One of the greatest (make that: tallest) politicians in the history of Germany: Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder / Einer der größten (besser: längsten) Politiker in der Geschichte Deutschlands: Gerhard Schröder
BTW: The party of Schroeder, the SPD, dropped again in the latest opinion poll of RTL/stern. Only 27 % (minus 1 % compared to last week) would vote for the SPD. The conservative CDU got 48 %.
Übrigens: Schröders Partei, die SPD, verlor in der letzten Umfrage von RTL/stern erneut. Nur noch 27 % (minus 1 % im Vergleich zur letzten Woche) würden für die SPD stimmen. Die CDU erhielt 48 %.
Update 1: Tim Blair has some nice words... / Tim Blair äußert sich hier mit einigen netten Worten...
Update 2: It took Bill a full 20 seconds to recognize what was so funny about this photo. "And it is indeed funny".
i need to send an email to the prime minister.please send his e mai address thank you
Posted by: esther | January 02, 2005 at 10:54 AM
When you have hit rock bottom, there is only one way to go. The SPD is NOT on the march again, dipshit, it's bouncing off the ground, sort of like Moellemann did.
Posted by: beimami | January 17, 2005 at 09:49 PM
The CDU is not a conservative party like the Republicans or the Tories, it's a socialdemocratic party , only minimally right of the SPD.
Note from David: The CDU/CSU is close to the social democrats in social policies, but conservative in law and order areas, way more oriented towards higher military spending than the social democrats, more oriented towards transatlantic cooperation than the social democrats. There are many more striking differences in education and cultural policies between the CDU/CSU and the SPD. To create the impression that because of a certain closeness in social policies the CDU/CSU would only be "minimally right of the SPD" is simply wrong.
Anyway, this has been discussed a zillion times in this blog.
Posted by: Will | May 15, 2005 at 12:31 AM