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See also code: theWebSocket;, a nurse blogging from Oregon (and one of the original entries on my blogroll).

It's amazing. Is it a language barrier that permits this to happen?

The news lede from the Oregonian was Ordered to just walk away it was the U.S. version of the AP story that slanted the story not the German version. They were ordered by US officers. The lede for the US AP is actaully misleading: "rebuffed"? By who? The US AP lede makes it sound like it isn;t US officials that decided that US soldiers couldn't help prevent the abuse.

This was left out too: "We did not generally put good people in." which is an understantement.

The news lede from the Oregonian was Ordered to just walk away it was the U.S. version of the AP story that slanted the story not the German version. They were ordered by US officers. The lede for the US AP is actaully misleading: "rebuffed"? By who? The US AP lede makes it sound like it isn;t US officials that decided that US soldiers couldn't help prevent the abuse.

This was left out too: "We did not generally put good people in." which is an understantement.

It's the perfect situation from the leftish point of view. The US commander cannot do right no matter what. Either he takes over, showing the Iraqi 'government' to be a sham with no authority. Or he 'allows' abuse of the prisoners to proceed. The monkey has only two ways out of the cage. Except that he found a third way out, something which can safely be ignored....

If something happens which the media fails to report, it didn't happen. Right?

"It's the perfect situation from the leftish point of view. The US commander cannot do right no matter what"

Look, that is crap. No one would fault a US commander for not returning torture victims to their torturers. Your premise is dishonest. The point the left had been making was that the US could not possibly use human rights concerns as an excuse for invading Iraq because the history has been that the US policy makers don't give a shit. Sure enough, we can see it right away. what kind of bastard returns torture victims to their torturers?
you can try to convince yourself that the left would complain if the US commander "interfered" by refusing to allow these people from going back to their abusers but you are only fooling yourself.

And you are fooling yourself with your notion that the Iraqi 'government' isn't already a sham. The people running it were selected by the US. Iyad Allawi
It never occured to you that the US should have allowed the Iraqi people to pick who they wanted for their government? If an election wasn't posible a poll could have been conducted to get a very good idea who they want instead of imposing US selected stooges. (in the case of Iyad Allawi, apparently murderous.

Ich möchte auf diesen Artikel in der WELT hinweisen:

Der alte Traum vom Siegfrieden
Wer hat Schuld am Ausgang des Ersten Weltkriegs? Erwiderung auf Jörg Friedrich
von Rainer Rother


Begeistert von den Aussichten jenes Siegfriedens, zu dem es nicht kam - des perfekten deutschen Sieges, wie ihn "kein Cäsar, kein Fridericus, kein Napoleon" erstritten hätten -, sieht er (Friedrich) in den Alliierten die eigentlich Schuldigen für die Verlängerung des Schlachtens. Bemerkenswert ist die Sprache, in der dies zum Ausdruck kommt. Besonders die USA, denen es nicht gelungen sei, "ihre Neutralität gegen den eigenen Erwerbssinn zu verteidigen", geraten in schlechtes Licht. US-Präsident Wilson, "Sohn eines Predigers", hat es Friedrich besonders angetan: Seine "Unschuldsmiene" verdrießt ihn so wie damals das Deutsche Reich. Wilsons angeblicher Wettlauf mit dem Papst um den "Rang des Verkünders der Weltordnung" habe die "Weltparole" geboren vom "Krieg unvereinbarer Grundsätze: Barbarei oder Zivilisation, Despotismus oder Demokratie". Es ist die Rede vom "bekennenden Kreuzrittertum", das von Washington aus in die geistige Welt gefahren sei. Wäre hier nicht die deutscherseits seit 1914 verkündete Auseinandersetzung zwischen deutscher "Kultur" und westlicher "Zivilisation" wenigstens eine Erwähnung wert gewesen?


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