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If at all, on page 12, short para midst the adverts.

i know other people, sitting comfy in washington and playing war like children in a sandbox and publish faked news to disinform the masses.

Good thing you're wearing your tinfoil hat so the "disinformation" doesn't rub off on you.

Don't waste your breath on terror sympathisers.

dear no-name,
what about your tinfoil hat? i dont claim to be immun to disinformation but it seems that u think u do.
i don't adopt the truth (tm) from the lying liars in israel and us, i am trying. but it isn't easy to seperate between propaganda and reality.
read this:
"USA wollen gezielt Falschmeldungen streuen"

hans, which terror?

Art, perhaps you should try to separate between propaganda and reality in the German and European media, and not assume that the "lying liars" are only in the U.S. and Israel (and why would they be?).

"USA wollen gezielt Falschmeldungen streuen", dazu schrieb die New York Times on Dec 5:

"Early last year Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld disbanded the Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence after it became known that the office was considering plans to provide false news items to unwitting foreign journalists to influence policymakers and public sentiment abroad."

Wieviele Jahre wird es wohl brauchen, bis das in Deutschland ankommt. Im Spiegel wird's man nicht lesen.

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