(Deutsche Übersetzung siehe unten)
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's left-wing SPD is at an all-time historical low: the SPD would collect only 24 per cent if general elections were held now, according to the lastest opinion poll. That's 2 per cent less than a week before. The SPD's coalition partner, the Green Party, is at 9 per cent (-1 per cent). The two opposition parties, the conservative CDU/CSU (50 per cent) and the libertarian FDP (8 per cent), gained 1 per cent each.
Government-sponsored Deutsche Welle reports, it's a "Week from Hell" for ... Tony Blair! Hmm... I guess there's nothing Schroeder wouldn't do to be in Blair's shoes, this week or any other week...
BTW: Check Schroeder's feet. No wonder the guy's losing voter approval...
Deutsche Übersetzung
Die SPD von Gerhard Schroeder ist auf einem historischen Tief: nach der letzten Umfrage würden gerade mal noch 24 % die SPD wählen, wenn jetzt Bundestagswahlen wären. Das sind 2 % weniger als letzte Woche. Der Koalitionspartner der SPD, die Grünen, liegen bei 9 % (minus 1 %). Die zwei Oppositionsparteien, die CDU/CSU (50 %) und die FDP (8 %) haben jede 1 % dazu gewonnen.
Die Deutsche Welle - finanziert aus Bundesmitteln - berichtet, es sei eine "Week from Hell" für ... Tony Blair! Hmm... ich vermute, es gäbe nichts, was Schröder nicht machen würde, um in Blairs Lage zu stecken, in dieser oder irgendeiner anderen Woche...
Übrigens: Man beachte Schröders Füße. Kein Wunder, daß er bei den Wählern verliert...
Not to be picky, but I see this mistake a lot in Germany: it should be "losing", not "loosing". (And it's "live music", not "life music" ;-).
Comment from David: Corrected it. Thank you!
Posted by: kid charlemagne | January 28, 2004 at 12:33 AM
The better part of this relates to the amount of time herr Schroeder has been having a bad time: like Bush, there are long residuals to having a certain kind of popularity. If you're lucky, this could kill the German electorate for the SPD for a few election cycles.
Here's to a long slow slide 'till election day. We'll be watching with much schadenfreude.
Posted by: James Versluys | January 29, 2004 at 01:17 AM
Now that Prime Minister Blair has recovered after his bad week, does that mean that Herr Schroeder has recovered as well? No?
Posted by: TM Lutas | February 03, 2004 at 05:29 AM