Here is a fabulous comment we just received. It reflects the thoughts and frustrations of many confronted daily with the overwhelming media driven bias and anti-American sentiment throughout Europe. Often, those who are brave enough to oppose the majority view get the impression that they are fighting a hopeless battle...that they are the only ones...until they discover this website.
From Tyranno:
Following up on "Eric in USA on the Role of France and Germany in Iraq." I agree and have found the same narrow perspective from very nearly all of the Germans that I speak with. I am continually reminded by my objective German friends of the "fact" of American "simplicity" and their "black and white" view of the world, contrasted with the more "complex" and "sophisticated" European perspective on the same world events. And yet my observations just don't bear it out. It is the rare German I meet who doesn't consider President Bush "stupid," that he "stole the election," that he is waging a "war for oil," he is a "cowboy," a "unilateralist," etc, etc, etc... The parroting of the TIME/NEWSWEEK/ DER SPEIGEL/STERN chosen topic of the week is not exactly a "nuanced" or "thoughtful" personal opinion. In opinion poles these numbers are born out by 70- 80% of the German (all european?)people. Focusing on just on those topics the numbers in the U.S.A. are much closer to a 55%~45%. So I think we can agree that someone is riding on the "groupthink" bandwagon, I am just not sure it is the Americans. On so many topics I am astonished at how uninformed most Germans are, or how willing they are to take their information from the most extreme points of view (always negative) to be found in America. Michael Moore is a prophet. fromthewilderness and are gospel. Every criticism or American mistake is accepted at face value, every bit of postitive news is suspect! I have been told (with a serious straight face) that it is unfortunate that people in America are "doomed to the socio-economic class they are born into." (From the nation that starts testing it's citizens as toddlers to predetermine the direction and level of their schooling.) I have been told that the "entire news media" in America is controlled by "rightwing zealots" who have brainwashed the American masses into supporting "Bush's War!" (Something that would no doubt be amusing to the vast majority of Americans who consider their mainstream medias somewhat left leaning. But we must have been "brainwashed" because otherwise we too would be anti-war, like all correct-thinking Germans.) I have been told that the government is controlled by, Jews, Christian fundamentalists, Israel, Neocons, etc, etc . . . that the CIA crashed the planes into the WTC, that the PNAC website is the blueprint for the U.S.A. taking over the world, racism is still a terrible problem, nobody has healthcare, the rich are eating the poor, lions and tigers and bears blah blah blah blahblahblahblah . . . .
The German media is not very objective and doesn't appear to try to be. Though mentioning its bias gets you an eye rolling dismissal. I have a Polizei friend who says, Germans don't like to talk about their problems or talk about bad news! My observation is that goes for the government and newsmedias too. Whether you like or dislike having a FOX or Rush Limbaugh in America, there are no equivalents in the German media. The ubiquitousness of groupthink here is rather frightening to observe. After living in Germany for five years my rose colored glasses came off and my observation is that there is a strange sort of emotional transference going on. An emotional need to believe in certain things regardless of the facts and that the medias feed it. (not unlike who in the U.S.A.? ? ?)I am not making a value judgement here, only an observation based on my own five years of living here and listening, talking and reading.
The point I am making is about this strange transference that is happening, where everything German (European) is good and everything American is bad.
The rewriting of history with Chirac at the Normandy Observance not mentioning the American contribution. A growing conversation I hear more and more often about how the "Soviets really won the war" because they lost more men. The "Bush's War for oil" canard that ignores Europes, not America's, dependence on middle eastern oil, that ignores Russia's $9B and France's $8B oil contracts with the criminal hussein regime.
The ignoring of how many Europeans go to the U.S.A. for their University degree vice how many Americans come to Europe.
The near total, willful ignoring of Europes historic complicity in every single problem the U.S.A. is dealing with or not dealing with in the world today.So, "simple" you say? Um, Perhaps. "Black and White?" after leafing through the EU constitution, God I hope so!!!!
But stupid? . . . I would say believe that at your peril. (as I fear Chirac and France might start finding out.)Yes, it is good to be alive in interesting times and there is something strange indeed brewing on the continent that I don't quite have my arms around, and really don't believe I ever will ~ but as a fifth generation American (1859)from Coburg Deutschland, I love Europe and continue working on it.
Thank you. If we keep pointing these things out together, eventually we will be heard!
Sooner or later, Islamic Fascists are going to remind the 'infidel' Europeans who is the true enemy.
I wonder how Europe will respond to the anticipated Palestinian civil war which will most likely occur after Arafat death.
Which side will Europeans take then?
Posted by: syn | July 26, 2004 at 05:20 AM
One more thing, since Europeans are busy bashing Bush (rather violently I might add) then I suppose this means the slaughter of darker-skined Muslims and non-Muslims in Darfur will continue. Doesn't France have oil companies in the Sudan? Perhaps this is the French way of having blood for oil.
Far be it from Americans to inflict our evil, imperialist, colonizing, hegemonic ways onto poor helpless Sudanese Arab militants who are ethnically 'cleansing the dregs' out of the Sudan so France can move in and cultivate the place.
Posted by: syn | July 26, 2004 at 05:32 AM
Great Statement. Das drucke ich aus und hänge es gleich mal vor die Tür. Mal sehen, wie lange das hängen bleibt, bis es ein Moore-Chomsky-Sontag-Trottel in seiner Wut in der Luft zerfleddert.
Posted by: Downer | July 26, 2004 at 11:38 AM
"I wonder how Europe will respond to the anticipated Palestinian civil war which will most likely occur after Arafat death."
IF it happens (lets hope it doesn't) one thing is clear. It will be the fault primarily of the US and Israel.
Posted by: Don | July 26, 2004 at 02:04 PM
Oh yes Don, I forgot that the US and Isreal control every aspect of Arafat except his money.
And, Europeans are simply standing on the sidelines eating cotton candy.
I wonder how much interest Parisian banks have made from Arafat's deposits?
Now that Saddam's ruthless regime has fallen, we have a good idea how much Parisian banks made from Saddam's deposits. Too bad France will not pay back all the money France stole from the Iraqi people. Funny how the French-controlled United Nations works, it steals money designed to help the oppressed and gives it to themselves, the worthless.
Posted by: syn | July 26, 2004 at 02:51 PM
"Bei den Demokraten sind es die Schwarzen, die Umweltschützer, die Gewerkschafter, allein stehende berufstätige Frauen, Anhänger der Trennung von Staat und Kirche sowie liberale und fortschrittliche Katholiken, Protestanten und Juden.
Die Republikaner dagegen zählen auf konservative Katholiken und Protestanten, den weißen Süden, Unternehmer, die Waffenlobby und auf die Anhänger eines primitiven amerikanischen Nationalismus."
Das schreibt Norman Birnbaum in der Süddeutschen.
Posted by: KWS | July 26, 2004 at 03:30 PM
The near total, willful ignoring of Europes historic complicity in every single problem the U.S.A. is dealing with or not dealing with in the world today.
Exactomundo. And I think that the genesis of the EU is a running away of this complicity, blaming everything on 'nationalism'. The concept of the EU allows Europeans to give up responsibility for everything and anything and if you can't can't be responsible then how can you be blamed for anything?
Europe is committing suicide.
Posted by: | July 26, 2004 at 03:33 PM
you seem to believe that all Iraq debts belong to France. I'm sorry to disappoint you but here some numbers that tell a different story:
Iraq may owe as much as $400 billion in debt and war reparations to governments, companies, banks and individuals in other countries. Some of the governments it owes (in billions):
Saudi Arabia $24
Japan $4.1
Russia $3.5
France $3
Germany $2.4
United States $2.2
Italy $1.7
United Kingdom $0.9
Austria $0.8
Canada $0.6
Note: This is principal; it does not include interest and late fees.
Posted by: jo | July 26, 2004 at 03:39 PM
Autor: nn (
Datum: 09-21-03 12:42
Stern: Amerika ist das Vorbild für viele. Der Publizist Alexander Schuller forderte unlängst in der FAZ U(Sonntagsausgabe): "Die USA müssen Hegemon der Menschheit werden. Das ist unsere Chance. Eine andere haben wir nicht."
Birnbaum: Mein Gott, ich staune, nein, mich erschüttert diese totale Unterwürfigkeit gegenüber meinem Land. Ich fasse es kaum, wie bereitwillig eigentlich kluge Menschen die Schattenseiten unseres Landes ausblenden.
Die breite Blutspur unserer militärischen Interventionen im Ausland.
Zu Hause die zynische Verachtung der Regierung für die eigenen Bürger - über 40 Mil. Amerikaner haben keine Krankenversicherung.
Aber dennoch wird unser Land bereitwillig verklärt.
Ich registriere auch mit Verwunderung, wie Leute wie Josef Jotte (Chefredakteur der Zeit) diesen rückgratlosen Lobgesang auf Amerika mitträllern.
Mich erinnernt diese Liebedienerei an die politische Elite der DDR, die sich dem sowj. Hegemon stets willigst unterwarf.
Ich habe unlängst Angela Merkel an meiner Uni erlebt, un in ihrem Vortrag hat sie wortreich betont, wie wichtig das transatlantische Bündnis sei.
Am Schluss sagte ein amerikanischer Student, er war merklich verblüfft: "Es ist sehr schön, was sie sagen. Aber ich habe den Eindruck, wenn Sie von gemeinsamer Zusammenarbeit sprechen, heißt das, dass Deutschland zu allem, was das Weiße Haus befiehlt, brav ja sagt."
Sie hat dazu nichts gesagt, sie hat sich stattdessen aus dem Staub gemacht. Die Deutschen könnten, finde ich, langsam erwachsen oder mündig werden.
Stern: Amerika muss man dankbar sein, heißt es, schließlich hat ihr Land nach dem Krieg die Demokratie nach Deutschland gebracht.
Birnbaum: Ja? Das ist doch Quatsch. Deutschland hat - spätestens seit 1848 - eine lebendige demokratische Tradition, und vor 1933 war Deutschland ja auch eine Demokratie.
Aber das diese Phrase ... so tief hier im Bewusstsein hat verankern können, ist ein Ausdruck der politisch-historischen Verödung.
Denken ist eine Qual. Quellenstudium ist mühsam. Es ist einfacher, Rituale nachzubeten. Die Amerikaner waren nach dem Krieg so sanft und hilfsbereit, weil sie von den Deutschen besonders viel wollten.
Stern: Sie sprechen in rätseln.
Birnbaum: Westdeutschland war ein Schaufenster der Amerikaner gegen den Osten. Außerdem wollten die Soldaten, viele Soldaten, eine tüchtig, prowestliche Bundeswehr. Lesen sie doch die Stuttgarter Rede von 1946 des damaligen Außenministers Byrnes nach!
Stern: Das amerikansiche Volk wolle, sagte er damals, "dem deutschen Volk helfen, seinen Weg zurückzufinden zu einem ehrenvollen Platz unter der freien und friedliebenden Nationen der Welt."
Birnbaum: Ja, das ist der Text, der die Wiederbewaffnung nach dem Krieg ermöglichte. Ein ganz kühles machtpolitisches Kalkül hinter schön klingenden Worten.
Nochmals: ES GIBT KEINEN GRUND, FÜR EINE ÜBERSCHWÄNGLICHE DANBARKEIT DER DEUTSCHEN GEGENÜBER AMERIKA. Das ist Unsinn, auch wenn das bei Ihnen so etwas wie ein nationaler Konsens ist.
Ich meine, Frankreich wir ja nun von G.W.Bush wegen des Irakkrieges abgestraft. Aber die Franzosen könnten sagen, Moment mal, Ihr Amerikaner habt dankbar zu sein - auf ewig, ohne uns gäb es euch gar nicht!
Schließlich haben französische Truppen Washington im Unabhängigkeitskrieg gegen die Engländer gerettet!
Stern: Stattdessen heißen in Amerika Pommes nicht mehr "French fries", sondern "freedom fries".
Birnbaum: Und das zeigt, in einer Nussschale, sowohl die Kleingeistigkeit als auch die Gefählichkeit meines Staates. Das hat etwas Totalitäres.
Das Imperium erlaubt kein Abweichlertum - weder innen noch draußen. Entweder seid ihr für uns, oder ihr seid gegen uns. Die blau-weiß-rote Fahne soll in jedem Gehirn flattern und sonst nichts. Und sie soll weltweit flatter. Überall.
Stern: Sie übertreiben.
Birnbaum: Nein, es wäre ja schön. Aber die Leute um und hinter Bush - und das wird weltweit immer noch unterschätzt - sind wirklich gefährlich. Sie kümmern sich einen Dreck darum, was andere denke. Das ist für sie irrelevant, Peanuts.
Und deswegen kann Wolfowitz auch ungerührt sagen, das mit den Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak, sorry folks, das war nur ein praktischer Vorwand, um Krieg zu führe. Das ist die Chuzpe von Imperatoren.
Stern: Wolfowitz, der stellv. Verteidigungsminister, hat auch schon mal den Begriff des "totalen Krieges" benutzt.
Bierbaum: Das mag für andere verrückt klingen, für ihn ist das rational. Er hat seine wissenschaftliche Karriere als Kriegstheoretiker angefangen, er hat den deutschen Philosophen Carl Schmitt, einen ideologischen Vorbereiter des Faschismus, akribisch studiert.
Er will die amerikanische Weltherrschaft. Wolfowitz denkt perspektivisch. Der Irak-Krie ist für ihn ein kleiner, erster Schritt.
Es ging in diesem Krieg nicht nur um den Nahen Osten. Es ging darum, den Chinesen eine Lehre zu erteilen: "Wir lassen uns nichts bieten!"
Stern: Den Chinesen? Herr Birnbaum, das ist doch Paranoia!
Birnbaum: Nein. Amerika hat schon seit dem 19.Jahrhundert China im Blick. China ist einerseits ein großer Markt, aber andererseits ist dieses Land für Amerika in der Zukunft eine objektive Gefahr - so in 20 oder 30 Jahren, denkt Wolfowitz.
Und er weiß: Man kann in China nicht einfach einmarschieren, dazu ist es zu groß. Also bereitetr er sich auf einen neuen kalten Krieg vor. All die Leute um Bush haben diese imperiale Vision von den USA.
Und was besonders gefährlich ist:
Die ökonomischen Interessen vieler Regierungsmitglieder werden noch zusätzlich befeuert von fundamentalistisch-christlichen Ansichten.
Das alles schafft ein Maß an Selbstgerechtigkeit, Selbstgefälligkeit, Arroganz und gefärhlicher Agressivität.
Sie haben ein ganz genaues Bild, wie Amerika sein soll, wie die Welt sein soll. Sie betrachten Amerika als ihre Kirche.
Stern: Amerikanische Jugendliche, klagt Norman Maller voller Kulturpessimismus, "können nicht mehr lesen, nur noch bumsen."
Birnbaum: Ja, das stimmt. Die meisten Leute beziehen ihr Wissen aus dem Fernseher. Die große Masse verdummt. Wir sind ein Volk ohne Wissen. Schauen sie sich doch mal die Liste der Nobelpreisträger an.
Das sind meistens Ausländer, die ihre Arbeit in Amerika machen...
Stern: Aber in Deutschland schwärmen Politiker und Ökonomen vom amerikansichen Jobwunder, und freuen sich, wie flexibel die amerikanischen Arbeitnehmer seien.
Birnbaum: Na ja. Ich weiß nicht, ob diese Experten tatsächlich so viel über unser Land wissen.
Bei Frau Merkel habe ich gemerkt, die weiß nun gar nichts ( ).
Das amerikanische Modell ist ja alles andere als erfolgreich.
Seit Bush Präsident ist, haben wir zwei Millionen Arbeitslose mehr.
Außerdem ist es erbärmlich, was für Jobs in den letzten Jahren geschaffen worden sind, keine produktiven Jobs - eine neue Kaste rechtloser Diener ist entstanden.
Die Leute müssen mehr strampeln als früher, sie führen ein atemloses Leben, und im Nacken ist die Angst vor dem Absturz.
Da gibt es ja den Witz über Ex-Präsident Clinton, der sich bei einer Rede lobt, wie er drei Millionen Arbeitsplätze geschaffen hat.
Und er puertoricanische Kellner sagt: "Herr Präsident, da haben Sie Recht. Ich habe davon drei."
Das ist auch von Norman Birnbaum. Das sind doch bekannte Thesen, wie sie in vielen deutschen Medien wiederholt werden. Das ist deutscher Mainstream. Kann ein Amerikaner antiamerikanisch sein? Wird es zum Antiamerikanismus, wenn ein Deutscher die Thesen wiederholt? Das Problem ist deshalb nicht einfach Deutschland oder Europa, sondern das links-liberale Klima hier und anderswo in Europa und auch in den USA, die Vereinfachung der Welt durch diese Leute. Angeblich Gebildete wie Birnbaum, der ja Professor ist, machen ihre eigene Weltsicht zum Maß aller Dinge. Andersdenkende werden verunglimpft. Es folgt keine politische Auseinandersetzung, sondern mit der Lügenkeule wird die Bevölkerung aufgehetzt. Leute wie Birnbaum, Susan Sontag, Arundhati Roy, Chomsky, Moore, sie alle neigen dazu zu simplifizieren und Andersdenkende zu dämonisieren. Noch nie zuvor habe ich den Lügenvorwurf so oft gehört wie in den letzten zwei Jahren. In Deutschland hat keine politische Debatte stattgefunden. Mit dem Vorwurf der Lüge wurde alles totgeschlagen. In UK war es noch schlimmer. Und was wurde aus allen Vorwürfen? Sie haben sich aufgeklärt. Wir haben Zeit und Geld mit unsinnigen Kommissionen verloren, wir haben den Terroristen gezeigt, wie westliche Gesellschaften funktionieren und die Schwachstellen gezeigt. Demokratische Debatten gab es nirgendwo.
Posted by: Gabi | July 26, 2004 at 04:03 PM
I was referring to the United Nations/Saddam Oil-for-Food scam. Saddam made $10 billion from the scam. Up until two years ago, the money had been deposited into Bank National de Paris. According to UN treasurer Suzanne Bishopric, this money has been diversified among five or six banks however, the United Nations will not disclose the names of the banks holding this money.
Perhaps if France returns the stolen money, Iraq will be able to repay their foriegn debt and have a few dollors left over to rebuild what Saddam had destroyed.
I must ask this question, do you have any idea that the United Nations/Saddam Oil-for-Food scam exists?
Or, has this report, like so many other reports, been whitewashed out of the public's eye all for the benefit of accomodating a misguided anti-American ideology.
Posted by: syn | July 26, 2004 at 04:12 PM
"Shut up!"
Die Rolle des Dokumentarfilms im US-amerikanischen Wahlkampf
Rechten Schreihälsen Paroli bieten
Wer dieser Tage das Frühstücksprogramm des amerikanischen TV-Kanals einschaltet, sieht sich mit wechselnden Studiogästen konfrontiert, die ganz unverblümt vor John Kerry warnen. Während des Irakfeldzuges hatte der Star des Senders, Krawall-Talker Bill O'Reilly, gar Kriegsgegner zu Staatsfeinden erklärt und düster gedroht, dass diese unter Beobachtung stünden. Dass Fox mit solch rabiatem Rechts-Populismus meistgesehener Nachrichtenkanal in den USA geworden ist, führt amerikanischen Linksliberalen schmerzlich die Schlagseite des Medienspektrums vor Augen - zumal, wie die bei Fox als links verschriene New York Times nunmehr regelmäßig zerknirscht einräumt, im Hinblick auf den Irakkrieg sogar die seriösen Zeitungen es an skeptischer Distanz mangeln ließen.
Unter solchen Umständen muss geradezu zwangsläufig das Bedürfnis nach medialen Gegengewichten wachsen, was wohl eine Erklärung dafür ist, warum gemäß den jüngsten Quartals-Quoten das linkslastige Talk-Radio Air America - trotz Finanzproblemen gleich nach dem Start vor vier Monaten - zumindest beim New Yorker Publikum den rechten Schreihälsen Paroli bieten konnte, die in diesem Radioformat traditionell den Ton angeben. Und es erklärt wohl auch, warum nicht nur Michael Moores Mix aus Polemik und Information binnen vier Wochen fast 100 Millionen Dollar einspielen konnte, sondern warum zeitgleich andere politische Dokumentarfilme ungewohnte Aufmerksamkeit finden. Und folgerichtig sind die Medien dabei zentrales Thema.
So beleuchtet zum Beispiel Control Room, der bereits vor Fahrenheit 9/11 in einigen Kinos amerikanischer Großstädte gestartet ist, jene mediale Gegenposition, die während des Irakkrieges von Al Dschasira eingenommen wurde. Im zurückhaltenden Stil ihrer Lehrer D. A. Pennebaker und Chris Hegedus hat die in Ägypten geborene junge Amerikanerin Jehane Noujaim vom Beginn bis zum Ende des Krieges die Arbeit von Journalisten in der Senderzentrale in Katar und im nahe gelegenen US-Hauptquartier beobachtet. Während im Hintergrund Donald Rumsfeld mehrfach von Bildschirmen herab den arabischen Nachrichtenkanal der Lüge bezichtigt, machen sich die leitenden Mitarbeiter des Senders über die Rolle der Propaganda in Kriegszeiten keine Illusionen, wie eine zu Beginn eingespielte Interviewaussage verdeutlicht.
Mithin erscheinen sie aufgeklärter als einige amerikanische Kollegen, die beiläufig ins Bild gerückt werden, während sie die Live-Bilder vom fernsehgerechten Sturz der Bagdader Saddam-Statue mit fast kindlicher Freude quittieren. Auf die Vorhaltung, dass Al Dschasira im Krieg politisch Position beziehe, entgegnet eine Sprecherin des Senders sachlich, ob das denn für amerikanische Medien nicht ebenso zutreffe. Und ein sympathischer amerikanischer Presseoffizier konstatiert, dass Al Dschasira letztlich die Entsprechung zu Fox News sei: Beide bedienten mit selektiver Berichtererstattung schlicht den Nationalismus des jeweiligen Publikums.
US-Wahlkampf und Medien
Als mediales Gegengewicht zum Rechtspopulismus des in den USA meistgesehenen Fernsehkanals Fox News, der unverblümt vor der Wahl des Demokraten Kerry warnt, sind eine Reihe politischer Dokumentarfilme in den Wahlkampf eingestiegen. Und sie finden eine ungewohnte Aufmerksamkeit: Allein Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11, der diese Woche in Deutschland anläuft, spielte in den USA im ersten Monat fast 100 Millionen Dollar ein. Doch auch andere medien- und regierungskritische Filmprojekte bringen es derzeit auf beachtliche Verkaufszahlen und Einschaltquoten. ros
Warum Amerikas Linksliberale den zurückhaltenden Umgang der Medien mit dem aktuellen Präsidenten als besonders ungerecht empfinden müssen, führt indes The Hunting of the President von Harry Thomason und Nickolas Perry vor Augen. Diese Verfilmung eines Sachbuchbestsellers zeichnet die Kampagne rechtskonservativer Medien nach, die kurz nach Bill Clintons Amtsantritt begann und in der einer der Kronzeugen des Films, der nunmehr geläuterte David Brock, eine treibende Kraft war. Auch wenn ironische Montagemätzchen und suggestive Musik stören, untergräbt das nicht die erhellenden Aussagen mehrerer renommierter Journalisten, die in Erinnerung rufen, wie unter dem Eindruck stets neuer windiger Vorwürfe gegen Clinton sogar seriöse Journalisten sukzessive die etablierten Recherchestandards über Bord warfen, in der irrigen Erwartung eines neuen Watergate.
Die Mitarbeiter von Fox News wurden dagegen ausdrücklich vom Chef des Senders angewiesen, die Tagungen des Kongressausschusses zum 11. September "nicht in ein Watergate" zu verwandeln, wie einem Film zu entnehmen ist, der dieser Tage ebenfalls für Aufsehen sorgt. Outfoxed nimmt die dubiosen Praktiken von Murdochs Kanal unter die Lupe, wobei als besonders verdienstvoll gelten muss, dass einige jener Memoranden publik gemacht werden, in denen den Journalisten täglich die politische Leitlinie vorgegeben wird.
Robert Greenwalds Film benutzt unlizensiert Fox-Material, um zum Beispiel kurze Ausschnitte aneinander zu montieren, die zugespitzt typische Praktiken des Senders illustrieren: So verwenden Moderatoren gerne die Formulierung "manche Leute sagen", um tendenziöse Meinungen zu streuen, während Talk-Star Bill O'Reilly bisweilen unbotmäßige Interviewpartner, Kollegen oder gleich das gesamte gegnerische politische Lager anherrscht: "Shut up!"
Wie hier ein führendes Medienunternehmen gezielt aufs Korn genommen wird, erinnert wohl unweigerlich an einstige Anti-Springer-Kampagnen, aber auch Besonderheiten der Produktion und Distribution des Films lassen an die 68er-Idee einer "Gegenöffentlichkeit" denken. So ist das schmale Budget zu einem Gutteil von den rührigen Anti-Bush-Aktivisten von aufgebracht worden. Zehn Freiwillige jener Organisation nahmen im Schichtbetrieb zudem die undankbare Aufgabe auf sich, das Fox-Vollprogramm zu sichten, um die Auswahl des Materials durch Greenwald vorzubereiten. Die landesweite Premiere fand wiederum auf circa dreitausend von koordinierten "House Parties" statt, von denen nur einige in Kinos und anderen Veranstaltungsorten, die meisten indes in Privatwohnungen veranstaltet wurden. Dabei wurde der Film von DVD abgespielt, bevor via Internet live der Regisseur und einige Unterstützer zu Wort kamen. Etwa zeitgleich ist der Film auf DVD und VHS in den Verkauf gekommen und hat bei Amazon sogleich den ersten Platz der Verkaufscharts belegt.
Linkspopulismus als Gegengewicht?
Der im Allgemeinen überraschend sachliche Agitprop-Film endet mit einem expliziten "Aufruf zum Handeln", wobei den Zuschauern vor allem geraten wird, sich mit den Beschwerden über die Einseitigkeit der Rechts-Medien an die jeweiligen Betreiberfirmen beziehungsweise an die nationale Aufsichtsbehörde zu wenden.
In der Washington Post setzte die Kolumnistin Tina Brown indes darauf, dass ein Ausgleich von der Anbieterseite kommen könnte: Angeregt von der Vielfalt der Boulevardmedien in ihrem Heimatland Großbritannien, wünscht sie sich einen finanziell potenten Medienunternehmer, der Fox mit einem ebenso reißerischen Kanal Konkurrenz machen solle. Browns ominöser media wild man ist freilich nicht in Sicht. Und so wird vielleicht, mindestens solange das politischen Klima derart aufgeheizt bleibt, das neue Interesse an politischen Dokumentarfilmen anhalten; für den Spätsommer sind jedenfalls weitere Kinostarts, etwa über den Irakkrieg oder über Bushs wichtigsten Berater, Karl Rove, geplant.
Ich kann es nicht fassen, daß derartiges in "seriösen" Zeitungen steht. Rechte Schreihälse, Fox News = Rechtspopulismus und liberale Medien verhalten sich zurückhaltend. Die monatelangen Lügenvorwürfe, die sich in Nichts aufgelöst haben, kamen einzig und allein von liberalen, linken Medien. Leidet dieser Journalist an Wahrnehmungsstörungen?
Posted by: Gabi | July 26, 2004 at 04:28 PM
Tagesspiehel online - eine typische Seite (26. Juli 2004)
Im Newsticker die neue Sensation: Die USA verhaften auch Kinder (im Text sind es dann Jugendliche zwischen 14 und 17 Jahren)
Dann geht es so weiter:
Elf Tote bei Anschlägen im Irak
Im Irak halten die Gewalttaten gegen angebliche Kollaborateure der fremden Streitkräfte an. Heute starben bei Anschlägen in Bagdad, Mossul, Basra und im Raum Nadschaf-Hilla insgesamt elf Menschen. Auch neue Entführungen von Ausländern richteten sich gegen Firmen, die für das US-Militär arbeiten.
Einzelhaft: Saddam dichtet, gärtnert und isst Muffins
Fotostrecke: Die Foltervorwürfe im Irak
Online Spezial: Irak
nettes Foto von Kerry
Es lebe der König
Heute beginnt der Parteitag der US-Demokraten in Boston - die Krönungs-zeremonie für Präsidentschaftskandidat John Kerry. Vier Tage dauert das Spektakel, begleitet von einem gewaltigen Medienaufgebot.
Kommentar: Es muss nur ein Wunder gescheh'n
Lobeshymnen: Die wichtigsten Redner
"Schwarzbücher": Abrechnung mit Amerika
Foto-Rückblick: Die US-Vorwahlen
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WARUM sind bis heute die Foltervorwürfe auf der Titelseite???
WARUM heißt es erst "Kinder" in der Überschrift und dann richtigerweise "Jugendliche"? Auch im deutschen Strafrecht können Jugendliche inhaftiert werden.
Das geht so seit 9/11. Nur Schreckliches über die USA. Fehler werden durchgekaut bis zum Erbrechen. Fehler anderer Staaten werden verschwiegen. Nur die der USA werden ins Licht gezerrt und dort täglich in Erinnerung gerufen. Und gerne läßt man einen Unterstützer der Demokratischen Partei sprechen, der Virtuose im Bush-bashing ist.
Posted by: Gabi | July 26, 2004 at 04:48 PM
That Birnbaum is delusional. It's not the democracy. It's the genocide, stupid!
Posted by: mishu | July 26, 2004 at 04:50 PM
even the Heritage Foundation talks about "allegations" (
And how is it "all the money France stole from the Iraqi people." For some reason I still belive that Saddam Hussein and his regime wasn't French.
Posted by: jo | July 26, 2004 at 05:13 PM
German citizens- help me to understand this-
So the recent attempt by J Fischer to prove to the german people theri value in the world stage and as he soguht payback for "assisting" countries within Asia over the years, heads back home to germany with his tail between his legs after finding out that all the child-like hot air and anti-US sentiment fed to the german voters en-masse has completely failed to elevate either the party of schroeder or the country of germany itself to a "positive force and a contributor" in the eyes of the world.
Poor Gerhard is having his own ass handed back to him whereever his policies are found or whenever an attempt is made to push his policies through, he fails.
Why is that? WHY does germany feel it needs to embark on a public relations tour MEANT TO stroke the egos of the german people by demonstrating love for them via the world stage, as they themselves preach to the masses that the US is, and should be, the hated one?
How sophmoric and simple-minded such an approach actually is.
And the fact that it failed completely- what should that signify to the german people?
from the IHT- "Not good stuff, and embarrassing. Germany, in effect, had said it wanted to be considered among the world's great powers, mounted an international "remember me?" offensive among countries at which it had thrown money or investments over the years, and wound up finding out, whatever the ritual well-wishing, that the project was terribly wobbly."
Posted by: Pato | July 26, 2004 at 05:46 PM
Saddam's suits were French, as were his French MIG's found buried in the desert.
Posted by: syn | July 26, 2004 at 07:01 PM
..mir fallen da andere Personen ein, welche mit Wahrnehmungsstörungen geschlagen sind.
...aber bald hats ja ein Ende....
Posted by: Mathesar | July 26, 2004 at 07:19 PM
I can't read German so I can't respond to the German threads here. But if the comments in "I thought I was the only one" reflect the nature of the typical German mindset, then it's time for a split.
Are Germans so shallow, so linear and so easily led? Do they truly believe those political fantasies in the face of fact, reason and history? Do they hoenstly think they're entitled to that smugness?
If so, it's time for the US to move on. The time has come when we over here have to realize we've been beating our heads against the wall and that we'll feel better once we stop.
Arguing with the typical European is pointless and hopeless. We know Michael Moore is an irredeemable liar and con artist. We know Noam Chomsky is a neo-Nazi sympathizer. As for the rest -- Sontag, Mailer, Vidal and all the other elitist panderers -- we know what drives them and why we should ignore them. We'll leave them to their Euro-sycophants befcause they'll believe anything that deludes them into thinking they're better than us.
From my readings, much of Europe is in deep denial about its past, present and future, and Americans shouldn't lose any sleep over what the European Street thinks of us. We're better than them in every demonstrable and documentable way.
To hell with Old Europe.
Posted by: gary | July 26, 2004 at 07:24 PM
"Americans shouldn't lose any sleep over what the European Street thinks of us"
From my experience, most Americans don't care anyways.
It's ironic though, your views on Europe are simple-minded and ideologically blinded. Isn't that pretty much what you criticize about us Old Europeans? I guess, we'll see each other in hell then.
Posted by: jo | July 26, 2004 at 07:59 PM
The US does care, that is why we are out in the world simply trying to right the wrongs and to protect those who value freedom, (You would think that a german could understand that simply by looking at the history of what the US did to and for germany)
...while german forces cower in barracks in kosovo and french fools who won't use what little skills they have in NATO by allowing the special reaction force to protect a democratic vote in afghinistan with "why would we take a formula one race car out fo the garage to test drive it in the mountains of kosovo?" petty bullszhit. Who can believe such crap in a modern day? That as imbecilic as saying you'll insist on ONLY wearing red-trosuers to a battle. Do the french only exist for a type of a "comic show" on the world stage? The care so much about the "visual" aspect of themselves, but have never succeeded in getting the visual to produce ANY accomplishement.
Sure, coming from france one shouldnt be surprised, but is this country anything BUT a pathetic piece of backwards showboating filth? And the germany of today is embracing this land of ignorant self-absorbed welfare denizens.
You want to see a good indication of blindness-Have the entire country of germany stand before a giant mirror and look back at history....
First thing germans will try to recognize is their "liberation" from Nazi ways of life (wow, and it all came NOT from within, no matter how much you NOW try to play up the meager role of the failed bombing attempt of hitler), and next it will be their "emancipation" from the US. You seem to forget that it was Hitler the germans voted for, yet the US and a democracy were what were forced upon you. Hmm, so you then think it is wise to deny this US "emancipation" to the Iraqi people ? Shame on you deautschlanders. 70 years on and the stale minds of 1930 have never tuly gone away.
Obsessive and saturating a society with welfare is obviously a great way to completely blind one's one society, yet here you guys go again.
You'll be in "hell" long before the Yanks will, so PLEASE do NOT even consdier yelling across the pond to get US help as you crumble.
As a country- we in the US are awaiting the day our boys and girls come home from german soil after having wasted 60 longs years having our teats battered by endless suckling from simple brats and small minded pricks with a selective memory of history that cannot even serve yourselves well.
Posted by: Pato | July 26, 2004 at 08:52 PM
"From my experience, most Americans don't care anyways."
I agree with you. With the only historical exception of :
1) The marshall plan
2) The berlin airlift
4) Pledging our cities with Soviet nuclear destruction in preparation of primarily your defense
I think that what Gary is getting at, and what tyranno was also meaning is the general sense of contempt felt the Germans towards the Americans.
How easlily Europe chooses to take it's temper tantrum out on the USA; for whatever complex psychological reasons.
If the US considers Europe to be of no consequence, it reality, it is because Europe has choosen to do so. Declining per capita, failure to take action in it's own interest ( Bosnia ), rampant hyperbole, need to be heard, desire to be recognised ( Germany as an applicant to a permanant seat on the security council), and and and...
Jo, if Americans are so "simple-minded", why did they score better on the PISA study than Germany? Why does it have a higher achievment in the UN's Human Development Index? Why are American Universities so much better than Germans? Why do they have a higher per-capita?
And, and, and...
Posted by: James | July 26, 2004 at 09:08 PM
reading your torrent of hatred I'm really thankful that most Americans don't care so much about what Europe thinks about them (as a quick survey here at work indicates).
Relax, Pato, have a beer! Don't get all worked up. Some strange people don't like America as much, so what? Don't you have more important things to worry about?
Posted by: jo | July 26, 2004 at 09:30 PM
"simple-minded" was directed to a comment by Gary, not to all Americans. You won't hear me making such a generalizing statement. Living in the States I know better than that.
Also, Germany should not get a permanent seat in the Security Council. Instead there should be only one seat for the European Union. India should get a permanent seat. And maybe some African or South American country should also get a permanent seat.
Posted by: jo | July 26, 2004 at 09:46 PM
I assume that since you deliberately ignore my 4 points that you are in silent agreement with them? Is this correct?
As Samuel P. Huntington presented in his famous book "The Class of Civilisations", he would definately consider making invitations to many other countries to the UN's Security Council.
India, Brazil, Japan and one rotating arab member from middle east. This rotation would be suggested as he affirms that the Arabians have no center-of-gravity amounst its members.
I would agree to any suggestion to improving world relations, the reduction to the liklihood of confilict in so much as it : improves peoples living standards and fosters democracy.
I would agree to this agenda if France would surrender it's seat on the Security Council.
Posted by: James | July 26, 2004 at 10:16 PM
yes, and there have been other events in history as well. But I was talking about the "average American" today.
Posted by: jo | July 26, 2004 at 10:30 PM
I agree there have been many other cases in American history, where we have helped other countries. In some cases, some very dangreous situations : Japan, Korea, Solmalia, Bosnia, Vietnam, Grenada, Poland, etc.
What has Germany done?
Posted by: James | July 26, 2004 at 11:20 PM
jo says "reading your torrent of hatred..blah blah..
Hmmm, hatred in MY words? Sure junior. The hatred I am responding to is the hatred directed at the US eminating from germany and poisoning the german minds once again. I'm really thankful that most Americans don't care so much about what Europe thinks about them (as a quick survey here at work indicates).
jo- "Relax, Pato, have a beer! Don't get all worked up. Some strange people don't like America as much, so what? Don't you have more important things to worry about?" I wouldn't be worrying so much if I didn't think the recent actions of germany and it's pimp the french have put US lives in danger once again. And i wouldn't give a flying f*ck what the media clowns or people in germany had to say unless I felt that the words, actions and in-actions of the impotent german govt weren't going to create a need for the US to rush over to europe to pound some sense back into an a-hole's head for the 4th time in less than a century. I recently read over at a fistful of euros blog that a pro-"eu" author stated that letting turley come into the "eu" would be good for the "eu's" military strengths and diplomatic initiatives. Now how pathetic is THAT?? I am banend from posting there but alas here are my thoughts (slightly OT)-
Is this writer professing that the inclusion of Turkey into the "eu" realm will finally knock the impotence from the "eu's" military and diplomatic handi-caps? Is this guy reeeally saying that including Turkey (and all of her US trained pilots and their F-16s) is what the "eu" needs to become a real "player"?
"With Turkey and the combat-ready Turkish army in its ranks, the EU would be able to speak with a combination of moral authority and military credibility that it has never before been able to claim"
OK euronuts- let me get these recent goings on in the "eu" in perspective, perhaps a few of you can help with some reasonable perspectives-
Ok, now Greece gets 400 US Special forces for it's Olympic protection as it asked the US for,
The UK is asking the US to let Beagle 3 piggyback on the Mars Rover launch to ensure it doesn't disappear again, france's foreign minister says it's nukes can protect all of the "eu" ( Though importantly france left out how it will send one of it's defective nuke technologies to thwart an attack by a bearded mad-man on the Paris metro.
And france FM meanwhile states that france will not agree to the NATO rapid reaction force going to Kabul to help out in a democratic election stating- "when you have a formula one race car in the garage you are not going to go out and test it in the mountains of afghanistan".
And in the meantime- the blacks in Sudan are getting pummeled and raped by crazed arabs on horseback, and the "eu" begins to debate whether this is genocide or not... and then it begins another debate to determine if indeed it is genocide, should it push for sanctions of some sorts. Some have mentioned and joked that j fischer, on his own, will personally guarantee the implementation of any of these "sanctions".
Hey france, hey germany- do you clowns have anything other than school playground hot air for the world?
Why would you clowns be afraid to go, or incapable of helping in Sudan? Yet you blow your anti US crap around like fools, but on your own you can do nothing.
What the hell is wrong with you people in the "eu"?
Have you no shame?
Continue in your anti US banter and drivel and watch how that alone sows the seeds to your future successes!
Embrace michael moore and feed him your beer and sausage and anoint him king of cannes for a day. But you know what?
"In the ball-less (and testicle-less) land Of France, the one-balled man named Lance is King!"
Can anyone see through this layer of horseshzsit? DOES ANYONE in the "eu" even take themselves seriously with this kind of crap being all that you can put forth to the world?
Does the "eu" have the ability on it's own to come up with one damn thing? This is all insanely pathetic, and I am wondering if anyone in the "eu" notices these insane hypocrisies.
Posted by: Pato | July 27, 2004 at 12:11 AM
There is an equal amount of simple minded Americans and Germans (Europeans) The proverbial simple minded Cowboy that Germans refer to so frequently, is not a high school drop-out, but US policy makers, however. This is where the German (European) arrogance comes in. Your average German Bush-hater thinks herself intellectually and morally superior to Bush. They also consider themselves better informed than Americans of equal social standing. There are many informed Americans that are highly critical of Schroeder, but I can not recall any attack on his intellect. If Americans do not agree with you they do not presume that your position is naive. If you disagree with a German you must be dumb, arrogant or both.
Posted by: Holger Uhl | July 27, 2004 at 12:28 AM
"Den deutschen KFOR-Truppen in Prizren fiel es auch nach wiederholten Hilferufen von in der Stadt stationierten deutschen UNMIK-Polizisten nicht ein, die serbische Bevölkerung oder die geschichtsträchtigen serbisch-orthodoxen Kirchen und Klöster des Ortes zu schützen. Das Dorf Belo Polje, das direkt an die Hauptbasis der italienischen KFOR angrenzt, brannte vollkommen nieder. In der Hauptstadt Pristina mussten sich die Serben in ihren Wohnungen verbarrikadieren und sich von ethnisch albanischen Randalierern beschießen lassen. Sie konnten nur hilflos mit ansehen, wie die Aufrührer andere Wohnungen unter ihnen ausplünderten und in Brand setzten. Es dauerte ganze sechs Stunden, bis die KFOR und UNMIK-Truppen ihnen zu Hilfe kamen."
"German-led KFOR troops in Prizren failed to deploy to protect the Serb population and its historic Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries, despite repeated calls for assistance from German UNMIK police officers based in the town. The village of Belo Polje, adjacent to the main Italian KFOR base, was burned to the ground. In the capital Pristina, Serbs were forced to barricade themselves into their apartments, while ethnic Albanian rioters shot at them and looted and burned the apartments below. It took six hours before KFOR and UNMIK came to their assistance."
Posted by: Gabi | July 27, 2004 at 12:56 AM
Correction, the Saddam buried French "Mirage' out in the Iraqi desert.
Posted by: | July 27, 2004 at 02:44 AM
Brinbaun...Nein Birnbrain!
Perhaps the Europeans who believe the news media in the States is right wing should look at the New York Times' public Editors' piece in last Sundays edition. "Of course it is" he claims.
The new motto for the Times should be: All the S#$t that's fit to print!
Posted by: newsance | July 27, 2004 at 03:24 AM
Rest in peace, Zeropeans.
Posted by: Barry | July 27, 2004 at 01:34 PM
I always thought the Times motto was: All the agenda we want you to accept that's fit to print" but "All the S#$t that's fit to print" is much more appropriate.
Barry, I agree with your sentiment:
Rest in peace, Zeropeans.
And I will add:
Welcome to Eurabia.
Posted by: syn | July 27, 2004 at 02:06 PM
What I find to be most interesting in following the postings here is how “jo” a child of the DDR and a refugee from that worker’s paradise of the social-welfare state known now as Germany feels the need to defend the actions of a Europe he seems to embrace but does not want to make his future there.
Some might consider this to be the height of hypocrisy. All it does it confuse me. If all of Europe is so superior in the opinion of “jo” then why would he choose by his own free choice to come and live in America? This is the part I fail to understand. I mean in the EU today he has a choice of 25 nations to live in. By his comments, many of those he feels are vastly superior to the US.
His defence of both Germany and france would indicate he would be much more comfortable and at easy in either of those nations than here in the US.
Posted by: Joe | July 28, 2004 at 05:23 AM
not that it should matter but here is why I'm in the States: My financee happens to be American and it was easier for me to find a job here than for her to find a job in Europe.
Never did I say Europe was "superior" to America. I have no idea where you got that impression. However, I wouldn't say America is "superior" either. All I'm trying to do is to contradict some of this blog's Europe/Germany bashing. Fortunately, most Americans don't think about Europe the way you and Pato and syn and all the other anti-Europeans do.
Posted by: jo | July 28, 2004 at 07:05 PM
jo, you must be happy that the percentage of Americans criticizing Germany is way below the percentage of Germans criticizing the US. Could you imagine 90-95% of the Americans criticizing Germany, including ALL TV stations, newspapers and radio stations (with a few pro-US positions thrown in once in a while just to give the impression of objectivity)? Can you imagine a Germany-obsession in the US similar to the US-obsession that you find in Germany ? I can't. Because, fortunately, the Americans are smarter than that. We can't say the same about the Germans nowadays.
Posted by: | July 28, 2004 at 07:49 PM
"Could you imagine 90-95%..."
How do you people come up with these arbitrary numbers? I'm afraid you're suffering from some sort of selective perception disorder.
Posted by: jo | July 28, 2004 at 08:14 PM
"Europa wird am Ende des Jahrhunderts islamisch sein"
Der Islamforscher Bernard Lewis über den Zustand der arabischen Welt und warum die Herrscher Israel als Blitzableiter brauchen
von Wolfgang Schwanitz
Posted by: Gabi | July 28, 2004 at 08:46 PM
so jo what do you think is the percentage of Germans criticizing the US ? More or less, ball park figure, since nobody can tell for sure. I say it's 90-95%, what do you think ? Didn't you understand the IDEA of that posting ? All you can do is challenge the number ? Then should i suppose you agree with the rest ? What about the Us-critique-obsession of the Germans and the german media ? Does it even exist ? or is it just an exageration? What about US critique towards Germany ? Is it at the same level as the German critique ?
Posted by: | July 28, 2004 at 09:06 PM
all right, anonymous, 95% huh? Does that include being critical about the US at some point in your life, does mean, being critical most of the time, or does it mean - as I assume - being anti-American. In the latter case, the number is way too high, in the first case it may be right. And yes, German media tends to be critical - of everything. And yes, there definetely is an over-representation of US topics in the German media. Does that surprise you? Is that an obsession? Maybe. But everyone is obsessed with something. Americans, for instance, are currently obsessed with low carb diets - so what? US critique towards Germany? Most people here think about beer, bratwurst, traditional bavarian costumes, and sprockets ( when they hear Germany. Why would they take such a country seriously? The only media outlet covering Germany on a dayly basis is the Hitler... errh... History Channel.
Posted by: jo | July 28, 2004 at 10:03 PM
jo so for you US obsession and US bashing in the German media is nothing but another form of low carb obsession ? nothing wrong with that ? a manipulated poll (Spiegel-just ONE example) is just as bad as a bagel too much at breakfast ? you really don't see the damage being done by the German media ? you criticize people like joe for their attitude, but you don't look for the root causes of theri attitude. the misrepresentaions in the German media is nothing to worry about, but the people pointing to this misrespresentation are bad.
jo nobody asks you to love Bush, but don't try to excuse the inexcusable anymore. it would be far more fair if you admitted the obvious and then started a discussion from there. people living in Germany know the truth about the media, i'm sure you know the truth and you know they know the truth. your constant denials don't really convince anyone and i don't know if you realize this, they disqualify you from being a serious participant in this discussion.
believe me, were you to admit the blind bias in the German media, people here would take you more seriously and you could still dislike/hate Bush. those things don't contradict each other. just my 2 cents, which you will probably ignore.
Posted by: | July 28, 2004 at 10:26 PM
I agree with you that there is bias in the German media. In fact, there is bias in any media. But some people (like you) are exaggerating. First of all, America is not all that German media talks about. Second, just take your example, the "Bush-Messer". It's not a poll. It's obviously a personal opinion, a statement by one of SPIEGEL's staff members. It's obvious from the text and every somewhat intelligent person takes it as that and moves on. And whenever Spiegel prints something you agree with (like todays Michael Moore review) you say it's just a fig leaf. No wonder, you find "blind bias in the German media".
And believe me, people in this blog wouldn't take me more serious. Because I don't like Bush I'm anti-American, right? After all, isn't this blog biased, too?
Posted by: jo | July 28, 2004 at 10:53 PM
oh cmon jo...
there is an abundance of half truths presented in Germany about the US.. the land of social Darwinism.. and most are negative..
Of course I cannot scientifically measure it, but that is my impression. Of course Germany is a so called 'half empty glass' society (a German's words, not mine), meaning there is a tendency among Germans to look at the bad side of things. That could explain the negative press about the US here, but only in part.
For example, many Germans ask me (or rather TELL me) that there is no Staatlich Rente in the US.
So what if my parents make 2000 dollars a month from Social Security and with ALL there pension income together they make more money than when they worked.. but the general impression in Germany is that senior citizens are NOT taken care of. and I know my parents are not the only ones. Most of my aunts and uncles are retired and they live quite comfortably, but you would never think that ANY senior citizens live comfortably in the US based on German media coverage.
Cmon Jo, you lived here in Germany, you know how things are presented about the US.
I mentioned to a German that I get laid off in the US and got severance pay and unemployment insurance. He did not want to believe me.. Severance pay? Unemployment insurance? in the land where only the strongest survive? He DID NOT WANT to believe me and I still think he thought I was lying.
I encounter this sort of stuff frequently.
Can I measure it scientifically? No, but it is infrequent that I encounter someone who has a semi complete picture of the US.
BTW.. your comment about the history channel is right on. LOL.. Jay Leno once said on Sept 1..
'On this day in 1939 Germany attacked Poland.. and we know what that started.. the History Channel!!' LOL
Jo, World War II was a very formative period for the US. If you compare the US in the mid 30s with the US in the late 40s, the differences are astounding.. the war brought us onto the world stage. we were a world player before that, but nothing in comparison to the European powers.
Hell, I think Argentina and the US had the same GNP during the early part of the 20th century.. look at the situation now! Just trying to give you some background as to why WW II is still discussed.. but it is a major theme in Europe as well.. much more so than in the US.
There is a saying.. in the US 100 years is a long time, in Europe 100 miles is a long distance, that is the main difference between US and Europe. Alot of truth to that.
Psychologically most Americans view WWII as an eternity ago... not so here in Europe..
Greetings jo from Steve..
Posted by: | July 28, 2004 at 10:59 PM
you stole my bias in any media line from one of my earlier posts, when I used it.. ;)
Posted by: steve | July 28, 2004 at 11:14 PM
--Don't you have more important things to worry about?--
No, Jo, WE - THe WEST has more important things to worry about.
We (US) can't understand what our "allies" problem is.
Posted by: Sandy P | July 29, 2004 at 12:21 AM
--Fortunately, most Americans don't think about Europe the way you and Pato and syn and all the other anti-Europeans do.--
Possibly because they don't pay attention????
Look at one of the other postings here from the Yalie.
Never realized how bad anti-Americanism is.
Posted by: Sandy P | July 29, 2004 at 01:07 AM
Jo fails to realize it's not just the German media, it's the BBC, frogs, and others.
I'm surprised after listening/reading/watching it for decades, we don't have more who hate us.
Posted by: Sandy P | July 29, 2004 at 01:12 AM
Sandy P
jo doesn't fail to realize the media bias. Germans like jo ignore the reality, because it is inconvenient to acknowledge it. Because the media's bias is close to their own political opinions, and you just don't admit the failures of someone who is on 'your' side.
It has been said already, in Germany there is NO alternative opinion in the media. ALL the German media is like the NY Times and LA Times. And just like those two, you find also in the German media once in a while a pro-US (not necessarily pro-Bush) piece.
At this point I have to say that in the last year I have NEVER seen ONE report on German TV favorable to the US (I haven't seen everything on the US, but loads and loads). While in the newspapers you find sometimes a positive article, on TV I couldn't find anything positive (except documentaries on nature and natives). Even if I missed such a report, which is possible, they must be extremely rare.
I have never wished for a media that praises Bush and the US 24/7. I personally would feel very uncomfortable if the German media would totally reverse their position and started tomorrow praising the US in the same proportion they blame the US today. It would be absolutely wrong and counter-productive.
ALL I would like to see, ALL that is necessary is a media that gives BOTH sides a voice. Not in 10 to 90 proportion but 50-50. I don't think this is too much asked (well, obviously it is...). Each side could do what it wants with its 50%. Truth, lies, personal opinions, bias to the max, everything goes. After all, its their 50%, and they can use it in every way they want. I have absolutely no problem with that.
If parts of the society (policiticans, companies etc) malfunction, the media is there to point it out. No matter WHO malfunctions, "our" people or "their" people. Well, this is the naive and simplistic description of what media should be. The media is supposed to be about checks and balances. Right now, the German media is just writing out checks, doesn't care about balances and expects to be taken at its word. I just wonder how long they think this will work, even with the willing-to-believe German jo's.
Lately there have been on the net a few detailed and reliable studies, proving the bias in the US MSM. Anyone can read them; they are not about personal perceptions, they are about numbers. At the end, the numbers show clearly that papers like NYT are biased. If there were a study on the German media, the results would show clearly where it stands.
There are the German jo's, who speak Engligh, read blogs and deny there is a strong and constant bias in the German media. Those people will deny basically everything, and for me they would be an interesting exercise in amateur psychoanalysis (I'm not saying they are dumb or crazy). Then there are the non-English speaking Germans, who basically, from a news point of view, live on an island. They just have NO choice, whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not. They will keep living on an island as long as the ones who make decisions want.
What everyone forgets is the checks and balances. The minus balance grows, nobody worries about, and one day the bank will demand its rights and the bubble will burst. But the media doesn't worry about that either. It's like threatening someone that if they don't behave they will suffer in the next life (yeah, right). Nobody cares, and meanwhile the minus balance keeps growing. Those things have a tendency to clean themselves up at some point, and it's never nice to watch. Me, the optimist, says that things look real bleak in good old Europe, while the party goes on.
Posted by: WhatDoIKnow | July 29, 2004 at 08:31 AM
great posting! Thank you.
Posted by: Gabi | July 29, 2004 at 01:31 PM
"WE - THe WEST has more important things to worry about."
Hope is on the way!
Posted by: jo | July 29, 2004 at 02:39 PM