(English translation at end of post)
dpa meldete am 26.11.03:
Israelische Soldaten erschossen neunjährigen JungenJerusalem (dpa) - Israelische Soldaten haben am Rande eines palästinensischen Flüchtlingslagers in Rafah im Gazastreifen einen neunjährigen Jungen erschossen. Das teilten Sprecher eines Krankenhauses in Rafah mit. Der Junge habe sich in dem 500 Meter breiten Streifen zwischen dem Lager und der ägyptischen Grenze aufgehalten. Dort kommt es öfters zu Schießereien zwischen israelischen Grenzposten und palästinensischen Freischärlern.
Ähnliches berichteten auch AFP und AP, dabei sich auch "auf Krankenhausangaben" beziehend. Erst am nächsten Tag weist dpa auf ein Dementi der israelischen Armee hin ("Die israelische Armee teilte mit, von ihrer Seite sei in der fraglichen Zeit in dem Gebiet nicht geschossen worden.").
Und hier kommt, wie man so schön sagt, der Rest der Geschichte:
Junge in Rafah von Bruder erschossenDie palästinensische Aufsichtsbehörde hat zugegeben, daß israelische Soldaten nicht verantwortlich waren für die Tötung eines 9-jährigen Jungen am Donnerstag in Rafah, und machte statt dessen seinen Bruder verantwortlich.
Zuvor hatte die PA israelische Sodaten für die Erschießung des Jungen verantwortlich gemacht, aber die israelische Armee sagte, es seien keine Soldaten in der Gegend gewesen.
Die israelische Armee vermutete, daß der Vater des Jungen die Schuld auf die Israelis schob, um Geld von einer der Terror-Organisationen, wie z.B. Hamas, zu bekommen.
Offensichtlich vertrauen die örtlichen dpa-, AP- und AFP-Journalisten palästinensischen Quellen blind. Man wird gespannt sein, wie dpa, AP und AFP ihre Story überarbeiten...
(Hinweis auf Jerusalem Post-Artikel bei lgf)
English translation
Translation by Ray D..
The German news organization dpa reported on 26.11.03:
Israeli soldiers shoot and kill nine-year old boyJerusalem (dpa) - Israeli soldiers shot to death a nine-year old boy on the edge of a Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah in the Gaza Strip. Speakers at a hospital in Rafah provided the information. The boy was standing around in the 500 meter wide strip between the camp and the Egyptian border. This location is often the sight of shootouts between Israeli border guards and Palestinian guerillas.
AFP and AP reported a similar story which was also based on "hospital information." Only the next day did dpa point out the denial from the Israeli Army ("The Israeli Army announced that at the time in question in this region they were not engaged in any shooting.")
And here comes, as we like to say, the rest of the story:
Boy shot in Rafah by brotherPalestinian Authority has admitted that IDF troops were not responsible for Thursday's killing of a 9 year-old boy on Thursday in Rafah, accusing instead his brother.
Earlier, the PA had accused Israeli troops of shooting the boy, but IDF sources say that there were no troops in the area.
The IDF has speculated that the boy's father put blame on the Israelis in order to receive funds from one of the terror organizations, such as Hamas.
Obviously the local dpa, AP and AFP journalists blindly trusted the Palestinian sources. It will be interesting to see how dpa, AP and AFP rework their story...
If at all, on page 12, short para midst the adverts.
Posted by: Alene Berk | December 02, 2003 at 06:02 AM
i know other people, sitting comfy in washington and playing war like children in a sandbox and publish faked news to disinform the masses.
Posted by: art | December 02, 2003 at 05:17 PM
Good thing you're wearing your tinfoil hat so the "disinformation" doesn't rub off on you.
Posted by: | December 02, 2003 at 07:56 PM
Don't waste your breath on terror sympathisers.
Posted by: hans ze beeman | December 02, 2003 at 10:51 PM
dear no-name,
what about your tinfoil hat? i dont claim to be immun to disinformation but it seems that u think u do.
i don't adopt the truth (tm) from the lying liars in israel and us, i am trying. but it isn't easy to seperate between propaganda and reality.
read this:
"USA wollen gezielt Falschmeldungen streuen"
hans, which terror?
Posted by: art | December 03, 2003 at 03:27 PM
Art, perhaps you should try to separate between propaganda and reality in the German and European media, and not assume that the "lying liars" are only in the U.S. and Israel (and why would they be?).
Posted by: kid charlemagne | December 06, 2003 at 10:03 PM
"USA wollen gezielt Falschmeldungen streuen", dazu schrieb die New York Times on Dec 5:
"Early last year Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld disbanded the Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence after it became known that the office was considering plans to provide false news items to unwitting foreign journalists to influence policymakers and public sentiment abroad."
Wieviele Jahre wird es wohl brauchen, bis das in Deutschland ankommt. Im Spiegel wird's man nicht lesen.
Posted by: Das OSI informiert | December 07, 2003 at 08:27 AM