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Was soll...


Notiz von David: Doktor - hier dürfen keine Witze über die Hautfarbe anderer abgelegt werden. Nicht auf meiner Festplatte.

They are frogs. Would anything else fit their view of the world or of themselves.

Please Comrades


Bush is Evil

Don't believe me ........ask Comrade Klink

David, FYI it's Tim Russert, not Tim Russel.

Note from David: Thank you. I'll correct it. I had all three "Russert" wrong at the start, realized my mistake and corrected two. I missed one...

As for your overall post, David, I think it may be a genuine misunderstanding on the part of the reporter, since, if you want to look at it through an anti-American filter, the story is equally damaging either way - one makes the CIA look like klutzes, the other like they were acting maliciously.

Also, if you want to see it as an anti-Bush deception, it doesn't make much sense, since Bush and Rumsfeld are not on the best of terms with the CIA as it is.


"As for your overall post, David, I think it may be a genuine misunderstanding on the part of the reporter, since, if you want to look at it through an anti-American filter, the story is equally damaging either way - one makes the CIA look like klutzes, the other like they were acting maliciously."

Take off the blinders, human. If ever there was an obvious case of deliberate distortion to make the news fit an agenda, this is it. AFP and the rest of the "usual suspects" in the European media are obsessed with the CIA. They don't make "innocent" mistakes that are this crude. If you want to indulge yourself in a little creative cognitive dissonance, fine, but don't expect the rest of us to take you seriously if you do.

If ever there was an obvious case of deliberate distortion to make the news fit an agenda, this is it. AFP and the rest of the "usual suspects" in the European media are obsessed with the CIA.

It was indeed a unique false spin by AFP, though IMO less "against CIA", but more on (false) wishful-thinking along the lines of the "Powell against the rest"-cliche, as Powell is often assigned an "outsider"-role within the administration (also by some US-right-wingers, btw).

And either way: CIA apparently makes false evaluations.

You know, there's a rumor going around and has been for awhile that the CIA didn't check a source or 2, just took a certain "ally's" word for some intel.

It's not Germany.

Any guesses?

You know, there's a rumor going around and has been for awhile that the CIA didn't check a source or 2, just took a certain "ally's" word for some intel.

And you mean the mobile labs, not the Uranium-story, right? Haven't heard of and Powell certainly presented it to the world as "firsthand" information. (And Germany indeed attached a "doubts" disclaimer to its lab-infos AFAIK.)

Flashback from February 2003, cnn.com:

Powell said the evidence included firsthand accounts from four sources -- among them, an Iraqi chemical engineer who supervised one of the facilities and an Iraqi civil engineer "in a position to know the details of the program."

@ Klink

"And either way: CIA apparently makes false evaluations."

That's for sure, and this time their false information was the primary reason given for launching a war. A major problem I have with this administration is the lack of accountability. After so many abject intelligence failures, Tenet is firmly in the saddle. After Abu Ghraib a few sergeants and privates are being court marshalled. Action against people higher up in the chain of command awaits "investigation." Some heads need to roll over Abu Ghraib, and soon. People who had command authority should be gone, whether they knew what was going on or not. It was their duty to know what was going on. In the early days of our republic, Jefferson speculated that it might be well to have a revolution every 20 years or so, because "the tree of Liberty flourishes best when watered by the blood of tyrants." In retrospect, that was probably excessive, but it might not be a bad idea in the case of the CIA. Maybe they should just disband the whole agency every 20 years and start from scratch. Hidebound bureaucrats aren't effective in jobs that require constant creativity and mental agility. It seems we're getting less than nothing for the billions we throw at the CIA every year. Looking towards the November election, we have a pretty pathetic choice ahead of us. And the Trotskyites aren't even on the ballot in my state! Maybe I'll just sit this one out.

Comrade Klink
The left wingers such as yourself and the Big fatherland Media like to play to this as Powell is more aligned with your weak responce than he actually is. He brings a different perspective to any policy discussion. Something lacking in the fatherland. I do not think your dearly beloved leader would accept a position he did not support. It is not part of the "German Way"

Remember .....

Bush is Evil.

Comrade Klink

I suggest you read Wilson's book more closely than just listening to CNN and the Big fatherland Media. It will present as set of facts, of course you have to believe Wilson, that are a bit different than what was reported initially.

Given the standard you set for yourself it is very possible you will choose to believe his first comments and not to choose to believe what he actually wrote. If you take this position it would not be a surprise to me at all.

Of course, this should not at shake your leftist viewpoint as I realize like most of your stripe facts are not important. It is the message which supports your point of view that is only important.

Remember Comrade........

Bush is Evil.

Comrade Klink

The spin was just more anti-American dribble from our "allies". It is wishful thinking on your part to think it was anything else than this.

Of course, you know this. It part of the mantra of the left. It is part of the new "German Way"

Remember ......

Bush is Evil.

A major problem I have with this administration is the lack of accountability.

To me, it fits right in with the other characteristics - always "keep on truckin' forward", with our without convincing Allies. Never explain. (unless things overboil like right now - but even then, only explain what is already out there anyhow, not anything more)

Also a bit how first an objective was apparently defined - invading Iraq - and then the "technical reasons" were constructed around it, via WMD-'evidence' and UN-resolutions. It was almost bound to end up like it did, this way around.

Looking towards the November election, we have a pretty pathetic choice ahead of us.

I'd agree there and think the same every time I see John Kerry.

OT: Blogger survey via instapundit. Please participate if you can.

Klink - first-hand accounts via whom?

It might have been that, it's been a long time. I read that back in '02 possibly.

Niger -

1. Brits are still standing by the intel.

2. Not Niger - Somalia or Congo, IIRC.

3. Joe Wilson admitted in his book that Baghdad Bob, before he was Baghdad Bob, was sniffing around Niger - guess which country mentioned it to Joe? Niger. His questions to his Nigerian contacts led them to infer he meant uranium.

Oh, and keep in mind that Valerie might have been outed way back in the early-mid 90s by Hanssen or Ames - our convicted spies-- to the Russkies. They really don't know and the CIA could have been bringing her in.

After all one of them or both, can't remember handed over 15-ish(?) counter-spies and they were all killed.

Clarification - the names of spies

Laura Ingraham on her talk show today was wondering if the show was taped or live.

If it was taped, why wasn't it edited?

@ Klink

Jewish students used to joke with Christian students when I was a kid....Did you hear that they cancelled Easter? ....no.....yes, they found the body!

The same concept applies to this Thread and your assertions above. In case you haven't heard the news today, the Iraqi "resistance" tried to blow up two artillary shells that contained Sarin, the same poisoness gas that Al Qaeda tried to use in the Paris subway.

It is very unlikely that these shells were produced in some crazy Iraqi professors basement. These were the munitions of mass destruction that have been the object of search since the beginning of the war.

Seems like a lot of Europeans will be eating humble pie tonight.

In case you haven't heard the news today, the Iraqi "resistance" tried to blow up two artillary shells that contained Sarin, the same poisoness gas that Al Qaeda tried to use in the Paris subway.

I heard that! Great News! Just two days ago, US-based Al Hurra finds new Saddam-videos and today, US-officials announce they detected Sarin in an artillery shell. Finally things move forward - I already expected it two weeks ago, to be frank.

I was disappointed though reading this comment in the Financial Times - they really shouldn't downplay this important news like that, but instead ASAP allow independent weapons inspectors for verification (after all this bogus stuff with CIA, etc., it's IMO better to allow independent judges for credibility).

US military officials said the explosive, which caused minor illnesses in two soldiers but no serious injuries, appeared to be a leftover munition from the Iran-Iraq war and was unlikely to provide concrete evidence that a widespread unconventional weapons programme existed in the years preceding the war.

Hans Blix also is mentioned in news.google.com, btw.

Über Globalisierungsgegner, "Friedensbewegung" und ihren Kampf gegen die USA


German media seems to have forgotten, that "Curveball" was a German intelligence source.


Yes, that was interesting. Given that these do not exist. Makes you wonder where they came from. I think it is much too early to confirm this. This will be the second report of found mustar gas. The twits keep storying it the wrong way and rendering it more or less ineffective. I have to assume our "allies" do not consider mustar gas to be a WMD. There was almost no coverage on the previous discovery. As some would say here.... *ywan* and your point would be...

Of course you realize the Arabs will say these were brought in conutry by the CIA. There will be many in Europe and I am equally sure the Big Media there who will agree with them. We will be told this is just a fake to take the heat off Preisdent Bush because to of the abuse reports Big Media is having a feeding frenzy over. I can hear the left cranking up now.

This will fly off the media radar as quickly as Berg's death. It does not fit the agenda of either the left, Europe, democrats or Big Meida. So hoping this would have some effect on attitudes, it will not.

What would be really interesting is since most of this stuff has to be producted by a state, that say a rather large WMD went off in Berlin.

There would be only two possible sources for this either Iraq or the US. Of course, given the level of assuming responsiblity to be found in Europe, we both know that the US would be blamed my the majority of Germans. It would be a repeat of Spain.

I have come to conclusion none of this really matters, anyway. There surely will be no useflul help just more of the same level of "support" we have gotten from our "allies" to this point. This is of little interest to them.


Blix the flick already is coming on line saying in so many words so what. Just something laying around... You know I can down to Wal Mart here and buy these. Am sure you can too.

You can see already the move to discount all of this and move it to the back page and then off the screen.

Of course this makes both he and Kay look a little cross ways in all of this. Where was the accounting?

Not important just a few soldiers not doing their jobs. Had this being something the Americans had done the Bid Media would be hyperventilating by now.

Such is Life


Comrade Klink

You speak so often of allies. Today I read where Iran commended the actions of President Bush and America. It sounded much like your dearly beloved leader and your Big fatherland Media.

This has caused me to think. How are ways a person is defined and how are nations defined?

I would say their friends define them as well as defined by those who are their enemies.

The commendation of the fatherland media is almost the same as that of Iran. So I would say Iran has chose to follow the “German Way”

I am sure you welcome this ally to your cause. I am not sure if you they are as leftist as yourself but then I guess in the big war you pick your allies where you can get them.

Remember Comrade,

Bush is Evil

Comrade Klink,

So it really does not matter if the AFP report was false or not. It is OK because the intent of the spin was good or was for a good purpose. Besides it came from an "ally".

An interesting standard. If you accept that you surely would be accepted into the most extreme left here. They would welcome you with open arms as a fellow lefty.

Remember Comrade.

Bush is Evil.
Show me the WMD’s.


A freind of mine wrote this. I can not add a thing to it.

No WMD large stockpiles found (yet) morphs into Saddam didn't have any WMDs.

General worldwide concensus that Saddam had WMDs morphs into Bush lied to get us into this illegitimate immoral war.

The finely honed art of creative lying practised by the left and their media lapdogs would not for one second be compromised were we to discover Saddam's WMD stockpiles.

There will always be a fresh scandal, real or manufactured to distract the faithful.

There will always be found a way to move the goalposts to galvanize the devoted in their need to construct an acceptable version of reality


A freind of mine wrote this. I can not add a thing to it.

No WMD large stockpiles found (yet) morphs into Saddam didn't have any WMDs.

General worldwide concensus that Saddam had WMDs morphs into Bush lied to get us into this illegitimate immoral war.

The finely honed art of creative lying practised by the left and their media lapdogs would not for one second be compromised were we to discover Saddam's WMD stockpiles.

There will always be a fresh scandal, real or manufactured to distract the faithful.

There will always be found a way to move the goalposts to galvanize the devoted in their need to construct an acceptable version of reality


As for America's choices in November, my first set would be Dean Cheney. That would be a real clear choice.

My second set would have been Liberman and Bush.

But then unlike you, while I take issue with President Bush on lots of pollcy questions, I have supported him and will continude to do so. Kerry scares the hell out of me. But then should Kerry win I would not see the glass as half empty but more as half filled. I think the results of a Kerry win would go a long way to move the conservative agenda forward in the first half of this century.

I also think Congress would turn into a school yard food fight which while not productive would surely be entertaining.

Klink before you even start .....this makes more of an American than a Bush support and it does not make me right wing.

Unless as you seem to define everything as right wing that is to the right of your position. If you have actually spend any time studying our Big Media, you know exactly what I am saying because it is the standard they use.

LOL.......fortunately any of our candiates look pretty good compared to what the likely choices in Germany will be. But I will tell you I have a really really hard time thinking of Al Sharpton as President. It would if nothing else surely be different. He surely could not be worse than Carter. I believe we can endure only one Carter every 40 or 50 years.

Off topic, but speaking of "Bush is evil", enjoy:
Blame Bush! Because Bush is to blame for everything!

Comrade Klink,

It is not your choice in November. The European street and euro leftists such as yourself do not get to vote. So frankly you do not matter in this case.

Bush is Evil
Kerry will give eurolanders the vote.
Vote Kerry


I have been trying to figure out how the Bush hater are going to react next. The site you gave is a good start point for morale outrage. Here are some things for you to consider...

) The ANSWER/moveon/Deaniacs types will claim that we planted it. Sen Kennedy will agree.

(2) The French will greet the news with a smug "If the Stupid Americans had listened to us we would have had him contained and there would be no threat. As we all know Saddam was our ally in the War on Terrorism." This will be position of the New York Times and elite media.

(3) There will be the Madeline "Halfsmart" outburst. Karl Rove lied to us. He knew we Democrats would be in a tizzy over the lack of WMD and he set us up.

(4) John Kerry will say he told us so. After all he voted for the war resolution. He will go on to say that the Bush team botched the PR job and messed up our relations with Europe because he did not put enough intelligence effort into post war Iraq to find the weapons in a timely manner.

BUT then again.......
The lack of WMD's only became a big issue because it was a way to flog the pro-war camp. If they had been found then the position would have been: "See! If only we had given Hans Blick a few more months they would have been found and we could have avoided this horrible, doomed war."

So in the end none of this really matters does it. It only matters to America and Americans who have spent our most precious treasues in this effort.

The franco-germany alliance were right along. I think we should withdraw from the world in shame.

euro leftists such as yourself


What German Way? Endless talking without action is not a way. Realistic action is not "a way"! It's a media buzz that renders to a passive party the sense that ones' attitude about the world is having some effect merely by thinking about it.


It is to ignore the realites of the world. Both the world they live in and the world which surrounds them.

They shall never wake from this until their decline is complete.

They have no answers. They gaze at their collctive navals and think. Then they discover this is much to complex. So they whine and complain about those who act. It makes them feel better about their own decadence. It gives them comfort.

So to avoid all of this leftist like Klink concern themselves with the possiblity of future prisoner abuse reports while those who consider him to an infidel gain strength for his destruction. They waste their efforts because those of Klink's strip will drown in their own selfrighteous and hypocrisy. It should be an entertaining spectral.


with our without convincing Allies. Never explain. (unless things overboil like right now - but even then, only explain what is already out there anyhow, not anything more)

Please note the choice of CK's words. It is the way of the left. I would swear he was getting his copy from Radio Moscow. But then even RM does not have the same edge as CK has. This word selection is not by accident but part of the left's over efforts to undermind the US. Of course, this is not anti-American at all. It is their vision of reality.

"And either way: CIA apparently makes false evaluations."

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