How formidable, no wonder Kerry prefers to wait and scratch his butt only when Germany agrees to help.
Posted by: Eric Anondson | September 27, 2004 at 04:41 AM
I'm going to have to second Germany's technology during WWII. Germany didn't lose the war because of inferior equipment. Their leadership was worse than Britain's and the U.S., and the U.S.' economic machine was far superior. But German tanks were amazing machines, as were their U Boats. We all need to be thankful that Hitler was an idiot and decided to engage in a two-front war.
That, and declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor.
Posted by: Half Canadian | September 27, 2004 at 04:43 AM
Lyndie England and just one pair of her panties alone could engage and destroy any semblance of a german "army".
This move absolutely shows the shallowness and frailty of any alliance or current friendship between both countries. As soon as USSR unravels, germany begins her slow desent back to arrogant nothingness in a dark age after having sukled the US teat dry. Germany now collapses like a leaking balloon, and her "leaders" sounds as such.
what childlike bullszhit we have seen for over 2 years now is a perfect indication of all we will see from germany moving forward.
Hartmut, you sound like a good man and I enjoy your posts, but this relationship is now toast.
no mas.
There is now proof that the german interest in the US is only as a crutch and a handicap ramp.
I feel the pain of a guy in your position and ideology stuck amongst such thick-skulled and childish insanity.
Posted by: Pato | September 27, 2004 at 05:00 AM
Why is it that every time someone like Ralph Peters offers up criticism of German policy, they can't seem to counter-argue any of his points?
Of course the Bundesbahn gouges the US Army, anyone who has served in Germany knows this. Of course local towns only think of US kasernes as cash cows, that has been obvious for decades. We should have pulled out a long time ago before the resentment in Germany was allowed to build up as high as it has.
Furthermore, exactly what influence does the US gain by having troops in Germany? None! Peters was right when he said the opposite is true. In effect, our units there can become political hostages in a crisis situation if they cannot deploy to do a mission.
A US pullout from Germany is probably the best thing we can do to preserve what is left of American-German friendship. No longer will we resent the Germans for taking so much of our money and no longer will the Germans resent the presence of "besatzungstruppen."
Posted by: Hector | September 27, 2004 at 06:33 AM
Du hast absolut recht.
Im übrigen fragt Ihlau (wer sonst ?) die falschen Fragen:
Wieso kam Zarqawi zu Saddam's Zeiten in den Irak ?
Er wurde nicht erst nach der Befreiung politisch aktiv, wie al-Sadr, sondern war schon vorher da. Man kann schon sagen, eingeladen von Saddam, da seine Anwesenheit und seine politischen Fordungen dem irakischen Geheimdienst niemals entgangen wären.
Aber solche Fragen, Herr Ihlau, kann man von Ihnen nicht erwarten, der glaubt, Saddam wäre ein sekulärer, laizistischer Herrscher. Ein Blick in seine Reden und in § 14 (oder so) der Baath-Partei würde ihm die Augen öffnen. Araber ist, wer an sein Arabertum glaubt !!! Auch das quasi-religiöse der Nazis wurde ja schon erkannt und gedeutet. Herr Ihlau sieht das nicht und spricht dem Ramadan wie ein Papagei über den Laizismus nach.
Eine andere Zahl aus dem letzten September, ich glaube, von der Liga befreiter Gefangenenr aus dem letzten September: In den irakischen Gefängnissen wären von April 03-September 03 70.000 Menschen gestorben, umgebracht etc. Ausgerechnet auf Grundlage der Gefängnisdaten der letzten 35 Jahre, von denen der SPIEGEL wenig spricht. Dem kann man die Zahl der Opfer von Terrorismus nach der Befreiung entgegenhalten, die bei weitem geringer ist. Aber wer unbedingt den Irak ruinieren will, kann ja eigentlich alles umdrehen, mit den besten Absichten natürlich.
Dieses Argument, unter Saddam wäre es sicherer, habe ich auch im Freundeskreis gefunden (Ein Zeichen von Kontamination), wobei anscheinend die million Morde an Iraker mit weniger Aufmerksamkeit des SPIEGELS stattfanden. Nur weil der Spiegel davon uns nichts erzählt, heisst es nicht, dass es unter Saddam besser & sicherer war.
Posted by: Samir al-Iraqi | September 27, 2004 at 06:43 AM
They want to censor the US media!?
Oh please, that's the silliest thing I've read in weeks.
Posted by: Brian Mac | September 27, 2004 at 08:28 AM
Schon interessant was man hier so liest:
Die Deutschen saugen die Amis aus.
Die Deutschen fallen einem in den Rücken.
Ich weiss nur eins:
Das Leben ist sicherer wenn ich weiss das der der Ami mein Feind ist, denn dann schiesse ich gleich zurück!
Als deutscher Soldat möchte ich nicht die Amis als Verbündeten haben. Die machen sich zu schnell in die Hosen, wie man durch die vielen Verluste durch eigenes Feuer gesehen hat.
Amerika will keine Freunde, die wollen Vasallen..
Posted by: Frank | September 27, 2004 at 08:56 AM
@ Frank
1)With one comment you have blown all arguments that the Germans would be capable of leading an effective military.
2)You are free to pick your friends or your enemies. They are not being picked for you - or are they?
3) Your logic however is flawed your chances of being hit by an American in "your scenario" and your estimation of the US military's capabilities is statistically high in both cases. Was this supposed to make sense?
4) In this war against Terrorism who do you consider to be your "allies"?
5) But then again the terrorists attack the innocent who are not trained to defend themselves - so were I to assume you a soldier - in this situation you would be safe: no friendly-fire and no un-friendly fire - because the trained well equipped soldier is not the target - my God he/she would be able to defend him/herself.
6) American Military has great respect for the German elite forces. Their conduct in Afghanistan was by all accounts excellent. It's just too bad that the German media was not permitted to write about it.
7) As far as America wanting vassals - you may have noticed that the economic system of Fürst and Fürstentum was not very successful, well not for the vassals. Many Europeans felt strongly about this and choose the path of the first "Tax Refugees" and packed their two pairs of underwear, got on a boat and left. So if you wish to define yourself as a vassal be my guest - but let me tell you we have no use for vassels.
Posted by: Trish | September 27, 2004 at 10:41 AM
The Germans couldn't send their three tanks and thirty men to the function because of a previous commitment:
"Now ist der time en Sprockets ven ve danse!"
Posted by: Adjoran | September 27, 2004 at 11:39 AM
"Als deutscher Soldat möchte ich nicht die Amis als Verbündeten haben. Die machen sich zu schnell in die Hosen, wie man durch die vielen Verluste durch eigenes Feuer gesehen hat."
This makes a lot of sense. ?!?!
You would have to actually be fighting to put yourself into harms way, and we all know that no German soldier will ever die defending freedom, ironically only having fought for everything else though. America and Britain will always "fight the good fight," just make yourself comfortable reading Spiegel magazine in your growing unemployment lines.
"Amerika will keine Freunde, die wollen Vasallen.."
Comments like this demonstrate the undeniable contempt of our "allies." An self-imposed wilful ignorance of anything that the USA has done for Germany in the past 60 years. That we are not allowed to spend our money, our resources in our defence that does not "offend" Germany. Alas, the child has been spoiled...
Let me ask you Frank, do you feel like, as member to a long line of honourable German soldiers, a Vassal now? A country who has committed the worst crimes in known history was taken under the generous protection of my country. That we were able to forgive you for your declaration of war against my country? That we fed you, supported you, defended you, wrote your (now) all-to-precious constitution for you, all within 5 years of your declaration of war against us. I guess that you must feel claustrophobic, confined, suffocated under the our protecting wing. If this is the case, as I surmise it is, then why not let us leave? Let us do with our money, men and resources as we choose to do.
In consideration of your dialogue, your popular Chancellor’s dialogue, your media’s dialogue, I would like to thank you for I now know what the true character of your country holds. "I have seen the enemy, and he is us," as Pogo said. As Far as I am concerned, the relationship is long since over...
"...A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight; nothing he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of men better than himself."
John Stuart Mill
Posted by: James | September 27, 2004 at 11:59 AM
what this blog has to do with medienkritik beats me - a lot of german bashing and american modesty and humility - as a german myself i know we're the lowest lifeform on earth and have to show eternal gratefulness to america for showing us the light - we are mean-spirited, back-stabbing, spoiled, fascist, lazy, dumb kids who only get along with our cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the French - we support dictators all over the world for selfish reasons and sell weapons to mass-murderes and terrorists for financial gain - we're going down in flames and our socialist, over-regulated, over-aged land shall become a big parking lot - and I can understand all Americans who have to suffer through being here, that they want to leave, it's horrific
b.t.w.: i find it very amusing how much fun is being made of the alleged inability of germans to speak english - we all know how easy it is to get through the polyglot US without knowing english
Posted by: michael | September 27, 2004 at 02:56 PM